Nonius Marcellus
Recent papers in Nonius Marcellus
Abstract: Cicero’s Hortensius, undoubtedly the most famous exhortation to philosophy from the whole of Latin literature, has survived only in fragmentary form, as quotations or paraphrases in the works of different writers of Antiquity,... more
Some events of the cultural and spiritual life of the 9th century may be at first sight interpreted as not related: for example the origins of a unified liturgical repertoire and the interest in Latin lexicography. However, within the... more
Nonius is one of the main sources for Varro’s lost works, in particular the Menippeae and the Antiquitates. Nevertheless, his direct knowledge of Varro’s texts is only proven for the first book of the De re rustica and perhaps part of the... more
There are about 2,500 mentions of legio XXII Primigenia, mostly in inscriptions. Less than ten of them use an alternative legionary ordinal, six of these have the retrograde form IIXX and the other three have XIIX or XVIII; the latter... more
Coimbra, 24-25 maggio 2016: Conference "Opera in Fieri"
How did Nonius Marcellus and St. Augustine gain access to an outstanding range of Varro’s works in late-antique North Africa? A comparison of the two authors’ knowledge of classical literature shows a remarkable misalignment, prompting an... more
A note on a passage of Laberius quoted by Nonius.
Se si vuole indicare una traduzione del titolo del quarto libro del De compendiosa doctrina, il De varia significatione sermonum, a me pare che una proposta adeguata ed al tempo stesso stimolante sia costituita dalla resa in italiano... more
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Classics, 11th May 2018
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Nel secondo... more
Recensione pubblicata in «Bollettino di Studi Latini» 46,1 (2016), pp. 384-387.
Review of a new interpretation of Lucilius 845 M.
Some events of the cultural and spiritual life of the 9th century may be at first sight interpreted as not related: for example the origins of a unified liturgical repertoire and the interest in Latin lexicography. However, within the... more
The paper deals with the metrical and stylistic features of an early Latin trans-lation of Odyssey, written in hexameter. It is generally agreed that it was a new ar-rangement of the oldest translation made by Livius Andronicus rewritten... more
Статья посвящена римскому грамматику IV в. Нонию Марцеллу и предваряет публикацию книг его труда «Сжатая наука», посвященных одежде, посуде, яствам, родству. В ней рассматриваются основные проблемы, связанные с автором, временем его... more