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      Materials ScienceOphthalmologyMedicineNeuro ophthalmology
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      OphthalmologyMedicineVisual acuityChild
Binocular stereopsis, or stereo vision, is the ability to derive information about how far away objects are, based solely on the relative positions of the object in the two eyes. It depends on both sensory and motor abilities. In this... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyBinocular visionMedicine
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      MedicineNeuro ophthalmologyClinical SciencesOptometry and Ophthalmology
Purpose To validate a table of amounts of three horizontal muscle surgery in patients with large-angle infantile esotropia (Z60 prism dioptres, PD). Methods A prospective interventional case series reporting the postoperative alignment of... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyTreatment OutcomeNeuro ophthalmology
the unusual ERM appearance in our patient presumably reflects this situation. Interestingly, experimental subretinal injection of PFCLs results in phagocytosis of PFCL by RPE within 3 h of injection, 4 which may help explain the... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyNeuro ophthalmologyHygiene
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      Neuro ophthalmologyNeuroEatingClinical Sciences
Published in 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton. FL 33487-2742 © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group. LLC No claim to original US Government works Printed in the United States of America on... more
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      Computer ScienceMedicineNeuro ophthalmologyClinical Sciences
The dynamics of pupillary dilation induced by Phenylephrine 10% and Cyclopento late 1 % have been examined by flash photography. A correlation between anterior chamber depth and the pupil shape on dilation with Phenylephrine Hydrochloride... more
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Aims To prospectively evaluate by ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and gonioscopy the anterior chamber angle widening following laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in eyes with early chronic primary angle closure glaucoma (CACG). Methods A... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuro ophthalmologyClinical SciencesOptometry and Ophthalmology
Purpose To investigate the psychosocial impact of amblyopia therapy on children and their carers. Method The study was prospective and incorporated a repeated-measures design.
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Binocular stereopsis, or stereo vision, is the ability to derive information about how far away objects are, based solely on the relative positions of the object in the two eyes. It depends on both sensory and motor abilities. In this... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyBinocular visionStrabismus
The authors studied the etiology of acquired ptosis in the young to middleaged adult population with specific attention to the role of rigid contact lens use.
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      OphthalmologyAdolescentContact LensesNeuro ophthalmology
Idiopathic full-thickness macular holes develop as a result of anteroposterior and tangential traction exerted by the posterior vitreous cortex at the fovea. Vitreoretinal relationships during the development of macular holes can be... more
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Cé cité et malvoyance bilaté rales de l'enfant de 0 à 5 ans à l'hô pital gyné co-obsté trique et pé diatrique de Yaoundé Ré sumé Nous avons mené une étude documentaire entre mars 2002 et décembre 2008, dans le but d'identifier les causes... more
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      OphthalmologyPaediatric OphthalmologyNeuro ophthalmology
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      OphthalmologyNeuro ophthalmologyPerimetry and Visual FieldsClinical Medicine
Purpose Anisometropia of more than one dioptre during the sensitive visual period may cause amblyopia. Its management requires refractive correction, and occlusion. Compliance with treatment is critical if visual improvement is to... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyIT ManagementTreatment
Introduction Recent data suggest that there are 37 million blind people and 124 million with low vision, excluding those with uncorrected refractive errors. The main causes of global blindness are cataract, glaucoma, corneal scarring... more
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      Program EvaluationOphthalmologyHealth PromotionImmunology
... '* CHAOS SHONA L BROWN ... To compete on the edge is to chart a course along the edge of chaos, where a delicate com -promise is struck between anarchy and order. ...
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      MarketingStrategic ManagementBusiness and ManagementNeuro ophthalmology
Damage to the cerebral cortex was responsible for impairment in vision in 90 of 130 consecutive children referred to the Vision Assessment Clinic in Glasgow.
