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Any Government Employee in Pakistan can check his pay fixation and can make pay fixation using this chart. Originally this chart was prepared by Mr. Latif Mehar, AO, AGPR, S.O, Lahore. I have only updated it up to 1-7-2017.
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    • Ms Excel
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      StatisticsMs Excel
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      DatabasesComputersPowerPointComputer Applications
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      EducationPendidikanMs Excel
1 Microsoft Excel adalah program aplikasi lembar kerja under Windows. Microsoft Excel menggunakan istilah Workbook sebagai dokumennya dimana di dalamnya memuat beberapa lembar kerja yang dinamakan Worksheet. Setiap worksheet dapat diisi... more
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      pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaranSemangatMs Excel
Microsoft Excel pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 1985, namun hanya tersedia untuk sistem operasi Mac OS atau Macintosh dan itupun masih hanya bernama Excel, tanpa Microsoft di depannya.
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    • Ms Excel
Microsoft Excel 2016 în limba română.
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      Literatura RomanaMs Excel
The use of MS-Excel in consolidating the grades of the students has been a practice among teachers (Magaji & Abdulkadir, 2015) and it can be developed by anyone that has the skills (Poole, et al., 2013). Popular as it is, yet there are... more
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      Teaching and LearningMs Excel
Digital book ini ditulis sebagai tugas akhir mata kuliah Media Tabligh jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam - UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Semoga bermanfaat!
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      Microsoft ExcelDakwahMicrosoft PowerpointMs Excel
How to calculate return of Daily, Monthly & Yearly stock and market price of a company along with Systematic and Unsystematic Risk on MS Excel
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      FinanceStatisticsRisk ManagementSystematic Risk
This report was commissioned as consequence of the heavy investments made by ‘Reel Productions’ in which we had to identify and analyse 7 KPI's of newly acquired TV programs. -The report conducts analysis through the social network site... more
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      TwitterKPIDashboardSocial Media Analytics
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      pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaranMs Excel
The use of MS-Excel in consolidating the grades of the students has been a practice among teachers (Magaji & Abdulkadir, 2015) and it can be developed by anyone that has the skills (Poole, et al., 2013). Popular as it is, yet there are... more
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    • Ms Excel
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    • Ms Excel
Bài tập chương 5 - Nguyên Lý Thống Kê Kinh Tế - Thực hiện bằng Eviews Bởi vì thực hiện qua Eviews 10 nên các phần tính toán ngắn gọn hơn rất nhiều , riêng với các bạn đang học học phần " Nguyên lý thống kê kinh tế" thì nên làm ra Excel và... more
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      EconometricsEviewsLý Thuyết Thống KêMs Excel
MS-Excel’s statistical features and functions are traditionally used in solving problems in a statistics class. Carefully designed problems around these can help a student visualize the working of statistical concepts such as Hypothesis... more
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      Data AnalysisConfidence intervalsHypothesis testingMs Excel
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      MS ACCESSMs Excel
Microsoft Excel (Ms. Excel) adalah program aplikasi pengolah angka/spreadsheet yang dibuat oleh perusahaan software Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Excel terdapat dalam satu paket Microsoft Office. Beberapa keuntungan mengunakan... more
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    • Ms Excel
Soal Ujian
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    • Ms Excel
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      PhysicsChemistryPhysical EducationSchool
Estatística Aplicada, usando Excel, é um livro com apresentação de uma abordagem moderna e atualizada da estatística por meio de um texto genuinamente elementar, com aplicação prática no Excel. Baseia-se em três grandes blocos: no... more
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      Ciências SociaisCiências HumanasESTATÍSTICA APLICADAMs Excel
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      FaxMs Excel
Most people are unaware of the data analytics capabilities of the widely popular spreadsheet program MS Excel. But the fact remains that many basic data analytics tasks may be conducted within the MS Excel window through the use of a... more
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      IndiaBig DataDelhi SultanateNew Delhi
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      MS ACCESSMs Excel
The Checkboxes in Excel (✓) can help you in different ways to organize your data. Like indicating the True/False status of activities in a list or even performing another task if the checkbox is checked.
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      ExcelMicrosoft ExcelMs Excel
Want to learn how to use MS Excel to solve simple statistics problems? This will be of great value if you take an Intro to Stats course. Those of you who simply want to become more proficient in MS Excel will also benefit. We've got what... more
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      StatisticsSpreadsheetsMs Excel
It is very difficult and equally important to decide on the selection of supplier which provides ground handling services in the aviation industry. Making wrong decisions in such sectors, where capital investments and operating costs are... more
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      Engineering ManagementSupplier selectionGalatasaray UniversityMultiple criteria decision making (MCDM)
É fácil reconhecer o papel e a importância que Excel tem na gestão de negócios e que para tanto exige competência e nível de conhecimento adequado de quem vai criar, manter ou operar uma planilha. O analista de dados precisa antes de tudo... more
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      Data WarehouseData VisualisationBanco de DadosDashboards
The use of MS-Excel in consolidating the grades of the students has been a practice among teachers (Magaji & Abdulkadir, 2015) and it can be developed by anyone that has the skills (Poole, et al., 2013). Popular as it is, yet... more
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      Teaching and LearningMs Excel
Excel para el calculo de momento de inercia
Para adquirirlo escribir al +51916882974
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      Ms ExcelPrincipio De InerciaEstaticaInercia
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      ReasonWordMs ExcelSibelius
Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are physical-mathematical models which allow estimating soil hydraulic properties from soil data. 9 In the absence of direct measurements, they represent a valuable tool for providing agro-ecological models... more
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      Soil ScienceFuzzy LogicVisual basicPedotransfer Function
Дар мақолаи мазкур ҷараёни таҳияи дурнамо бо ёрии усули миёнаи тағйирёбанда ба амал бароварда мешавад. Усули миёнаи тағйирёбанда барои бартараф кардан ва дурнамосозии қаторҳои муваққатӣ истифода бурда шуда, имконият медиҳад, ки тамоюли... more
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      Computer ScienceDevelopment EconomicsEducationCPI
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      Statistical AnalysisNumerical AnalysisCADComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
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      ScannerMs Excel
This paper presents the design and development of a Microsoft Excel based Power System Load Flow Analysis (MSEBPSLF) tool and its application for system planning and operation. This is a simple desktop tool which provides an interactive... more
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      Electric Power SystemsPower system operation and planningSpreadsheet ResearchPower Systems and Electrical engineering
In this book, The construction industry is the second largest industry of the country after agriculture. It makes a significant contribution to the national economy and provides employment to a large number of people. In its path of... more
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      ResearchMatlabMs Excel
Menghitung Aritmatika pada Ms. Excel
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    • Ms Excel
Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are physical-mathematical models which allow estimating soil hydraulic properties from soil data. In the absence of direct measurements, they represent a valuable tool for providing agro-ecological models... more
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      Soil ScienceFuzzy LogicMultidisciplinaryVisual basic
Article is devoted to solving optimization problems the economy through additional tool "Seeking" MS Excel environment
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    • Ms Excel
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      Social Media MarketingCSSMs Excel
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      MS ACCESSMs ExcelC
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      PelatihanMs Excel
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      Ms ExcelTIK untuk pembelajaran
La respuesta es fácil, Excel es un paquete especializado en cálculos de todo tipo y graficas, especialmente creado para Nominas, Inventarios, Base de datos, etc. Podría seguir con la lista de cosas que se pueden hacer en Excel, por lo... more
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    • Ms Excel
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    • Ms Excel