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What is the relationship between virtue and piety? Grounded in the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad's sayings, the teachings of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661)-first Imam after the Prophet Muhammad according to the Shia, and fourth Caliph... more
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      ReligionArabic LiteratureArabicVirtue Ethics
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    • Nahjul Balagha
Note: You can go to the Audio Links of Nahjul Balaghah (English) located on the 2nd Page of book or the Links Below: Sermons: Letters:... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationIslamic Studies
Ali bin Abi Thwalib present concept of man in the light of Qur’an and connecting with the same to his own intellectual interpretation in Nahj al-Balagha attractively. Firstly, his abilities to express the Islamic principles in different... more
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      Man in IslamImam AliConcept of ManNahjul Balagha
NAHJUL-BALAGHA (Volume 01), Imam Ali, Syed Razi, Yasin Al-Jibouri,, alhassanain network,
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryIslam
One of the most controversial Shi'i texts today is a sermon in Nahj al-Balaghah (an early eleventh century collection of materials attributed to 'Ali ibn Abi Talib) describing women as deficient in faith and intellect. This is only one of... more
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      Shi'ismWomen and Gender Issues in IslamTwelver Shi'ismHadith
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      ArabicAl QuranImam 'Ali ibn Abi TalibBachelor of Education - Foundations of Educations
Why is this the earliest commentary on the Quran? Most historians have said that the first commentary on the Quran was made by Ali’s paternal first cousin, Abdullah Ibn Abbas (619-687CE). Yet Abdullah Ibn Abbas claims to have learned the... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's RightsIslamic Studies
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      Shia studiesNahjul Balagha
The primary sources from both Shia and Sunni accounts contain hadiths that indicate inadequacy of female Intellect and faith; these hadiths are attributed to the Prophet Muhammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib and analyses of proofs reveal that... more
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      Hadith StudiesFemale Islamic Leadershipo Hadith and Historical CriticismHadith
This amazing paper is about the letter no. 53 of Nahjul Balagha, which was written by the hands of Imam Ali and given to his beloved friend and newly appointed governor of Egypt by the name of Malik al Ashtar. Therein is mentioned how... more
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      Islamic StudiesSwedishSwedish LanguageImam Ali
A booklet with 110 aphorisms from Nahj al-Balagha with brief commentary
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamic HistoryNahjul Balagha
'Countering Self-Interest and Exploitation: The Ethics of Islamic Economics’, Association of Business Schools & The Higher Education Academy Islamic Studies Network, 2012.
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsIslamic Finance
As it is commonly understood, the issue of Sermon 128 in Nahj Al-Balaqa has always been a matter of debate between Shiite and Sunni schools (Islamic Schools). As this sermon predicts some events in the future as well as some scholars... more
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      Imam AliForeknowledgeNahjul Balagha
این مقاله در مجله دانشگاه انقلاب، مجله علمی، پژوهشی و فرهنگی جهاد دانشگاهی، شماره 113، بهار 1380
چاپ شده است.
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      TruthImam AliNahjul Balagha
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      Islamic StudiesIslamNahjul Balagha
Intertextuality is of the recent issues in the field of literary studies, dealing with the relationship between two texts. Different theorists have clarified this method with different approaches and analyzes. Genette is one of the most... more
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      IntertextualityHadith StudiesNahjul Balagha
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      ReligionIslamic LawComparative LawTheology