Mosaic Glass
Recent papers in Mosaic Glass
"Delicacies from Cairo! The Egyptian Collection of the Pastry Shop and Coffee House Owner Achille Groppi (1890-1949)" edited together with André Wiese (Antikenmuseum Basel) - Catalogue of the exhibition with the same title at Museum... more
The contribution presented is part of research work aimed at specifically and thoroughly interpreting and analysing a group of related decorations on vessels made of glass and (ornamental and semiprecious) stone. The pieces included... more
Nach der Rekonstruktion und dem Probebetrieb einer römischen Glashütte im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg im Jahr 2013 und dem 2014 dort durchgeführten ersten Forschungsprojekt zur römischen Gefäßglasherstellung fand vom 28. Mai bis... more
Contrary to general belief, only a few glassmakers who worked in Rome in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came from Venice or Murano. Many of them came from elsewhere, as Piegaro, near Perugia, or from Altare, Northern Italy.... more
Abalorios y vajilla de mesa de vidrio desarrollaron trasferencias decorativas. Ambos compartieron diseños y además su inherente carga mágica atribuida. Analizamos tres ornamentaciones: costillas, ojos y caras. Se ha utilizado un estudio... more