Natural Gas Technology
Recent papers in Natural Gas Technology
The purpose of the following project was to conduct a feasibility study and an analysis on the impacts of the implementa�on of biomethane into the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign bus system. The university is currently aiming... more
No Ribeirão Coroa de Frade, na divisa entre os municípios de Terra Rica e Paranavaí, estado do Paraná, em 1966, foi construída uma central geradora hidrelétrica (CGH) conhecida como Usina Hidrelétrica Padre Eduardo, que tinha como... more
This article illustrates the criteria and methods applied for implementing a Geo-Tourist map of the Natural Reserve of "Salse di Nirano". This map is an "original" cartographic elaboration in the field of Italian thematic mapping. The... more
The design, installation, commissioning and operation of a fogging system for a large 655 MW combined cycle power plant is described. Technical details and practical installation issues are discussed. Special considerations as to how the... more
Nowadays, the market for natural gas production and its use as a source of energy supply has been growing substantially in Brazil. However, the use of tools that assist the industry in the management of production can be essential for the... more
From manufacturer Cryostar it's pamphlet on turbo-expander: Cryostar designs all their turbo-expander packages to the strictest of industry standards and client requirements. Complienace to API 617 is standard and in addition, each... more
O simulador interativo para treinamento de operadores e mantenedores é uma ferramenta desenvolvida com uma tecnologia de treinamento dinâmico do funcionamento, das contingências e dos defeitos de usinas termelétricas de ciclo combinado,... more
hoje um museu, ela e outras pequenas geradoras formam o complexo de Marmelos ainda em operação (Marmelos 2), na categoria definida pela legislação atual como "Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas" (PCHs). Este modelo de aproveitamento... more
Good estimation of gas compressibility factor (z-factor) of gas is an essential key in numerous gas and oil calculations. In absence of data, the iterative methods were used to estimate z-factor. However, the accuracy of these... more
Resumen El gas natural licuado (GNL), gas natural en fase líquida a una temperatura de-161°C y presión atmosférica, es la forma más rentable de transportar este combustible, cuando se tie-nen distancias superiores a los 3.800 km desde la... more
- by jose perozo
This article presents the results of a numerical experiment and an analysis of temperature fields (coolers for gas) using cooling elements in the case study gas pipeline. An analysis of the temperature fields demonstrated several... more
The problem emerging in the natural gas plant is carbon dioxide content in the pipeline. Wellhead natural gas can contain as much as 30% carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the minimum specification required includes no more than 2%-3% carbon... more
It is well known that carbon dioxide is one of the major pollutant agents to our environment, and its emission must be limited. Power plants mostly burn fossil fuel to generate electricity and hence produce a tremendous amount of... more
A typical natural gas dehydration plant, which employs triethylene glycol (TEG) as the dehydrating agent, is simulated using a steady state flowsheeting simulator (Aspen Plus). All major units were included in the flowsheet, that is:... more
Fouling is the deposition of undesired material on a heat transfer surface. It significantly decreases the thermal performance of heat exchangers. In this study, a novel method is proposed to monitor fouling in a thermosiphon reboiler.... more
Se presenta el trabajo llevado a cabo en una empresa fabricante de micro-circuitos para teléfonos celulares, en el cual se aplicó la metrología para el aseguramiento de los sistemas de medición y ahora se están utilizando estos para la... more
El objetivo del presente estudio es utilizar la simulacion numerica de Monte Carlo (SMC) para calcular la incertidumbre en la determinacion de aflatoxina B1 (mensurando y) en una muestra de mani de exportacion por Cromatografia Liquida de... more
At the Aquistore Carbon Capture and Storage site, 13 C isotopes were analysed from mud gas samples collected during the drilling of the 3400 m deep injection and observation wells. From these results a compound specific isotope vertical... more
Natural gas dehydration is an important process in the gas processing. In this process, water vapor is removed from natural gas streams since it can cause some problems in the next process. Application of structured packing in separation... more
Good estimation of gas compressibility factor (z-factor) of gas is an essential key in numerous gas and oil calculations. In absence of data, the iterative methods were used to estimate z-factor. However, the accuracy of these... more
There is new trend in the value of oil and gas in the world, with the value of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) soaring higher. It is due to its uses as a potential fuel in the several parts of the world, its demand in the petrochemical... more
This paper suggests that the environmental and commercial features of shale gas extraction do not warrant a significantly different fiscal regime than recommended for conventional gas. Fiscal policies may have a role in addressing some... more
The most capital-intensive phase of technology LNG has been found: it is the main cryogenic heat exchanger with mass-dimensional parameters which depend on the efficiency of gas pre-cooling process. Improving the efficiency of this... more
The most capital-intensive phase of technology LNG has been found: it is the main cryogenic heat exchanger with mass-dimensional parameters which depend on the efficiency of gas pre-cooling process. Improving the efficiency of this... more
hoje um museu, ela e outras pequenas geradoras formam o complexo de Marmelos ainda em operação (Marmelos 2), na categoria definida pela legislação atual como "Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas" (PCHs). Este modelo de aproveitamento... more
Flare gas recovery system (FGRS) is a new normal in oil and gas industries and it is designed mainly to capture and reuse gases that are routinely manifolded into flare system for combustion. The recovered gases do not only reduce... more
Water removal from natural gas is an inevitable process in natural gas industry. Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG) plant is the most common and economical process for the dehydration of natural gas. In this work, a domestic TEG dehydration unit... more
Mundialmente la segunda tecnología más empleada para licuar el Gas Natural es la de Cascada Optimizada de Phillips®. En este trabajo se realizó la simulación de un proceso en cascada con refrigerantes puros (propano, etileno y metano). Se... more
Exergy rate profiles, exergetic efficiency and irreversibility were used to examine the driving forces in multicomponent distillation system with the view to identifying feasible and efficient operating parameters. The mixture used... more
This paper reports on research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) to assess factors influencing enhanced gas recovery (EGR) and CO 2 storage in selected gas shales in the Eastern USA [1]. The paper also summarizes work... more
Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are considered one of the most important water infrastructures, and their study is of great importance. In the meantime, it seems necessary to investigate the factors involved in the failure of the urban... more
El gas natural licuado (GNL), gas natural en fase liquida a una temperatura de –161°C y presion atmosferica, es la forma mas rentable de transportar este combustible, cuando se tienen distancias superiores a los 3.800 km desde la fuente... more
Flopaams polymers are water-soluble polymers which display a significant degree of sensitivity to salinity changes as they consist of negative charges along their molecular chains. Electrostatic charges present along the backbone of a... more
Summary The performance of oil-well cement is altered if contaminated by spacers. Very few studies in the literature are found on this topic, in particular for newly developed microemulsion spacers. Therefore, it is worth investigating... more
The primary function of natural gas well cementing is to provide downhole zonal isolation. However, the residual non-aqueous drilling fluid in cement and on the surface of the casing can weaken the bond of hardened cement to the casing.... more
Se plantea el siguiente documento como una versión dirigida a personas que se inician en el campo de la investigación. Se describen los factores involucrados en una medición y se presentan los criterios para expresar los resultados. Se... more
CENTRO NACIONAL DE VERIFICACION DE MAQUINARIA Siguiendo los criterios de la Guia ISO (GUM) y de la norma UNEEN 1076:2010, este documento aporta informacion para la determinacion de la incertidumbre de medida de agentes quimicos presentes... more