Modern and Contemporary Arab art and museums
Recent papers in Modern and Contemporary Arab art and museums
Google the name Chant Avedissian (1951-2018) and you will be led to over 20,000 links and images presenting the artist primarily through the lens of his world-recognized signature stencils. “Icons of the Nile” (1991-2010), for example,... more
Que les contours en aient été déterminés par des réformes endogènes, par la colonisation, par les conditions de la Guerre froide et/ou celles de la décolonisation, la création artistique sur le pourtour sud et est méditerranéen, et... more
Project report for Connection and Imagery: Transnational Cultural Flows and the Arab Gulf, Economic and Social Research Council Transnational Communities Programme.
Arabic translation of "Translation - A Concept for the Study of Culture",
open access publication
open access publication
"Geographies and Art Histories: Diaspora, Decolonizing, and Praxis", panel chaired by Andrew Gayed and Chanda Carey, College Art Association, The Annual Conference, New York, 13 February 2019 Since the early 21th century, art... more
The legal case recently launched by the family of late Egyptian modernist artist Abdel Hadi El Gazzar (1925-1966) against art forgery has opened a Pandora’s box. The emergence of fake artworks can be traced to the surge in sales of... more
Susannenstraße 21 20357 Hamburg -1 -1. Einleitung Mit aufgerissenen Augen schaut der Engel der Geschichte auf die Untaten der Menschen. Paul Klees Angelus Novus (Abbildung 1), den Walter Benjamin im Jahr 1921 ersteht, fixiert den Blick... more
Transcending the Margin and Displacing the Centre. Contemporary Echoes: Baya, Inji Efflatoun, and Saloua Raouda Choucair Study day/7 April 2022 Conference Room - the Maison de la Recherche – University of Lille Under the direction of... more
Dr Ramzi Dalloul, a Palestinian-born, London-based businessman whose second home is Lebanon, is set on challenging the dominant belief held by the West that the Arab world’s modern-day cultural contribution lags behind or is... more
The Archeology of the Near East started nearly 200 years ago with Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, so archaeology was associated with colonial European movements, which usually considered the ‘Orient’ and its civilizations as an alien,... more
As we enter the realm of one of the more perplexing twentieth-century artistic psyches in the Arab world, we soon realize how the art of Sobhy Guirguis (1929-2003) creates a profound and intimate experience. His sculptural or painted... more
Colloque international "Le voyage dans le temps et science-fiction", organisé par Stella Incognita et le Centre de Recherche sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique, Université Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand, 19 avril 2019 Depuis le début... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
for the Modern Heritage Observer, published November 2013 Although archives in Morocco are all too often nonexistent, lost,... more
مجلة (ماكو): وسيلة افتراضية ضد عزلة الفنانين مراجعة الأعداد الثلاثة الأولى من المجلة ـ نور الزهيري اقرا هذا المقال على منصة مناظر وهي منصة تبادل الأفكار والمعلومات التي تجمع الباحثين في سويسرا دارسي الفنون التصويرية والمعمارية والموروث... more
Les festivals et biennales artistiques panarabes des années 1970 représentent les premiers évènements de leur genre dans le monde arabe, marquant l'ouverture du Maghreb sur le Machreq et vis‑versa. Nous avons voulu ainsi mettre à jour... more
Que les contours en aient été déterminés par des réformes endogènes, par la colonisation, par les conditions de la Guerre froide et/ou celles de la décolonisation, la création artistique sur le pourtour sud et est méditerranéen, et... more
Translated from the French by Deke Dusinberre
Cette session du séminaire a été consacrée à la présentation de nouveaux projets de recherche, ainsi qu’à l’avancement des travaux actuellement en cours sous la direction de la professeure Silvia Naef, en regard de la thèse (soutenue en... more
The Louvre Abu Dhabi espouses a philosophy of universalism that draws from specific French and Emirati cultural dispositions and aims.
Während des ersten Jahrzehnts des 21. Jahrhunderts trat in Syrien eine junge Generation von KünstlerInnen hervor, die mit neuen künstlerischen Medien zu experimentieren und die Rolle der Künstler in der Gesellschaft neu zu überdenken... more
This volume is the result of a series of conversations and discussions that took place in various forums. It began when we, the editors, were brainstorming about a topic that we could work on together at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB).... more
This volume is the result of a series of conversations and discussions that took place in various forums. It began when we, the editors, were brainstorming about a topic that we could work on together at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB).... more
It was at the moment of independence, as Tunisian artists clashed over the definition of a new cultural identity, that Pierre Boucherle, encouraged by several of his associates, co-founders of l’École de Tunis [‘the Tunis School’] in... more
Colloque international "Femmes engagées au cœur de l'action. Espace Euro-méditerranée. Mise en récit(s), mise en image(s)", Université de Lorraine, 5 avril 2019 Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, une esthétique futuriste arabe est apparue... more
- by Joan Grandjean
- Contemporary Art, Science Fiction, Civic Engagement, Outer space and postcolonial theory/ Feminist accounts on technoscience and science fiction/ Afro-futurism/Modernist & Socialist Architecture in the Middle East and Africa and legacies of spacerace upon the spatial imagination of former European colonies/
The first decade of the twenty-first century witnessed a major change in the Syrian art scene. A generation of young artists came of age who began experimenting with new artistic techniques and media. With this approach, they sought to... more
Depuis les attentats du 11 septembre, l’art contemporain du monde arabe connaît un engouement sans précédent. En occident, d’abord, avec une présence dans les grands-messes (biennales, Documenta, etc.), ainsi qu’à travers des expositions,... more
Remembrance of Kamal Boullata (1942-2019)
- by Nasser Rabbat
- Modern Arab Art, Palestinian Cinema, Lebanese Cinema, Arab Cinema, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cultural Studies, Ethnology, Cultural Production, Film, Art, Theatre, Social Media, Art and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Palestinian Contemporary Visual Art
Conference paper, reflecting on my artistic performative works
Our first contributor is Joy Garnett, a painter living and working in Brooklyn, NY. Today she’ll be talking about the Lebanese artist Saloua Raouda Choucair....