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyCognitive VisionBlindness
METHODS: A 32 years old female presented with Sudden painless loss of vision RE for 20 days ,Associated with pain during eye movements and headache and gives History of viral fever 15 days back. On Ocular Examination her Best corrected... more
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    • Neuro ophthalmology
Aim-The aim of this study was to quantify changes in refractive status over time in children with infantile esotropia and to analyse a number of clinical factors associated with infantile esotropia to determine how they may affect... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyRefractive ErrorProspective studies
Abstract Purpose This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of accommodation on the iris morphology and iridolenticular contact, in eyes with Pigment Dispersion Syndrome and Pigmentary Glaucoma, using high-resolution... more
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Two infant vision screening programmes on total populations in the Cambridge Health District have been designed to identify manifest strabismus and strabismogenic and amblyogenic refractive errors at 7-9 months of age. The first,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceOphthalmologyImmunologyPhotography
The incidence of traumatic endophthalmitis may be decreasing due to earlier wound closure and prompt initiation of antibiotics. Risk factors for endophthalmitis include retained intraocular foreign body, rural setting of injury,... more
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      Clinical NeuroscienceVisual acuityPregnancyNeuro ophthalmology
Purpose To determine how Conjunctival Impression Cytology (CIC), Schirmer test, Tear Film Break up Time (TBUT) and Rose Bengal Stain (RBS) correlate with dry eye symptoms. To calculate the sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratio... more
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      OphthalmologyEye trackingCorneaHistory of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
MORPHOLOGY Macroscopic Structure Portions of this paper were originally published in Sebag J, Wendell R, DeBustros S: Disorders of the vitreo-macular inter face. In: Margo CE, Mames RN, Hamed L, eds. Diagnostic Problems in Clinical... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyElectron MicroscopyScanning Electron Microscopy
A 6.5-year-old male neutered Trailhound was admitted for hyperacute, nonprogressive, left-sided hemipare-sis. Physical and neurologic examination revealed nonpainful, left-sided poorly ambulatory hemiparesis, decreased left-sided postural... more
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    • Neuro ophthalmology
Abstract: Eales disease is an eponym after a British ophthalmologist Henry Eales. The etiology behind Eales disease is ill-understood and stands controversial. Various systemic diseases associated with peripheral retinal revascularization... more
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      OphthalmologyRetina (Ophthalmology)Neuro ophthalmology
An 18-year-old man presented with vertical diplopia secondary to the trochlear nerve palsy as the only neurological manifestation of tuberculous meningitis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of isolated... more
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      Neuro ophthalmologyNeuroOptometry and OphthalmologyNeurosciences
Purpose Management decisions in intermittent distance exotropia vary and lack well-defined clinical guidelines. We undertook a systematic review in an attempt to clarify the effects of various surgical and nonsurgical treatments and to... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyTreatment OutcomeStrabismus
Accumulation of lipofuscin is one of the most characteristic features of ageing observed in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The lipofuscin found in RPE cells differs from that of other body tissues due to the fact that it is... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyRetinal Pigment EpitheliumFree Radical
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyNeuro ophthalmologyDifferential Diagnosis
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyVisual developmentBinocular vision
Congenital and infantile cataracts produce deprivation amblyopia and can thus cause lifelong visual impairment. Successful management is dependent on early diagnosis and referral for surgery when indicated. Accurate optical rehabilitation... more
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Purpose To verify whether there was a significant correlation between central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual field damage in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Methods A total of 99 eyes with POAG were consecutively... more
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Lipid deposition at the limbus is a feature of familial and non-familial d y slipopro teinemias and can also occur without apparent accompan y ing s y stemic abnormalit y .
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Asteroid hyalosis (AH) is a common degenerative process in which fatty calcium globules collect within the vitreous humour. The condition rarely causes visual disturbances, and surgical removal is only rarely required. The presence of AH... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyMass SpectrometryCalcium
Purpose In chronic renal failure (CRF) patients the risk of per-and post-operative complications in cataract surgery is high. The most frequent complications observed in these patients and the prevalence of cataract were studied. Methods... more
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We evaluated the color vision of mercury-contaminated patients and investigated possible retinal origins of losses using electroretinography. Participants were retired workers from a fluorescent lamp industry diagnosed with mercury... more
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      Visual NeuroscienceColor PerceptionNeuro ophthalmologyErg
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    • Neuro ophthalmology
Introduction: One of the autoimmune disease is Myasthenia gravis. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized by a fluctuating weakness of voluntary muscles. The weakness of myasthenic patients is due to an antibodymediated... more
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      Health SciencesOphthalmologyEpidemiologyMedicine
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyNeuro ophthalmologyClinical Sciences
Purpose To determine the outcome of dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) for nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) in children.
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      OphthalmologySurgeryImmunologyTreatment Outcome
Purpose To report the effects of arteriovenous adventitial sheathotomy on anatomical and functional improvements in patients with macular oedema due to branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods Pars plana vitrectomy and arteriovenous... more
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Purpose To compare ocular, internal, corneal aberrations, and contrast sensitivity in patients implanted with aspheric or spherical intraocular lenses (IOLs). Methods Total, corneal, and internal aberrations were measured using... more
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyVisual acuityHigher Order Thinking
To determine the ability of in vitro one-dimensional and two-dimensional proton MR spectroscopy to help differentiate squamous cell carcinoma of the extracranial head and neck from normal tissues and to correlate the in vitro observations... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyStatistical AnalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingCreatine
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      OphthalmologyImmunologyNeuro ophthalmologyMelanoma