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      Self-Determination TheoryKurdish StudiesAutonomyKurdish Question in Turkey
In the early twentieth century, three provinces of the Austrian half of the Habsburg Empire enacted national compromises in their legislation that had elements of non-territorial autonomy provisions. Czech and German politicians in... more
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      Czech HistoryPolish HistoryLegal HistoryNationalism
Eric J. Schmaltz and Samuel D. Sinner, "'You Will Die under Ruins and Snow':  The Soviet Repression of Russian Germans as a Case Study of Successful Genocide," Journal of Genocide Research (2002), 4 (3), pp. 327-356.
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      Genocide StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Comparative genocideStalin and Stalinism
The article focuses on two sets of autonomist demands that the far-right Sudeten German Party (SdP) in Czechoslovakia put forward during 1937–38. Its central thesis being that both sets were marked by a profoundly close interplay between... more
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      History of IdeasNationalismPolitical HistoryCentral and Eastern Europe
Since the late 1980s, the interpretations of policy toward Hungary's minorities-most notably the country's 1993 minority law and the minority self-governments established as part of a system of nonterritorial autonomy (NTA)-have been the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsHungarianRace and EthnicityHistory of Hungary
This essay analyses the 1993 Estonian Law on Cultural Autonomy for National Minorities (LCANM), based on an earlier one of 1925 during the first period of Estonian national independence, as the potential basis for the National Cultural... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesCultural PolicyLaw and EconomicsEstonia
What is the relationship between ethnic diversity and sovereign territoriality? Central Europe was a bustling laboratory for this question both before and after the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire. The notion of minority rights... more
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      International HistoryHabsburg StudiesMinority StudiesMinority Rights
The question of how to accommodate ethno-cultural diversity within liberal democratic states is one that has acquired a growing salience across Europe during the course of the past five decades. Political theory long adhered to the view... more
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      Minority StudiesNational IdentityAutonomyMinority Rights
В статье анализируется взаимодействие национальных движений с белыми правительствами во время гражданской войны на примере казахской автономии Алаш и национально-культурной автономии тюрко-татар. Татары накопили достаточно большой... more
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      History of KazakhstanRussian Civil WarNational Cultural AutonomyNational movements
Az Európai Nemzetiségi Kongresszus volt az egyetlen olyan hosszú időt megért, majdnem másfél évtizeden keresztül aktív nemzetközi szervezet a két világháború közötti Európában, amely tevékenységének fókuszába a nemzeti kisebbségek... more
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      The League of NationsNational Cultural AutonomyHungarian minoritiesEthnic Relations and Minority Policy
The concept of national cultural autonomy has been firstly developed by the Austromarxist philosophers Karl Renner und Otto Bauer, designed to manage ethno-national conflicts and prevent secession by providing national and ethnic... more
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      Ethnic minoritiesNational Cultural AutonomyPolitical autonomy
The debate on defining the nation is split between primordialists and modernists. At face value both seem to be compatible and stand to gain from a definition that combines both approach. There is a deeper conflict though: primordialists... more
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      NationalismCultural NationalismNational Cultural AutonomyOtto Bauer
The minority cultural autonomy model, as firstly theorized by the eminent Austro Marxists Karl Renner and Otto Bauer, is said to guarantee, if properly implemented, minority protection and state stability. For a variety of reasons this... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHuman RightsCultural Theory
This article provides an overview of the political representation and integration of Galician Jews on the municipal, provincial, and central state level under Austrian rule. It demonstrates that political representation on the latter two... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryLegal HistoryNationalism
This article explores how the concept of minority national-cultural autonomy (NCA) has been defined and practiced in contemporary Estonia, combining data from interviews and previously unanalyzed archival sources to trace debates and... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean integrationPolitical ScienceBaltic Studies
This article investigates how Polish and Ukrainian political parties, state officials as well as religious leaders negotiated national-personal autonomy for the virtually unstudied Galician Compromise in 1914. My conclusion maintains that... more
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      Polish HistoryNationalismHabsburg StudiesParliamentary Studies
Η παρούσα μελέτη πραγματεύεται το νομικό περιεχόμενο της έννοιας του «Δικοινοτικού Συνταγματισμού» στην Κύπρο, ως κυρίαρχο χαρακτηριστικό στοιχείο της Συνθήκης Εγκαθίδρυσης της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας το 1960, υπό το πλαίσιο του... more
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      Constitutional LawConstitutionalismNational Cultural AutonomyAustromarxism
