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Word embeddings are real-valued word representations able to capture lexical semantics and trained on natural language corpora. Models proposing these representations have gained popularity in the recent years, but the issue of the most... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingHuman Language TechnologyDistributional SemanticsMeta evaluation
In an era of ever-deepening budget cuts and a concomitant demand for substantiated programs, many organizations have elected to conduct internal program evaluations. Internal evaluations offer advantages (e.g., enhanced evaluator program... more
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      EvaluationMeta evaluation
The Support to Training and Employment Programme (STEP) for Women was launched in 1986 by the Central Government as one of the measures to empower women in the informal sector. It is a poverty alleviation programme that seeks to provide... more
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      Program EvaluationImpact EvaluationProgram Evaluation (Research Methodology)Feminist Evaluation
Environmental impact assessments are needed to identify, predict and assess the consequences of proposed development activities. After 15 years’ experience, the extent to which ElAs meet those needs has been largely untested. This review... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentMeta evaluation
There has been increasing attention paid to the question of how to evaluate the creativity of computational creativity systems. A number of different evaluation methods, strategies and approaches have been proposed recently, causing a... more
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      Computational CreativityResearch evaluationComputational Creativity EvaluationMeta evaluation
Este trabajo presenta los resultados y aprendizajes del análisis retrospectivo de la experiencia Evaluación Participativa del Programa de Prevención y Atención del Cáncer en Valle de la Estrella, en provincia de Limón, Costa Rica. La... more
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      Participatory EvaluationEvaluacion de politicas públicasCollaborative ApproachesMeta evaluation
We introduce meta-evaluation as a study of the evaluative process about homes of people with severe mental disruption. The assayed evaluation has articulated four knowledge areas, aiming to insert workers and patients into the conduction... more
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      Mental HealthPublic HealthInterdisciplinary StudiesHealth program evaluation and monitoring
La communication entre agents cognitifs est un domaine de recherche en pleine effervescence. Notre travail consiste ici à proposer un modèle, basé sur le modèle STROBE, qui considère les agents comme des interpréteurs Scheme. Ces agents... more
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      ReificationSchemeSTROBEInsurance Agent Communication
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesPolíticas PúblicasMeta evaluationMetaevaluación
d économie (AgroSup Dijon-UMR 1041 CESAER) Catherine Laurent, Directrice de recherche en économie (INRA-UMR 1048 SADAPT) Nadia Okbani, doctorante en Sciences Politiques (Centre Emile Durkheim-Sciences Po Bordeaux) Frédéric Zahm*,... more
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      EvaluationPublic policiesScientific KnowledgeMeta evaluation