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      Contemporary Art20th Century German LiteratureSigmund FreudGDR History
Painting`s main attribute is the ability to create an autonomous space, exploring a mixture of reality and the subjective inner world of the artist. My main interest are paintings that directly draw upon this ambiguity. Surreal and... more
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      PaintingGerhard RichterExistentialism, Absurdism, SurrealismNeo Rauch
The author proposes post-imperial analysis as a new research agenda for the study of (post-)GDR literature and painting. The article models this kind of analysis with respect to works by the authors listed in the title, focusing on the... more
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      IconographyCold War and CultureHeiner MüllerPost-Soviet Studies
Atendiendo la frontera que separa la ficción de la realidad, la pintura de Neo Rauch, a través del género de lo fantástico, representa elementos insólitos que irrumpen en la estabilidad del espectador para cuestionarlo. Así, desde una... more
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      Lo FantasticoIdeología PolíticaNeo Rauch