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Objective To review the current status of robotic training and the impact of various training platforms on the performance of robotic surgical trainees. Data Sources Literature review of Google Scholar and PubMed. Search terms included a... more
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      Robotic SurgerySimulationSurgical SimulationObgyn
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 Perdarahan yang terjadi setelah Perdarahan yang terjadi setelah kehamilan 22 minggu kehamilan 22 minggu  Kausa: solutio plasenta, plasenta previa, Kausa: solutio plasenta, plasenta previa, vasa previa pecah vasa previa pecah ... more
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Dilakukan autoanamnesis tanggal 26 Juli 2014 Pukul 14.30 WIB
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Introduction: There is good evidence that vaginal delivery can be associated with damage to the innervations of the pelvic floor as well as direct trauma to levator ani muscle and endo-pelvic fascia. This may result in the development of... more
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      Ultrsound ImagingObgynOBG NURSING
Pegnancy Safer (MPS) sebagai strategi pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat menuju Indonesia sehat 2010. Dalam arti kata luas tujuan Safe Motherhood Indonesia dan Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS) sama, yaitu melindungi hak reproduksi dan hak asasi... more
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PENDAHULUAN Perdarahan masih menjadi penyebab utama kematian ibu. Di Amerika serikat 17% dari 4200 kematian ibu yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan disebabkan oleh perdarahan. Di Inggris, juga dilaporkan bahwa perdarahan menjadi fator utama... more
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Hiperemesis Gravidarum merupakan suatu keadaan (biasanya pada hamil muda) dimana penderita mengalami mual-muntah yang berlebihan, sedemikian rupa sehingga mengganggu aktivitas dan kesehatan penderita secara keseluruhan.
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Women's postpartum sexuality can be influenced by factors related to physical, personal, and relationship transitions after the newborn arrives. Despite this, many experiential and social factors remain unexplored. Aims. This study aims... more
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      PsychologySex and GenderSexual and Reproductive HealthPersonal Relationships
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BACKGROUND: Down syndrome is a condition of both physical and mental retardation because of an abnormality of a chromosomal development. The cause of Down syndrome are still unknown, but research shown that this event keeps on growing... more
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      GeneticsMedia StudiesObgyn
Dokter Kandungan Wanita Gresik Surabaya Mojokerto Lamongan Sidoarjo
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Women's postpartum sexuality can be influenced by factors related to physical, personal, and relationship transitions after the newborn arrives. Despite this, many experiential and social factors remain unexplored. Aims. This study aims... more
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      PsychologySex and GenderSexual and Reproductive HealthPersonal Relationships
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There have been many reports of medical students performing pelvic exams on anaesthetised patients without the necessary consent being provided or even sought. These cases have led to an ongoing discussion regarding the need to ensure... more
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      EthicsMedical EducationMedical EthicsMedical Education & Training
Although an obstetrically related trauma is the most common cause of the injuries to the female genital tract, non obstetric causes also lead to a significant number of vaginal and vulval injuries. We present 2 cases of vaginal injury,... more
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