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Ozonation aimed at removing pharmaceuticals was studied in an effluent from an experimental pilot system using staged Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) tanks for the optimal biological treatment of wastewater from a medical care unit of... more
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      Water and wastewater treatmentWastewater TreatmentOzonationWater and Sanitation
In this work, the biocatalytic ability of laccases from filtered culture supernatant of Pycnoporus sanguineus was evaluated without mediators and under mild reaction conditions. This 100 U L −1 laccase cocktail removed 50% Diclofenac, 97%... more
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      GroundwaterGroundwater ContaminationGroundwater PollutionMicropollutants
Aufgrund der zunehmenden Belastung aquatischer Ökosysteme durch Mikroverunreinigungen ist die Fragestellung in diesem Bericht, welche Auswirkungen diese Art von Belastung auf die Lebensgemeinschaft und die Teratologien der Diatomeen hat.... more
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The levels of 14 micropollutants including nine pharmaceuticals, two pesticides, and three endocrine dis-ruptors were measured in a water treatment plant (WTP) in Seoul, Korea. Among the measured micropol-lutants, 12 (excluding atrazine... more
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    • Micropollutants
Mikroverunreinigungen wurden bereits vielfach in der Umwelt in relevanten Konzentrationen nachgewiesen [1-4]. Möglicherweise sind bei einzelnen Substanzen auch Wirkungen in der aquatischen Umwelt oder eine Beeinträchtigung der... more
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      Micropollutants in WastewaterParticipatory development & governance, in urban development, disaster management, water supplay & sanitation sectorMicropollutantsUrban Drainage
In this research, wastewater treatment was inspected on a pilot-scale wastewater treatment plant by electrochemical techniques, electrocoagulation (EC), electroflotation (EF) and electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The wastewater samples... more
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      Wastewater TreatmentWater PollutionEnvironmental PollutionActivated Carbon
The application and relevance of marine-derived fungi in the mycoremediation of environment polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is promising whilst limiting environmental hazards. The present study investigated the... more
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      Environmental SciencePharmaceutical MicrobiologyPharmaceuticalsMicropollutants
One of the most important types of emerging micropollutants is the pharmaceutical micropollutant. Pharmaceutical micropollutants are usually identified in several environmental compartments, so the removal of pharmaceutical... more
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Bioassays constitute a tool for pollution analysis providing a holistic approach and high-quality indication of the toxicity. Microbioassays allow evaluating the toxicity of many samples, implying lower costs and enabling routine... more
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Pharmaceutical compounds are found in secondary treated effluents up to mg L-1 levels and therefore discharged into surface waters. Since the long term effects of these compounds on the environment and human health are, to date, largely... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryEnvironmental MonitoringMedicine
This article reviews the state of the art with respect to the environmental effects of irrigated agriculture on water and soil quality in arid and semi-arid regions on a field scale. Information is scarce and fragmentary. Examples in... more
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      GeographyIrrigationWater qualityMicropollutants
The occurrence of acetaminophen, amoxicillin, diclofenac and methylparaben in Lagos and Ologe Lagoons was investigated by random sampling of the water bodies during rainy and dry seasons. Samples analysis was carried out using high... more
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      Air pollutionMicropollutantspharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs)Emerging Pollutants
Micro pollutants (MPs) can be defined as inorganic and organic substances present atlow concentrations (pg/L to ng/L) in the environment, however having adverseconsequences for living organisms even at these low concentrations. To date,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringWater Treatmentbisphenol A
The water reservoirs are getting polluted due to increasing amounts of micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, organic polymers and suspended solids. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) has been proved to be a promising solution for the... more
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      Water and wastewater treatmentWastewater TreatmentWaste ManagementMicropollutants in Wastewater
A B S T R A C T Nowadays, the number of treatment plants has been increasing due to advancing technology and industrialization throughout Turkey and the world. This situation brings with it the need to analyse the features of the... more
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      Activated carbon adsorptionAdsorptionMicropollutants in WastewaterMicropollutants
The system ozone and hydrogen peroxide was used to reclaim wastewater from the secondary clarifier from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid-Spain). The assays were performed by bubbling a gas mixture of oxygen and... more
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      KineticsRecyclingWater PurificationMultidisciplinary