Recent papers in Neuroleptics
ce fut en 1925 qu'Albert Londres fit éclater le scandale des asiles de fous, et de la loi du 30 juin 1838 qui en était le corollaire
Tardive dyskinesia (TD), a serious complications of neuroleptic chronic use, has no effective therapy yet. We performed an experiment to study the action on TD, of the calcium channel blockers (CCB) drugs, verapamil and flunarizine. We... more
Oculogyric crisis (OGC) describes the clinical phenomenon of sustained dystonic, conjugate and typically upward deviation of the eyes. A few cases with downward or lateral deviations have been described. 1,2
Les résultats d’une enquête et l’examen des sources statistiques montrent que, tout au long du XIXe siècle, les femmes entraient en moins grand nombre que les hommes à l’asile, et pourtant leurs effectifs permanents y étaient plus... more
Усложненията на невролептичната терапия са систематизирани в 4 групи: 1. Застрашаващи живота и смъртни усложнения; 2. Увреди на здравето, неопасни за живота; 3. Усложнения, причиняващи болка; 4. Общи увреди на личността (на... more
Отрицателна черта на съвременната психофармакотерапия е възможността за лесно осъществимо нарушаване на равновесието между интересите на болния и обществото във вреда на болния. При пропуски в организацията на работата може да се достигне... more
Background: Research has increasingly focused on wild animals, and this requires the use of chemical restraints that are safe for both the species and the team involved. Dextroketamine is the levorotatory ketamine isomer that has been... more
ANESTHESIA IN HAMSTERS (Mesocricetus auratus) WITH TILETAMINE ZOLAZEPAM ASSOCIATED OR NOT WITH LEVOMEPROMAZINE Aiming the assessment of the combination of tiletamine and zolazepam (TZ) with or without levomepromazine as an anesthetic... more
Artikel om et foredrag af Peter Lehmann på Galelejr 1985 i Nykøbing, hvor han informerede det danske psykiatriske miljø om, at neuroleptikummet Penfluridol (salgsnavn Semap), som stadig er godkendt i Danmark, allerede måtte trækkes... more
Suicide is the most frequent death cause in people diagnosed as „schizophrenics”. Psychiatrists administer neuroleptics to people diagnosed as “schizophrenics”. A main effect of neuroleptics is depression up to suicidality. It is... more
Knowing what to expect during withdrawal is vitally important. When individuals have come to a firm personal decision to stop taking psychiatric drugs, before reducing their dose, it is important that they educate themselves about the... more
Treatment with toxic psychiatric drugs and electroshocks, bearing risks of irreversible brain damage, are dangerous interventions into the bodily intactness. Especially neuroleptics, the atypical ones included, can cause diseases and... more
Técnicas de contenção química em cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous) Techniques of chemical restriction in crab eating fox (Cerdocyon thous
There are plenty of rational reasons to decide to come off neuroleptics. Liver damage, pigmentation of inner organs, eye and brain damage, chromosome damage, receptor-changes, modification of the personality and “broken-wing” syndrome are... more
Διάλεξη του Peter Lehmann με αφορμή την αναγόρευση του σε επίτιμο διδάκτορα σε αναγνώριση της "εξαιρετικής επιστημονικής και ανθρωπιστικής συμβολής στη διεκδίκηση των δικαιωμάτων των ανθρώπων που πλήττονται από την ψυχιατρική" από το... more
Problems at withdrawal from neuroleptics ("antipsychotics") and antidepressants are well known from animal research and experiments in normal subjects. The existence of dependence is denied from pharmaceutical industry and mainstream... more
In this article the author – board-member of the European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP) – explains, what is needed to guarantee a minimal level of involvement of users and survivors of psychiatry into issues... more
Beside imbalance and use of power, medicalization – the social definition of human problems as medical problems – is the basic flaw at the heart of the psychiatric discipline in the opinion of many social scientists, of users and... more
Depression can have many causes: psychosocial and political conditions, neurological diseases, metabolic disorders, aging, toxic substances and drugs. Physicians generally focus on organic or supposed organic depressions, for which they... more
Suicide is a frequent cause of death in people diagnosed with “schizophrenia.” These patients generally receive so-called antipsychotic drug (neuroleptics), which have an intrinsic depressive effect. There are placebo studies,... more
