Mesozoic Stratigraphy
Recent papers in Mesozoic Stratigraphy
En la region de San Jose de Gracia, Ures, estado de Sonora, aflora una secuencia sedimentaria del Paleozoico inferior, que consiste en caliza oolitica, arenisca, lutita y limolita. Esta secuencia esta caracterizada por una abundante y... more
Exposures of the Te Kuiti Group sediments at Whangārei Harbour exhibit several distinct lithofacies within individual formations. These lithofacies exhibited unique sedimentary and biogenic characteristics, which were used to infer... more
Basin analysis can assimilate structural, burial and thermal histories to predict hydrocarbon-prone zones in speculative areas. The validity of the modeling approach was field tested in the North Sea Viking Graben, an area for which good... more
A suite of trace elements (TEs) characterized by an affinity to reducing environments, including molybdenum (Mo), uranium (U), vanadium (V), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni), were used to investigate secular variations in environmental redox... more
Here we report for the first time on the presence of ichthyosaurs in Sicily, southern Italy. The deposit of origin (Mufara Formation) can be dated to the upper Carnian (Tuvalian substage) based on a typical association of ammonites, one... more
The Upper Miocene (Vallesian-Turolian) Unit II of the Teruel Graben comprises at its top a 25 m-thick sequence of palustrine deposits. Deposition of the entire unit commenced some 9 to 7 Ma ago in a halfgraben basin. Here, via a recent... more
The late Ladinian (Middle Triassic) Xingyi Fauna from the Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation yields abundant and well-preserved marine reptiles. Bed-by-bed excavation at Wusha in Xingyi of Guizhou Province reveals two marine... more
Il sistema di campionamento costituisce un’evoluzione di un campionatore a valvole pneumatiche per gas disciolti realizzato in precedenza (Cosenza et al., 2008). Esso è stato progettato sulla base di particolari meccanici realizzati con... more
Iron is known to stimulate surface ocean productivity, as well as intervene with bacterially-mediated processes of organic matter remineralization, during early diagenesis. In this paper, we examine the influence of iron supply on the... more
Bentonite, a claystone formed from the devitrification of volcanic ash, demonstrates varying amounts of alteration in elemental concentrations through the transition from glass to clay. Many studies have sought to characterize and... more
The Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleogene formations in the Aix-en-Provence basin are characterized by interfingering lacustrine carbonates and flood-plain alluvium. The deposits from both environments display numerous horizons of... more
The famous vertebrate-bearing fissures of the Bristol area in southwest England and in south Wales were traditionally referred to “upland” environmental settings, and assigned an overall time range of some 60 Myr; we reject both of these... more
Elongated lenses of palustrine limestone interbedded with Mio-Pleistocene fluvial sands were exposed within a sand quarry in the north of Kuwait. Detailed field investigations, thorough petrographic and nanoscopic examinations and... more
The Po Plain (Italy) is one of the most densely populated and productive regions of Europe, characterized by a flourishing economy (also linked to strategic subsurface resources) and several world cultural and natural heritage sites. The... more
Red, purple and gray-green mudrocks near Dillon, Montana, have been mapped traditionally as the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. There are very few studies of the Mesozoic strata in this area and questions exist as to whether this unit... more
This study combines lithofacies, palaeosols, and ichnocoenoses of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation (Fm) into ichnopedofacies to interpret palaeoenvironmental conditions and palaeoclimatic changes in the northeast Chinle Basin. These... more
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Extensive soft-sediment deformation (SSD) of multiple expressions and scales record active and dynamic events and processes in erg deposits of the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone near Moab, Utah. The erg deposits preserve depositional... more
Twelve samples of Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone from seven localities in the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt region were found to be extremely low in organic matter content, even though the darkest colored and least weathered samples were... more
A model is proposed for the development of the Quaternary palustrine carbonate-calcrete association, which occurs as hard crust capping low hills at a distal flood plain of Al Dibdibba alluvial fan located at southwestern Kuwait. Field... more
We present a 1:7500 scale geological map of part of the footwall of the south verging Belluno Thrust of the seismically active eastern Southern Alps of northern Italy. We report a previously unknown thrust zone, the "San Donato-Costa... more
Field relations, petrography, GIS, and geochemistry of a Late Miocene-Pliocene limestone, the Opache Formation, Calama Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile shows that depositional facies, diagenetic histories, and isotopes differ from eastern to... more
This study defines the neostratotype of the Lower-Middle Albian Itapecuru Formation in the Parnaíba Basin, Northeast Brazil. In this sedimentary succession along the right bank of the Itapecuru river near the Itapecuru-Mirim City,... more
The magnetic parameters of sedimentary rocks can record accurately tectonic and climatic influences upon sedimentary processes, when they are not altered during diagenesis. This paper is focused on the possible alteration of the primary... more
This study defines the neostratotype of the Lower-Middle Albian Itapecuru Formation in the Parnaíba Basin, Northeast Brazil. In this sedimentary succession along the right bank of the Itapecuru river near the Itapecuru-Mirim City,... more
The famous vertebrate-bearing fissures of the Bristol area in southwest England and in south Wales were traditionally referred to “upland” environmental settings, and assigned an overall time range of some 60 Myr; we reject both of these... more
A detailed study of the mineral composition and microstructure of the black shales associated with OAE1a (Eastern Russian Platform), OAE1b (Middle Caspian), and the host rocks has been carried out using X-ray diffraction, scanning... more
• The pre OAE 2 Mo-isotope composition of seawater constrained to 1.1%-1.9% • Limited change in seawater Mo isotopes during OAE 2 linked to enhanced global Mo burial with Fe minerals • The response of other redoxsensitive isotopic systems... more
Molybdenum (Mo)-isotope chemostratigraphy of organic-rich mudrocks has been a valuable tool for testing the hypothesis that the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE, Early Jurassic,~183 Ma) was characterized by the spread of marine... more
The Congo basin, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is the largest sedimentary basin of Africa. Mesozoic sediments of this intra-cratonic basin outcrop along its eastern edge, south of Kisangani (former Stanleyville). The... more
The Department of Conservation makes no warranties as to the suitability of this product for any particular purpose. In 1990 the U.S. Geological Survey, as part of the National Geologic Mapping Program, initiated the Southern California... more
Bentonites serve as an important stratigraphic tool for facies correlation due to their instantaneous deposition and preservation across multiple depositional environments. Correlating one bed to another can be a complex issue limited by... more
Patterns of uranium-molybdenum covariation in marine sediments have the potential to provide insights regarding depositional conditions and processes in paleoceanographic systems. Specifically, such patterns can be used to assess bottom... more
The tectono-stratigraphic evolution of foreland basins is influenced by processes acting on local, regional and global scale. In this paper the effects of these processes on the basin evolution are investigated using a forward... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
In the Caborca–Altar area of northwest Sonora, variably deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks crop out in a northwest-southeast–trending belt (El Batamote belt) at least 70 km long. We obtained detrital zircon U-Pb... more
This paper considers the development and evolution of pedogenic structures within palustrine facies and their relationship with those of calcretes as exemplified by the Bembridge Limestone (BL) Formation (Upper Eocene) of the Isle of... more
The carbonate lake system represented by the late Eocene Bembridge Limestone Formation (Isle of Wight, southern England) comprises two main facies: lacustrine and palustrine. These facies are arranged vertically in... more