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      Environmental HealthEnvironmental SustainabilityPerfluorinated CompoundsNew York State Politics
A commentary on the need for bail reform in New York State
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      CriminologyProbation and Community Based SanctionsParole and post-release supervisionNew Jersey
A 3534765 124 e année N o 1445 6 pages, 6 cahiers 89 ¢ taxes en sus -Édition provinciale 97 ¢ Le prix peut être plus élevé en régions éloignées Mon clin d'oeil STÉPHANE LAPORTE L'ÉDITORIAL D'ANDRÉ PRATTE PAGE A14 Commençons ! CONGRÈS DE... more
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      American PoliticsPolitical SciencePoliticsPolitical Marketing
Exposes federal- and state-level penological appeasement policy as the principal cause of the slaughter of prison guards (keepers-turned-hostages)--and their convict-masters (criminals-turned-terrorists)--at Attica in September 1971.
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      History of prisonsPunishment and PrisonsPrisonsAttica
Review of Nelson Rockefeller by Richard Norton Smith
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      New York State historyNew York State PoliticsNelson A. Rockefeller
For many observers of politics, casual or otherwise, when they hear the expression "political machine" the first phrase to pop into their minds is, more than likely, "Tammany Hall." To be sure, vestiges of the old Tammany Hall Democratic... more
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      Interests in State and Local PoliticsNew York State Politics
In this Choice award-winner, an Albany-based political scientist, a former State Assembly member, and an expert on state politics and political blogging and networking infuse their discussion of New York political institutions and... more
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    • New York State Politics
Eleanor Roosevelt’s role as a political power within the Democratic Party after the death of her husband has remained largely unexamined. Yet the story of the former First Lady and Carmine DeSapio is crucial to understanding the collapse... more
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      New YorkEleanor RooseveltNew York State Politics