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We support the U.S. and European calls on Germany to help stop this Russian geopolitical project. Indeed, it is time for Berlin to take a firm position against Nord Stream 2 and work with its U.S. and European allies to ensure that... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceUkrainian Foreign PolicyForeign Policy of Ukraine
Die Vorgeschichte und Entstehung des Ukraine-Konflikts beinhalten eine für das deutsche außenpolitische Denken scheinbar bisher unbemerkte, bittere Ironie. Moskaus eskalierende Aggressivität gegenüber Kiew – beginnend mit den russischen... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyUkrainian Foreign PolicyUkraine
This essay introduces an insufficiently appreciated aspect of Germany’s Ostpolitik during the last circa 25 years into the heated European discussion about how to deal best with Putin’s Russia. It proceeds from the well-known... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyUkrainian Foreign PolicyUkraine
Dieser Aufsatz führt einen wenig beachteten Aspekt der deutschen Ostpolitik der letzten 25 Jahre in die aufgeheizte europäische Diskussion darüber ein, wie man am besten mit Putins Russland umgehen sollte. Ausgehend von der bekannten... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyUkrainian Foreign PolicyUkraine
Whether Nord Stream 2 will go online or not, its emergence raises questions about the EU’s future relationship with Kyiv, as well as Ukraine’s role both as a transit and storage country for natural gas and as a potential alternative... more
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      Ukrainian PoliticsPolitics of UkraineUkrainian Foreign PolicyForeign Policy of Ukraine
Wird #Deutschland „vollständig von #Russland kontrolliert“? @BILD's @JulianRoepcke fragte @_JakubJanda @_EuropeanValues, @politixs @rasmussenglobal und mich (Ich stimme aber Trumps Formulierung nicht zu, wie im Artikel dargestellt.)... more
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      German Foreign PolicyModern Germany and Eastern EuropeOstpolitikRussland
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      Natural ResourcesInternational LawBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
Die Hin­wen­dung des Westens zu alter­na­ti­ven Ener­gie­quel­len eröff­net neue Chancen für die wirt­schaft­li­che Inte­gra­tion der Ukraine in die Euro­päi­sche Union.
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkraineEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitizationHydrogen Energy
Deoarece în materialul de faţă ne-am referit la documentele de bază ale politicii energetice în C.A.E.R., realizate sub directa coordonare a autorităţilor de la Moscova în cazul statelor care se aprovizionau cu petrol prin conducta... more
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      Cold War historyNord StreamNord-StreamNord Stream 2
Dear Chancellor, Ladies and Gentlemen, We are reaching out to you to urge that you declare an immediate moratorium on the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. There are many reasons for this step. Nord Stream 2 undermines European... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceModern Germany and Eastern Europe
Die Inter­de­pen­denz Kyjiws und Moskaus ver­min­derte sich bereits durch die Inbe­trieb­nahme des ersten Strangs der Nord Stream-Ost­seepipe­line im Sep­tem­ber 2011. Sie sank noch­mals nach der fei­er­li­chen Eröff­nung des zweiten Nord... more
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      UkraineOil and Gas PipelineOstpolitikRussland
За последние годы международные отношения и роль отдельных стран Запада в формировании мировой политики начали меняться. В течение следующего десятилетия продолжится изменение мировоззрения, интересов и поведения-в том числе тех... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian Foreign PolicyUkraineForeign Policy of Ukraine
NORD STREAM2 ENERGY AND EUROPEAN UNION ASPECT OF THE SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA V FOR VLADIMIR, V FOR VENDETTA By Cigdem Yorgancioglu Retrospectively, after Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, in 2014,... more
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesEnergyRussian Foreign Policy
The U.S. has imposed sanctions on EU companies doing business on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in other to prevent further Russia encroachment of EU territory. This paper finds the recent decision to be inconsistent with international law... more
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      Political EconomyInternational LawEnergyOil and gas
PREFACE: Gazprom is increasing the volume of its deliveries to the European Union. European countries rely on Russian energy and exports to the country. In the meantime, there is an enduring debate if it will soon have to compete with... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesRussian StudiesEnergy