Modern Design
Recent papers in Modern Design
SUMMARY: In his film " Secret Beyond the Door " (1947), German director Fritz Lang introduced the symbolic concept of " felicitous room " developed by a character who is an architect exploring a thesis according to which the way a place... more
Étienne Tornier, « Alexandra Midal, Design, l’anthologie : 1841-2007, Paris, Cité du Design, 2013. », Perspective [En ligne], Comptes rendus, mis en ligne le 28 juillet 2016.
This paper is part of the project “Back to the Future- Romanian design at a Crossroads” and aims to raise awareness of important historical moments of Romanian design at the intersection with other disciplines, correlated with the... more
This essay investigates the intermedial relationship between printing, painting, and textile design in the late 19th century through a case study of Imao Keinen's (1845-1924) Painting Album of Flowers and Birds (Keinen kachō gafu, 1891).... more
KEYWORDS: Romanian design; modern design; industrial aesthetics; design education; modernism; industrialization; socialism This paper attempts to trace connections and intersections between the Western notion of modernism and the... more
This paper was published in Bulgarian in 1999, as follows: Bulgarian Women in Foreign Art Life - Mara Utschkunowa Auböck and Ana-Lülja Praun. Art Studies Quarterly, 2 (1999): 57-60 “Българки в чуждестранния художествен живот – Мара... more
Ensaio publicado no catálogo da exposição 'TEMPOS MODERNOS | Cerâmica Industrial Portuguesa Entre Guerras | Colecção AM-JMV', com curadoria de Rita Gomes Ferrão, decorrida no Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisboa, de Setembro de 2018 a Agosto... more
Constructed as a think piece, this paper aims to unfold the aesthetic construction of iPhones, or in a wider scope, of Apple products. This investigation started in opposition to the idea suggesting that only a small portion of iPhone... more
The loss of the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Empire in the aftermath of the disastrous Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71 was a serious blow to French national pride, one which the majority of the nation's citizens tried... more
Presentación de la conferencia "ARNE JACOBSEN, PIONERO DEL DISEÑO INDUSTRIAL MODERNO: LAS FORMAS ABSTRACTAS DE LA NATURALEZA”, pronunciada el 2 de marzo de 2018 en la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid con... more
Echoes 100 - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture is an engaging exploration and aesthetic narrative of the roots and inspiration of Finnish design.
marca de revista, moderno, pós-moderno As revistas foram um dos reflexos de todo um processo da mudança de comportamento e conceitos ocorridos na sociedade durante o século XX. A evolução da tecnologia, da cultura e a globalização no... more
Sustentabilidad "Que se puede sustentar o defender con razones". Economico Ecologico Social Susten-table Sopor-table Viable Equitativo El desarrollo que satisfa-ce las necesidades del presente, sin compro-meter la capacidad para que las... more
Sustentabilidad "Que se puede sustentar o defender con razones". Economico Ecologico Social Susten-table Sopor-table Viable Equitativo El desarrollo que satisfa-ce las necesidades del presente, sin compro-meter la capacidad para que las... more
This paper focuses on the role of women as producers and consumers of design in Chicago around the turn of the twentieth century. The denigration of contemporary design by its association with the feminine is a well-known trope in... more
Algunos de los artistas de vanguardia que lucharon en el frente durante la Gran Guerra consideraron que tenían ante sí un espectáculo visual cubista, pues un sólido parentesco parecía ligar las formas que ellos mismos habían ideado con... more
Now available online the April Issue of The Yellow Gloves