Motivation and volition
Recent papers in Motivation and volition
This is brief update on the theory --- see Wikipedia for an independently-written summary. I posted it on the Neurosciences Institute website (, and am hereby making it available in public under the Creative Commons License, 2014.
This paper presents an overview of the key neuroscience studies investigating the neural mechanisms of self-initiated movements that form the basis of our human consciousness. These studies, which commenced with the seminal works of... more
Philosophical problems of freedom and responsibility are among the most recalcitrant philosophical problems that we have, and are connected to a range of important issues in our understanding of agency, autonomy, blame, and the grounds of... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more
Etude des concepts de drogue et d’addiction, et des implications éthiques relatives à l’incapacité temporaire d’utilisation des facultés conatives.
Academic dissertation, Faculty of Education of the University of Tampere, 2003: "Assessing motivation and the use of learning strategies by secondary students in three international schools" is a study to assess the motivational... more
All actions, even the simplest like moving an arm to grasp a pen, are associated with energy costs. Thus all mobile organisms possess the ability to evaluate resources and select those behaviours that are most likely to lead to the... more
I offer a prolegomenon to the philosophical study of a uniquely human activity—the selfbinding act. This philosophical interest directly connects with the Enlightenment project of centralizing personal autonomy and individual freedom as... more
Many universities require submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores with applications thereby invalidating other general measurements. The test’s popularity is spreading although research has been inconclusive on the... more
In rccenr ycars, nnrrarive interpretations of selfhood in Kicrkegaard's sorl., hlr pruriJed a re-rilt b.r'r" f"r.rppr"a.'hinF Ira-e(ofi"uc'in r..r,l p'1,:h"lopy tn"r rre rmPorLlrt in th, rr otr ri6hr' II ri rnre'e'I ing hoiv much rhese... more
"""This paper defends the action-theory of the Will, according to which willing G is doing F (F≠G) in order to make G happen. In a nutshell, willing something is doing something else in order to get what we want. I argue that only the... more
L'Etica di Spinoza è attraversata da una forte tensione tra la centralità accordata al corpo sul piano teorico e la relativa sua marginalizzazione sul piano testuale. Da un lato, l'Etica riconosce esplicitamente l'impossibilità di... more
Nicolai Hartmann was educated at his birthplace, Riga in Latvia and at St. Petersburg (Russia), where he graduated from gymnasium in 1901 prior to his university studies in medicine at Tartu (German, Dorpat; Russian, Yuryev) in Estonia... more
I offer a prolegomenon to the philosophical study of a uniquely human activity—the selfbinding act. This philosophical interest directly connects with the Enlightenment project of centralizing personal autonomy and individual freedom as... more
This study aimed at investigating the relations between students' strategic behaviour during problem solving, task performance and domain-specific self-concept. A total of 167 first-and second-graders were individually examined in tasks... more
A Treatise in theological reflection on the impact of wilderness aesthetics on the human psyche.
The categorization of theories according the theorists.
Modern theories of behavioral control converge with the idea that goal-directed/voluntary behaviors are intimately tied to the evaluation of resources. Of key relevance in the decision-making processes that underlie action selection are... more
Version pénultième, à paraître dans R. Clot-Goudard (dir.), L'Explication de l'action. Analyses contemporaines, Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage n°30, Paris, Vrin, 2013. Merci de citer cette version.] Vouloir quelque chose,... more
This study aimed at investigating the relations between students’ strategic behaviour during problem solving, task performance and domain-specific self-concept. A total of 167 first- and second-graders were individually examined in tasks... more
Modern theories of behavioral control converge with the idea that goal-directed/voluntary behaviors are intimately tied to the evaluation of resources. Of key relevance in the decision-making processes that underlie action selection are... more
— Autonomous robots implement decision making capacities on several layers of abstraction. Put in terms of desires, decision making evaluates desires to eventually commit to some most rational one. Drawing on the philosophical literature... more
This paper understands mental attitudes such as emotions and desires to be dispositions to behavior. It also acknowledges that people are often ambivalent, i.e., that they may hold opposed attitudes towards something or someone. Yet the... more
Editor's Note: These short reviews of a recent paper in the Journal, written exclusively by graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, are intended to mimic the journal clubs that exist in your own departments or institutions. For more... more
The idea that consciousness has an integrative function has a long history. The late Francisco Varela and colleagues called it the" brainweb"(2002). Global Workspace theory suggests a fleeting... more
... 1997; Graham & Harris, 2005). Graham, MacArthur, and Schwartz (1995) assert that ... contextual framework of this study gives insight into the attitudes and engagement towards writing by three adolescent girls: Laura, Hallie, and... more
Ambivalence of desire and action in light of it are ordinary human engagements and yet received conceptions of desire and action deny that such action is possible. This paper contains an analysis of the possibility of fertile ambivalent... more