Papers by Pasquale Mario Nuccio
Rendiconti Lincei, 2015
Among the chemical elements and chemical compounds that promote life and its evolution on the ear... more Among the chemical elements and chemical compounds that promote life and its evolution on the earth, there are some which have toxic effects on plant life, animals and human beings. A lot of the chemicals released follow more or less complex cycles of different duration, during the course of which they are transported and disseminated, by means of various interactions, throughout the environment, including the biosphere. Natural processes ascribable to magmatism form a powerful system that discharge a large amount of substances which can contaminate waters and soils, even though there are generally only trace elements. In this paper, some of the main contamination processes linked to magmatism, such as the hydrothermalism of black and white smokers at the bottom of oceans, are described, as are other examples in the Mediterranean area and Italy, including volcanic ash deposition, CO 2 soil saturation and emission of radioactive radon. Furthermore, their toxic effects on the population are also highlighted, bearing in mind their implications and relevance in planning the use and management of both the soils and waters of a given area.
Mount Etna, the largest volcano in Europe, displays the peculiar condition of lying on continenta... more Mount Etna, the largest volcano in Europe, displays the peculiar condition of lying on continental crust and close to the subduction-related Aeolian volcanic arc, while its products shows typical affinities with ocean- island basalts (OIB). The finding of subduction-related geochemical tracers in the volcanic products of the last thousand years, along with an increased explosivity of eruptions, led to develop a model for Etnean magmas that states that the mantle source is progressively undergoing metasomatic influx by slab-derived fluids released from the Ionian slab[1]. We show that the trace element signatures of melt inclusions hosted in olivine phenocrysts erupted through the 2001-2006 period reveal the contemporaneous presence of two magma types in Mt. Etna's plumbing system. The two magma types are produced by partial melting of two distinct mantle sources respectively, which have amazing geochemical affinities with deeper and shallower mantle portions underlying the adjac...
Although sulfur is a minor element in magmas it plays key roles in processes of magma evolution, ... more Although sulfur is a minor element in magmas it plays key roles in processes of magma evolution, volcanic degassing and eruption. As a dissolved species in magmas, sulfur mainly exists as sulfide (S2-) under reducing conditions, and sulfate (S6+) under oxidizing conditions. Probing sulfur in magma is challenging because more than 90% of the sulfur initially dissolved is released at the time of eruption. Silicate melt inclusions trapped within early crystallized olivines provide a means of preserving melt compositions prior to significant modification of the magma such as assimilation, crystallization and degassing. Melt inclusions can provide reliable estimates of melt oxidation state at the time of inclusion entrapment. Oxidation state in melt inclusions has been assessed by electron microprobe (EMP) measurements of sulfur speciation, determining the relative proportions of S2- and S6+, on the basis of the sulfur K X-ray peak shift method. This technique provides relatively rapid a...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015
due to lithospheric tears which control the upwelling of mantle melts, their degassing and the tr... more due to lithospheric tears which control the upwelling of mantle melts, their degassing and the transport of volatiles through the crust.
TMPM Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1980
AGU Fall Meeting …, 2008
... 153, Palermo, 90146, Italy ; ), AF(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di... more ... 153, Palermo, 90146, Italy ; ), AF(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa, 153, Palermo, 90146, Italy ; ). Publication: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #V21B-2107. Publication Date: 12/2008. Origin: AGU. ...
… Società italiana di …, 1982
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1968
£ state svil uppato un metoda elettrochimico per la detcrminarione del ferro, nichd e oobalto met... more £ state svil uppato un metoda elettrochimico per la detcrminarione del ferro, nichd e oobalto metallici nelle meteoriti. Lc fasi Jnetallichc: SOIlO It:lte sc:Iettivamcnu: disciolte e gli elementi metallici in esse presc:mi sono stati quindi determinati nella soluzione me:diante assorbimento atomico. Questo metodo e state utilizzato per analizza re miscde di una lega. di Fe•Ni con polveri del meteorite di Allende per simulare i1 contenutO metallico delle condriti tipo H, L eLL. £ stata altrcsl anaiizz8ta una condrite naturale LL. ABSTRACT.-An electrcx:hemical method has been developed for the determination of metallic iron, nickel and cobalt in meteorites. The metallic phases are efficiently dissolvccl away from other mineral phases, and the elemenUi of the metal phases arc then determined by Atomic Absorption SpectfOS(QPY. This method was used to analyze mixtures of an iron-nickel alloy with Allende meteorite powders to simulate the metallic content of H, Land LL chondri tes; funhennorc an LL chondrite was also anal)'«d.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2020
It is shown that if M is a tree-like continuum with a finite number of arc components, then every... more It is shown that if M is a tree-like continuum with a finite number of arc components, then every continuous mapping of M into itself has a fixed point.
Papers by Pasquale Mario Nuccio