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      Public FinanceEmerging EconomiesOptimizationMonetary Policy
This paper studies the impact effect of monetary policy shocks on the exchange rate in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand during the 1990s. Shocks are identified by the reaction of three month market interest rates to policy announcements... more
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      Monetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsMonetary Policy
pasar modal, pasar saham, idx
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      Islamic Capital and Money MarketMoney MarketMoney marketsInventasi dan Pasar Modal
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      EconometricsForestryInternational DevelopmentProperty Rights
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      Public FinanceEmerging EconomiesOptimizationMonetary Policy
In distinguishing between formal and real subsumption of the labor and production process of society by capital Marx provides a formative periodizing of capitalism. Yet, losing sight of Marx’s subtle distinctions, it would be the writings... more
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      FinanceMarxismMarxist EconomicsColonialism
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      GlobalizationAccountingFinancial SystemsEmerging Economies
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      Development EconomicsPublic FinanceInternational TradeCase Studies
A new data set of on openness indicators and trade liberalization dates allows the 1995 Sachs and Warner study on the relationship between trade openness and economic growth to be extended to the 1990s. New evidence on the time paths of... more
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      EconomicsPublic FinanceInternational TradeEconomic Growth
When the first phase of the crisis focused primarily on the interbank market volatility, the second phase spread on the instability of public finance. Although the overall stance of public finances of the new members is better than the... more
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      Public FinanceEmerging EconomiesOptimizationMonetary Policy
This paper uses a two-sector model to estimate the relationship between prices, money, and the exchange rate in Madagascar during the period 1982-2004. The estimated model, using quarterly data, finds a stable long-run relationship among... more
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      EconomicsPrice ElasticityMonetary PolicyMoney Market
We extend the framework in Andrle and others (2013) to incorporate an explicit role for money targets and target misses in the analysis of monetary policy in low-income countries (LICs), with an application to Kenya. We provide a general... more
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      ForecastingKenyaMonetary PolicyLiquidity management
We extend the framework in Andrle and others (2013) to incorporate an explicit role for money targets and target misses in the analysis of monetary policy in low-income countries (LICs), with an application to Kenya. We provide a general... more
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      ForecastingKenyaMonetary PolicyLiquidity management
The paper makes an assessment of the progress made in developing local debt markets in emerging Asia. Market development has been limited by hurdles confronting borrowers and lenders, current and potential liquidity providers, and... more
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      Economic GrowthFinancial SystemsCapital MarketsFinancial Markets
Purpose-In line with the government's policy to promote Malaysia as an international hub for Islamic banking and finance, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the dynamic effects of both Islamic and conventional stock markets on... more
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      IslamIslamic BankingInternational FinanceApplied Economics
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
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      Monetary PolicyLiquidity managementMoney MarketForeign Exchange
The paper makes an assessment of the progress made in developing local debt markets in emerging Asia. Market development has been limited by hurdles confronting borrowers and lenders, current and potential liquidity providers, and... more
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      Economic GrowthFinancial SystemsCapital MarketsFinancial Markets
British banking had been enormously stable from the third quarter of the nineteenth century until the 1970s. The stability is frequently explained casually as a consequence of the cartel. But there was no cartel before 1914, and even... more
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      EconomicsIndependenceCityMonetary Policy
In autumn of 2007 Britain experienced its first bank run of any significance since the reign of Queen Victoria. The run was on a bank called Northern Rock. This was extraordinary, for Britain had been free of such episodes because by... more
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      LawBanking RegulationMoney marketsFinancial Stability
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      DesignControlCityMonetary Policy
Purpose-In line with the government's policy to promote Malaysia as an international hub for Islamic banking and finance, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the dynamic effects of both Islamic and conventional stock markets on... more
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      IslamIslamic BankingInternational FinanceApplied Economics
When the first phase of the crisis focused primarily on the interbank market volatility, the second phase spread on the instability of public finance. Although the overall stance of public finances of the new members is better than the... more
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      Public FinanceEmerging EconomiesOptimizationMonetary Policy
Sovereign CDS spreads have become major variables focused on risks and expectations about the fiscal situation of different countries. In the paper we investigate, first, whether there is a link in the new member states between the... more
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      Public FinanceCzech RepublicPanel DataHigh Frequency
This paper describes the demand and supply factors affecting the amounts of deposits held by banks with the Eurosystem in the first 18 months of Stage Three of EMU and differences to the years before. The paper starts from the methodology... more
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      Money marketsDemand and SupplySupply and DemandEconometric Model
We extend the framework in Andrle and others (2013) to incorporate an explicit role for money targets and target misses in the analysis of monetary policy in low-income countries (LICs), with an application to Kenya. We provide a general... more
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      ForecastingKenyaMonetary PolicyLiquidity management
The Asian financial crisis marked the beginning of intensive efforts to improve the quality of financial supervision. The Basel Core Principles provided a guiding framework for supervision, work progressed on supervisory governance and... more
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      Financial EconomicsFinancial SystemsFinancial MarketsFinancial Crisis
In autumn of 2007 Britain experienced its first bank run of any significance since the reign of Queen Victoria. The run was on a bank called Northern Rock. This was extraordinary, for Britain had been free of such episodes because by... more
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      LawCorporate GovernanceBanking RegulationMoney markets
The Asian financial crisis marked the beginning of intensive efforts to improve the quality of financial supervision. The Basel Core Principles provided a guiding framework for supervision, work progressed on supervisory governance and... more
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      Financial EconomicsFinancial SystemsFinancial MarketsFinancial Crisis
В статье исследована структура мирового и украинского финансовых рынков. Рынок деривативов рассмотрен как отдельный сегмент, но в составе рынков, которые образуют полную структуру финансового рынка. Ключевые слова: финансовый рынок,... more
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      FinanceEconomicsEconometricsFinancial Economics
In Scotland, at the time when Adam Smith was writing The Wealth of Nations, a monetary system was taking root in which, besides metallic money, convertible notes issued by private banks also circulated. In the same period, the English... more
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      EconomicsMoney markets
This paper investigates whether the degree and nature of interdependence between the United States and the euro area have changed with the advent of EMU. Using real-time data, it addresses this issue from the perspective of financial... more
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      NewsProceedingsMonetary PolicyEuro Area
This paper investigates whether the degree and the nature of economic and monetary policy interdependence between the United States and the euro area have changed with the advent of EMU. Using real-time data, it addresses this issue from... more
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      EconomicsMonetary PolicyEuro AreaUnited States
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to analyze the information content of the Islamic interbank money market rate (IIMMR), with respect to several macroeconomic indicators such as output, inflation, exports, imports, bank loans and stock... more
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      IslamApplied EconomicsStock MarketMonetary Policy
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
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      Financial EconomicsCapital MarketsDerivativesMoney Market
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    • Money markets
Purpose-In line with the government's policy to promote Malaysia as an international hub for Islamic banking and finance, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the dynamic effects of both Islamic and conventional stock markets on... more
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      IslamIslamic BankingInternational FinanceApplied Economics
This study examines the effectiveness of European Central Bank asset purchase program (quantitative easing) on the long-term interest rates. In particular, the study evaluates the effectiveness or influence of the European Central Bank’s... more
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      FinanceEconomicsInternational EconomicsFinancial Economics
Following a scarcity of dollar funding available internationally to banks and financial institutions, through 2008 the Federal Reserve expanded or established Temporary Reciprocal Currency Arrangements (Swap Lines) with fourteen foreign... more
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      SWAPDollarMoney markets