Natrix Tessellata
Recent papers in Natrix Tessellata
Dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) display an extensive repertoire of antipredator behaviors. They flee when they detect an attacker, and if captured, they vigorously struggle to evade. They spin their body, while spraying the foe with a... more
With an increasing industrialization of the region and poor sanitation in the 1960s and 1970s the river Mur was excessively polluted and de facto biologically dead. Numerous waterbound species like the dice snake were largely extinct in... more
We report on the rediscovery of Natrix tessellata on Cyprus. Apart from a single specimen found before 1900 and having the locality labeled as " (Nicosia) Cyprus " , there were only two juveniles collected 1960 in Northern Cyprus and... more
Dense populations of the dice snake (Natrix tessellata) and grass snake (Natrix natrix) occur syntopically at the Baćina lakes in southern Croatia. Aspects of putative interspecific competition regarding feeding habits, habitat use and... more
A brief summary of the few literature records and personal observations on nocturnal activity in Natrix tessellata is presented. Generally, nocturnal activity is widespread in dice snakes and relates to warmer days in temperate climate... more
Dense populations of the dice snake (Natrix tessellata) and grass snake (Natrix natrix) occur syntopically at the Baćina lakes in southern Croatia. Aspects of putative interspecific competition regarding feeding habits, habitat use and... more
The habitat preferences of Natrix tessellata and N. natrix were studied in the wetlands of Strofylia in southern Greece. Both species used most available water habitats, but N. tessellata dominated in permanent lagoons with brackish water... more
Food composition of the Dice snake, Natrix tessellata, was studied in the Anatolian part of Turkey. A total of 76 prey items were recorded from 51 museum specimens and compared between sexes and age groups. The diet of N. tessellata... more
In Romania, the dice snake (Natrix tessellata) has been, until recently omitted from any specific studies and its national distribution and ecology is only known from accounts in numerous dispersed papers which discuss the general... more
Based on the recent rediscovery of a dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in the Karakoram mountains of north-central Pakistan (western Karakoram) and the only other records from northwestern Pakistan we utilize contemporaneous information on... more
Dans l’introduction, l’éditeur de ce volume, l’herpétologue suisse Konrad Mebert, expose la laborieuse genèse de son exploit éditorial totalisant plus de 4 000 heures de travail réparties sur quatre années. Il propose à présent un produit... more
Natrix tessellata is relatively common and widely distributed in Georgia. It inhabits most aquatic habitats available in the country. The vertical distribution spans from 0–600 m in the west and 900 m in the east, with few observations up... more
At present, only 10 localities with fossil remains of Natrix tessellata of Pliocene-Holocene age are known from the East European plain. They are exclusively represented by trunk vertebrae. Due the application of a single diagnostic... more
Dice snakes Natrix tessellata from the Lakes Region in southwestern Turkey (Beyşehir, Akşehir-Eber, Karamuk lakes) and from Uluabat Lake, Marmara Region in northwestern Turkey were compared by means of morphology (pholidosis, body... more
With an increasing industrialization of the region and poor sanitation in the 1960s and 1970s the river Mur was excessively polluted and de facto biologically dead. Numerous waterbound species like the dice snake were largely extinct in... more
At present, only 10 localities with fossil remains of Natrix tessellata of Pliocene-Holocene age are known from the East European plain. They are exclusively represented by trunk vertebrae. Due the application of a single diagnostic... more
We report on the rediscovery of Natrix tessellata on Cyprus. Apart from a single specimen found before 1900 and having the locality labeled as “(Nicosia) Cyprus”, there were only two juveniles collected 1960 in Northern Cyprus and... more
Es ist nun bald ein Jahr her, dass die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) auf einer Pressekonferenz im Zoo Landau (Pfalz) die Würfelnatter (Natrix tessellata) als Reptil des Jahres 2009 bekannt gab. In... more
Food composition of the Dice snake, Natrix tessellata, was studied in the Anatolian part of Turkey. A total of 76 prey items were recorded from 51 museum specimens and compared between sexes and age groups. The diet of N. tessellata... more
Microclimatic characteristics of habitats and thermobiology of the dice snake, Natrix tessellata, were investigated along its northern range limit in the “Samarskaya Luka” National Park, Samara Oblast in Russia. All 123 snakes examined... more
In Romania, the dice snake (Natrix tessellata) has been, until recently omitted from any specific studies and its national distribution and ecology is only known from accounts in numerous dispersed papers which discuss the general... more
At present, only 10 localities with fossil remains of Natrix tessellata of Pliocene-Holocene age are known from the East European plain. They are exclusively represented by trunk vertebrae. Due the application of a single diagnostic... more
A brief summary of the few literature records and personal observations on nocturnal activity in Natrix tessellata is presented. Generally, nocturnal activity is widespread in dice snakes and relates to warmer days in temperate climate or... more
range extension into Pakistan's Himalaya
content by Sigrid Lenz, Konrad Mebert, Axel Kwet, Johannes Hill. Dietmar Trobisch, Miha Krofel, Richard Podloucky