Recent papers in NATURAL MONOPOLY
The electricity supply industry is highly capital-intensive, whose success depends critically upon the management of its investment. In most developing countries investment is poorly managed, poorly maintained, and often inadequate.... more
The problem of access arises in industries where inputs from monopolistic and competitive markets are complementarily needed to provide a service. In these circumstances, the firm controlling the monopolistic segment has incentives to... more
Financial intermediation and financial services industries have undergone many changes in the past two decades due to deregulation, technological advances and globalization. The framework for regulating finance has seen many changes as... more
This paper provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a pure strategy Bertrand equilibrium in a model of price competition with fixed costs. It unveils an interesting and unexplored relationship between Bertrand... more
Abstract: In the late 1990s, many U.S. states deregulated electric utilities, allowing for competition among power generators. Deregulated states then adopted retail choice programs, allowing customers to choose their power provider. In... more
This article describes the recent changes in the area of sourcing and spend management and it is in line with current calls for more efficient ways to source raw materials and (semi-) finished products and to compare prices of different... more
" La grande stagione delle privatizzazioni ha sì lasciato la gran parte delle attività dismesse in mani italiane, ma a costo di indebolire lo slancio competitivo di importanti pezzi dell'industria, offrendo occasioni di più facili... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
This article describes a recent trend in the area of sourcing and spend management which is in line with current calls for ways to source raw materials and (semi-) finished products more efficiently. It also covers a new approach to... more
Competitive markets could yield socially optimum results, but although market fail in many cases. If the regulation is successful in generating competition or in replicating its incentives, the next problem to solve is to face the... more
We use laboratory experiments to evaluate how contestability fares in a situation where the entrant and the incumbent have their own home markets and opportunities to enter each other's markets. The disciplining effect in contestable... more
"Economics of Natural Gas Transportation". Research Report no. 53 Lillehammer College August 2000. 64 pages. ISSN 0807-2647 ISBN 82-7184-2269 This report demonstrates that the existence of significant economies of scale and scope... more
This is especially true in telecommunications where, for political reasons, socialist governments tried to restrict the publics access to the means of production and dissemination of information. Competition policy for natural monopolies... more
ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to explain the pattern of public enterprise in Western Europe, Japan and the USA in the late 20th century, just before the onset of privatization. This requires an examination of the origins which date... more
ABSTRACT Providing and marketing professional artistic services is a profitable business. But the competition for stars and audiences is subject to market failure. There are two potential sources of market failure that are highlighted in... more
This article analyzes the pros and cons of ownership separation of the gas transportation network. This analysis is made with a specific test that confronts two pairs of different theoretical approaches on vertical integration. The result... more
management team, and Country Management Units in the South Asia region. In addition, Marianne Fay (SDN, Chief Economist), Vivien Foster (SEGEN, Sector Manager), and José L. Guasch (Consultant) provided insightful and constructive comments... more
This paper derives equilibrium government policies towards parallel imports in a North-South model where the Northern …rm produces high quality and the Southern …rm produces low quality. Given policies, each …rm decides whether or not to... more
Financial intermediation and financial services industries have undergone many changes in the past two decades due to deregulation, technological advances and globalization. The framework for regulating finance has seen many changes as... more
This paper studies the efficacy of entry threats in a contestable environment using experiments. It is hypothesized here that the entrant firm’s home market profits influence the entrant’s competitive behavior even when entry is costless... more
Resumen es: Para entender la complejidad y comportamiento de los mercados de hoy dia, el auge del sector de productos tecnologicos, los bienes de red y de la inform...
We analyze Bertrand's price competition in a homogenous good market with a fixed cost and an increasing marginal cost (i.e., with variable returns to scale). If the fixed cost is avoidable, we show that the non-subadditivity of the... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
In this paper, we discuss the choice for build-operate-and-transfer (BOT) concessions when governments and firm managers do not share the same information regarding the operation characteristics of a facility. We show that larger shadow... more
This report demonstrates that the existence of significant economies of scale and scope in the European gas industry make many transmission and local distribution companies natural monopolies in the markets in which they operate. Often,... more
À quoi sert le Musée du Louvre à un paysan des Basses-Alpes qui n'y met jamais les pieds ? Léon Walras, 1896 c, EES : 399.
N CLEVELAND, OHIO, A LEGAL CONTROVERSY HAS DEVELOPED which compels the judiciary to evaluate the limits of competition.' Seventy years of head-to-head combat between a large investor-owned electric system and a smaller city-owned company... more
Public utility regulation arose naturally in the nineteenth century for gas, water, rail, telegraph, and later, electricity and telephony because these utilities require a fixed network to deliver their services. These networks need... more
The paper studies the impact of government budget constraint in a pure adverse selection problem of monopoly regulation. The government maximizes total surplus but incurs some cost of public fundsà la Laffont and Tirole (1993). An... more
In this paper, we discuss the choice for build-operate-and-transfer (BOT) concessions when governments and firm managers do not share the same information regarding the operation characteristics of a facility. We show that larger shadow... more
This paper examines two important recent developments in the theory of natural monopoly, or more generally the theory of market structure. The first is a series of papers, involving Baumol with various co-authors, investigating the theory... more
COMM/ENT [Vol. 4 rules exceeded the Commission's authority, but did not address the issue of their constitutionality, except to say that the question was "not frivolous."8 The unresolved issue of the constitutionality of... more
This paper considers the efficiency of a contestable natural monopoly if consumers are heterogeneous and the monopolist can differentiate prices imperfectly. The paper shows that a ''no-distortion-at-the-top'' result, which is standard in... more
I study the effect of sunk entry-costs on potential competition in a multi-market framework, where potential entrants have different home market profits. Although sunk-entry-costs are supposed to increase entry barriers, my experimental... more