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Die zahlreichen privaten Vereine, die im Mittelmeerraum existierten – Berufsvereine, Diaspora-Gruppen, kultische Vereinigungen, Nachbarschaftsgemeinschaften und collegia domestica –, bildeten soziale Netzwerke, die soziales Kapital für... more
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      Social NetworksEarly ChristianityApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersHellenistic Religion
Josaphat C. Tam discusses the concept of the “apprehension of Jesus” in the Gospel of John by focusing on John’s use of seeing, hearing, knowing, witnessing, remembering, and believing terms. In doing so, the author contributes to a... more
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      EpistemologyNew TestamentLiterary CriticismNarrative and interpretation
In memory of Bill Hallo The list of forbidden unions in Leviticus 18 reflects comprehensive revision that obscures its original character. The motive for reworking this passage was to reverse the original text's implicit sanctioning of... more
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    • Mohr Siebeck
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      EpistemologyNew TestamentLiterary CriticismNarrative and interpretation
Verö entlicht auf Englisch. Die Zerstörung Jerusalems durch die Babylonier 587 v.Chr. wird in der Hebräischen Bibel so intensiv re ektiert wie keine andere Katastrophe. Höchst umstritten jedoch ist, wie sich dieses entscheidende Datum zur... more
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      TorahMohr Siebeck
The Religion in the Roman Empire journal concentrates on original research and review articles. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work that is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.... more
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      ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb. abrufbar. © 2017 Mohr Siebeck Tübingen. Das... more
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      Early Modern HistoryAlpine historyState BuildingState Theory
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      PhilosophyAltered States of ConsciousnessResurrectionMohr Siebeck
The Religion in the Roman Empire journal concentrates on original research and review articles. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work that is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.... more
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      HistoryGeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistory of Religion
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      PhilosophyMohr Siebeck
Devotion to Artemis dominated the religious culture of ancient Ephesos. But she was not alone. The city of Ephesos and its environs o ered a rich panoply of religious options, domestic and public. Structures, statutes, coins,... more
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      HistoryEarly ChristianityHistorical StudiesMohr Siebeck
Over the more than two millennia of ancient Mesopotamian history, the prevailing understanding of the gods' involvement in human life was that the gods rewarded the pious with wealth and health and punished the impious for failing to... more
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      Moral DevelopmentAncient Near Eastern ReligionsAncient Near Eastern StudiesAncient Near Eastern Wisdom Literature
A Jewish Historical-Critical Commentary on Psalms: Psalm 114 as an Example This article explores what a Jewish historical-critical psalms commentary might look like, using Psalm 114 as an example. After offering a brief survey of general... more
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      HistoryMohr Siebeck
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      HistoryHomosexuality and LiteratureRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
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    • Mohr Siebeck
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      Early ChristianityHistorical StudiesMohr Siebeck
This paper discusses the impact of art. 79(2) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in international litigation over online privacy violations. The first part introduces the tendency of the European legislator to treat private... more
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      Early ChristianityGreek EpigraphyVoluntary AssociationsApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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      HistoryNarrativeJudaismMohr Siebeck
Soft storey building is popular due to the functional and aesthetic purpose, despite its weakness in resisting seismic excitation. Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis (POA) is a time saving and simple assessment procedure prosposed in... more
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      Digital HumanitiesHebrew BibleQumranic StudiesOld Testament
This paper critically reviews definitions of concepts such as ‘votive’ and ‘altar’. Close analysis of the complex development of the objects and rituals designated by such terms can show two very different developments of concepts. In one... more
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      SociologyHistory of ReligionRitualRoman Religion
Microarray technology is known as one of the most important tools for collecting DNA expression data. This technology allows researchers to investigate and examine types of diseases and their origins. However, microarray data are often... more
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      DiasporaSecond Temple JudaismIsraelite ReligionSecond Temple Studies
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      PhilosophyTheologyApostlesMohr Siebeck
This volume presents contributions from »The Larger Context of the Biblical Food Prohibitions: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches« conference held in Lausanne in June, 2017. The biblical food prohibitions constitute an excellent... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyBook of PsalmsPsalms studies
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      SociologyPhilosophy of ScienceTheologySystematic Theology
We could not have organized or carried out this conference without them. Peter Schäfer's vision of topical, productive, and collegial graduate-student-led colloquia at Princeton University served as a model for us, and we hope that we... more
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      ArtMohr Siebeck
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      ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
A geração descontrolada de resíduos destaca-se entre os problemas ambientais da atualidade. A indústria moveleira é uma atividade que merece ser estudada, pois gera grande volume de resíduos, sobretudo os de madeira, cuja exploração... more
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      LawMohr Siebeck
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      PhilosophyGospelMohr Siebeck
This study reads Joshua 8:30-35 in light of ancient Near Eastern landscape monuments of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Building upon a long scholarly tradition that compares the Hebrew Bible's sepher hatorah to âde texts, a... more
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastMonumentalityBook of JoshuaHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      ArtMohr Siebeck
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      Early ChristianityHistorical StudiesMohr Siebeck
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    • Mohr Siebeck
The paper uses contemporary urban studies and network theory to consider the ways in which a writing like the Shepherd of Hermas could have helped to transform the experience of space and urban identity in the crowded neighbourhoods of... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityUrban StudiesOrigins of Christianity
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      SociologyLawUnited nation convention on contracts for international sale of goods CISGMohr Siebeck
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    • Mohr Siebeck
Within the wide span of the Reformation readings of Scripture the voice of Heinrich Bullinger († 1575), the successor of Ulrich Zwingli in reformed Zurich, deserves special attention. The article deals with his exegetical works, namely... more
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      New TestamentReformation StudiesApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersHistory of Reception of Biblical Texts
The main problem of this study is low physics student performance on science literacy skill because they were not trained in explain phenomena scientifically, evaluate and design siceintific enquiry, and interpret data and evidence... more
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    • Mohr Siebeck
This paper provides a dynamic analysis of the market for academic publications. Given imperfect information about journals' editorial line, authors can sometimes target a wrong journal; in turn, the editor will desk-reject their paper. An... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsPublishingEconomic Theory
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      LawMediationSocial Science Research NetworkMohr Siebeck
Nebuchadnezzar burned the city of Ashkelon to the ground in the late 7th century B. C. E. in order to erase Ashkelon from history. Ironically, this very act froze the 7th century city in time, preserving its material remains for thousands... more
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      ArchaeologyIron Age archaeologyAshkelon ExcavationsAshkelon
Zwei Abteilungen, die sich schwer tun, ihre gemeinsame Aufgabe im Krankenhaus auch gemeinsam anzugehen: IT und Medizintechnik. Doch der technologische Fortschritt lässt ihnen keine Alternative.
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      Political ScienceMohr Siebeck