Recovery is a relatively new concept within the psychosocial arena which is used by those critical of psychiatry as well as by mainstream psychiatry itself, and turns against the therapeutic pessimism of the past decades. “Recovery” can... more
Neuroleptics, the so-called antipsychotic drugs, are conductive factors for the high mortality of psychiatric patients. In general they are administered without informed consent, especially without information about unwanted effects which... more
In this study we have investigated the pathophysiology of two idiopathic focal dystonias: hand cramp with excessive cocontractions of agonist and antagonist hand or forearm muscles during specific tasks, such as writing, and facial... more
“Deprescribing in Psychiatry” is of great importance to mainstream psychiatrists worldwide. Here, representatives of mainstream psychiatry argue that their colleagues should reduce prescriptions, they name anxieties of patients that... more
Psychiatric drugs (also known as psychotropic medications) are prescribed by psychiatrists and general practitioners to almost everyone with a psychiatric diagnosis. The effects of such drugs are associated with significantly reduced... more
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Commercialisé sous le nom Esidrex ® , l'hydrochlorothiazide est de plus en plus utilisé dans le sport. Du fait de son pouvoir diurétique, les sportifs l'utilisent pour perdre du poids ou pour éliminer plus rapidement des substances... more
For the calculation period for the IF, 175 manuscripts have been citied. Our 5 most citied articles (1-5) deal with different aspects of neurology, including epilepsy, stroke, migraine, and others. The majority of our articles included in... more
Aiming to assess the combination tiletamine/zolazepam with or without levomepromazine as an anesthetic protocol for painful surgery in mice (Mus musculus), 60 animals were divided into six groups, with five males and five females each.... more
Seit den 1970er Jahren findet das Konzept der "Therapieresistenz" zunehmend Verbreitung in medizinisch-psychiatrischen Fachdiskursen. Der Beitrag beschaftigt sich mit der sozialen Funktion dieser neuen Semantik im Kontext des... more
Проф. д-р Васил Йончев създава клинична школа, характеризираща се със заострено внимание към екстрапирамидните и другите нежелани ефекти на невролептичната терапия.
The dopamine partial agonist aripiprazole is increasingly used to treat pathologies for which other antipsychotics are indicated because it displays fewer side effects, such as sedation and depression-like symptoms, than other dopamine... more
-Un enfant de 6 ans est hospitalisé en réanimation pédiatrique en raison d'une encéphalite d'aggravation rapide l'ayant mené dans le coma, sans diagnostic précis. Le quatrième jour, une recherche sanguine de toxiques révèle la présence... more
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um protocolo de contenção farmacológica para orquiectomia eletiva realizada em campo pela técnica aberta, na Região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, em 106 cavalos (sendo cinco pôneis) e 29 muares,... more
The Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) is a neotropical carnivorous that requires chemical restraint for handling due to its susceptibility to stress and characteristics of defensive behavior. Ten Crab-eating Fox (9 males and 1 female)... more
Este estudo avalia, comparativamente, os efeitos de dois protocolos anestésicos em macacos prego (Sapajus sp.), sobre as variáveis fisiológicas, qualidade da anestesia e recuperação anestésica1. Participaram do estudo dezesseis espécimes... more
Dé veloppement professionnel continu Histoire et fonctions des Unité s pour Malades Difficiles (1 re partie). Du quartier de sû reté à l'Unité pour Malades Difficiles de Villejuif, plus d'un siè cle de prise en charge History and... more
The Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) is a neotropical carnivorous that requires chemical restraint for handling due to its susceptibility to stress and characteristics of defensive behavior. Ten Crab-eating Fox (9 males and 1 female)... more
Cette recherche aborde la médication psychiatrique à partir du point de vue des usagers. Des entrevues en profondeur ont été réalisées auprès de dix personnes utilisatrices en provenance d'une ressource communautaire et alternative en... more
Next to Edward Shorter's History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac (1997) about the usa and several European countries, and Mark Micale's and Roy Porter's historiographic collection Discovering the History of... more