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Purpose: identify the determining factors of the Numerus Clausus Policy within an extremely restrictive Portuguese higher education medical sector and point on future implications. Methodology: Public-Choice Theory (A. Downs, 1957;... more
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      Public Policy AnalysisTertiary EducationPublic Choice TheoryEconomics of Regulation
ABSTRACT This is a very brief textbook that introduces a basic explanation about the relationship between Law and Economics. In Chile, the study of Economics for Law Schools began in the middle of 20th century using the denomination “... more
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      Economical Analysis of LawLaw and EconomicsRegulationRegulatory Affairs
This postgraduate essay worn the 1st Award: Competition Authority of Kenya Essay Writing Competition, 2014. The essay begins by describing what mergers are and providing a short synopsis of merger regulations. The essay then prescribes... more
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      Competition PolicyEconomics of Regulation
Questo volume è diviso in due parti. La prima è dedicata alla politica della pesca in Italia. La seconda contiene un'analisi dei metodi per la fissazione dei margini di intermediazione dei farmaci etici.
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      Health EconomicsEconomic policySocio-economics of Fishery ManagementPolitical Economy of Health
This paper presents some evidence gathered from the most recent Index of Economic Freedom, which shows that economic freedom in the United States is declining.
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic Growth
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      Industrial OrganizationElectric UtilitiesEconomics of Regulation
"Economics of Natural Gas Transportation". Research Report no. 53 Lillehammer College August 2000. 64 pages. ISSN 0807-2647 ISBN 82-7184-2269 This report demonstrates that the existence of significant economies of scale and scope... more
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      European Energy PolicyRegulation EconomicsNATURAL MONOPOLYEconomics of Regulation
Jörg Brettschneider untersucht die Frage, inwieweit die normative Theorie der Regulierung bzw. die Theorie vom Marktversagen geeignet ist, rechtspolitische Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben. Es erfolgt zunächst eine Betrachtung der aus dem... more
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      Law and EconomicsTheory of competitionEconomics of Regulation
Since January 1, 2014 licenses needed to execute a tour guide profession in Poland (with exception of mountain tour guiding) have been abandoned. This study attempts to examine whether regulation paucity affected prices and quality of... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyTourism GuidanceSelf-regulation
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      Law And Economics (Economics)TaxationDecision TheoryEconomics of Regulation
Este paper considera el efecto del cargo por confiabilidad sobre el precio spot de la energía eléctrica en Colombia, implementado en 2006 con el fin de incentivar a los generadores existentes o nuevos inversionistas para mejorar la... more
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      Industrial OrganizationMicroeconomicsMarket DesignIndustrial Organization and Regulation
A “pay-as-offered” or discriminatory price auction (DPA) has been proposed to solve the problem of inflated and volatile wholesale electricity prices. Using the experimental method we compare the DPA with a uniform price auction (UPA),... more
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      Applied EconomicsRegulatory EconomicsElectricity MarketElectricity prices
This report demonstrates that the existence of significant economies of scale and scope in the European gas industry make many transmission and local distribution companies natural monopolies in the markets in which they operate. Often,... more
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      European Energy PolicyRegulation EconomicsNatural GasNATURAL MONOPOLY
Przedmiotem pracy jest regulacja mezosystemów gospodarczych. Przez system gospodarczy rozumie się zbiór wzajemnie powiązanych podmiotów (przedsiębiorstw, konsumentów, organizacji itp.) uczestniczących w procesach wymiany... more
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      EconomicsEconomic TransformationEconomics of Regulation