National Cultural Autonomy appears to be somewhat an under-recognised entity as far as academic investigation is concerned, which is unfortunate as it automatically becomes disadvantaged when compared and contrasted with other forms of... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
A kisebbségi autonómia gondolata és a nemzetközi politika a két világháború közötti Köztes-Európában 1919-1938 A z elsõ világháborút lezáró békeszerzõdések aláírása óta a nemzeti kisebbségek védelmének problematikája folyamatosan... more
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      Ethnic IdentityLeague of NationsNational Cultural AutonomyEthnic Relations and Minority Policy
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      Minority RightsSerbian PoliticsNational Cultural Autonomy
A tanulmány a vajdasági magyar autonómia eszmetörténetének talán legfontosabb időszakáról, az 1990-es évekről szól. Ismerteti az autonómiatervezeteket, elemzi és összeveti a különféle érdekérvényyesítési stratégiákat, és elhelyezi az... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismRace and EthnicityNationalism
Türkiye’de sinemanın ilk yıllarını ‘Kültür Emperyalizmi’ ve ‘Modernleşme’ kuramları çerçevesinde irdeleyen ayrıntılı bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu makale ‘kültürel özerklik/özgürleşim/direniş’, ‘kültür emperyalizmi’ ve ‘modernleşme’... more
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      Turkish CinemaModernizationCinema and HistoryNational Cultural Autonomy
Nationalism has always been a twofold phenomenon. On the one hand there is bottom-up nationalism which intrinsically values the national community and on the other hand there is top-down nationalism instigated by the political centre and... more
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      Cultural NationalismNational Cultural AutonomyOtto BauerKarl Renner
The Congress of European Nationalities (hereinafter, the Congress) was the only organization in the interwar period that aimed to create an international forum encompassing all organized national minorities in Europe. In the fourteen... more
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      Minority RightsThe League of NationsNational Cultural AutonomyHungarian minorities
A Magyar Köztársaság Országgyûlése 1993-ban fogadta el a LXXVII. törvényt a nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségek jogairól. Az ennek alapján 1994/95-ben kiépült kisebbségi önkormányzati rendszer hazai és nemzetközi fogadtatása alapvetõen pozitív... more
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      Ethnic IdentityHungaryNational Cultural AutonomyEthnic Relations and Minority Policy
Az alábbi tanulmány a Jugoszláv Kommunisták Szövetségének (JKSZ) nemzetiségi doktrínájáról és politikájáról, valamint a JKSZ egyik prominens vajdasági magyar teoretikusának, Rehák Lászlónak az idevágó írásairól szól. Rehák Lenin és... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismMarxismNationalism
Since the late 1980s, the interpretations of policy toward Hungary’s minorities—most notably the country’s 1993 minority law and the minority self-governments established as part of a system of nonterritorial autonomy (NTA)—have been the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsHungarianRace and EthnicityHistory of Hungary
This paper examines opportunities and possibilities for national minority councils (NMC's) to serve as a channel for dialogue and cooperation between national minorities, governmental authorities and non-governmental organisations within... more
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      Political ParticipationRacial and Ethnic PoliticsMinority StudiesMinority Politics
The challenge of non-territorial autonomy: theory and practice
(Nationalisms across the Globe, Vol. 13), Oxford, Peter Lang, 2013.
ISBN 978-3-0343-1714-6.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesNationalismMinority StudiesConflict Resolution
This essay analyses the 1993 Estonian Law on Cultural Autonomy for National Minorities (LCANM), based on an earlier one of 1925 during the first period of Estonian national independence, as the potential basis for the National Cultural... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesCultural PolicyPolitical ScienceLaw and Economics
This article explores how the concept of minority national-cultural autonomy (NCA) has been defined and practiced in contemporary Estonia, combining data from interviews and previously unanalyzed archival sources to trace debates and... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean integrationBaltic StudiesNationalism
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      History of HungaryGerman minority literatureChronologyNational Cultural Autonomy
Numerous contemporary examples attest to the continued political salience of ethnic identification. This is the case even in multi-ethnic societies bound together by a strong overarching sense of patriotism, but it is most especially so... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolitical ScienceNationalismMinority Studies
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      Ethnic StudiesPolitical ScienceBaltic StudiesRace and Ethnicity
In managing ethno-cultural diversity, several countries in Central and Eastern Europe refer to the notion of nonterritorial/cultural autonomy in their legislation and policies, and in some of them, namely Croatia, Estonia, Hungary,... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and EthnicityEthnicityMinority Rights
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      Eastern European StudiesNationalismMinority StudiesNationalism And State Building
Work in progress.
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      Cold WarPost Cold War EraTransnational migrationModern Germany