Recent papers in Merneptah
SUMMARY: Lecture-18 discusses the origins of the Israelites, including the first mention of "Israel" in Merenptah's "Israel" Stela, the current status regarding minimal to no archaeological evidence for an Exodus (also postulated as being... more
Fourty years between the solar eclipse in 1223 BCE (the Egyptian darkness as the nineth plague in the first year of the Merneptah’s reign) and the lunar eclipse in 1183 BCE (interpreted in the relations with ‘lunar’ Jericho) might be a... more
Nowadays people don't have much time to spend in the canteen just there and waiting for the waiter to take their order. Many customers visit the canteen in their leisure time like lunch break and short breaks so they have limited time to... more
‘Israel’ is mentioned in the Merneptah Stela, dated to his 5th regnal year—1209/8 BCE in an extra-biblical source for the first time. Dozens of articles were written in order to explain the meaning of the name Israel, identify the origin... more
Note: this draft has since been incorporated as Section I of Moses Found in Egypt, posted April 18, 2016 The mummy of Ramesses IX bears symptoms of advanced stage leprosy. This and other physical and chronological evidence matches... more
What was the world like for the first settlers of Canaan’s Hill country and as they emerged to form a kingdom? This Study considers their external and internal experiences up to the time they were ruled by Kings Saul and David.
ABSTRACT: This lecture covers the domestic affairs, international relations, special events or achievements/constructions, and burials during the reigns of (1). Ramesses I; (2). Sety I; (3). Ramesses II (with a lengthy treatment on the... more
In the narrow sense this volume deals with Egyptian military activity in the southern Levant, about 1300 to 1185 B.C. In the broad sense it provides a case study for the integration of historical, archaeological, and anthropological... more
This article examines the Merneptah Stele and its role in recent efforts to reconstruct Israelite history and identity. Though necessarily concerned with the issues of translation and location as they relate to the entity named in the... more
Egyptian sources correlate with the Biblical evidence of Abraham as a contemporary of Hammurabi and Moses as a contemporary of (unnamed but described in the Bible) Ramesses II and Merneptah
The name Israel in the Merneptah Stela has entered a new phase of discussion and debate in recent reconstructions of the origin of ancient Israel. Some of the issues involved include the transition of the name Israel and the location and... more
1207 av. n. è. Une entrée dramatique dans l'histoire : la stèle de Mérenptah Vers 1207 av. n. è., le pharaon Mérenptah fait ériger une stèle où il célèbre sa victoire contre des peuples rebelles et notamment un certain « Israël », dont... more
A new approach to the Egyptian Chronology in correlation with astronomical observations, radiocarbon dates, the Hittite Chronology, supporting the "high chronology" of New Kingdom Period.
Dieser Artikel setzt die chronologische Untersuchung begonnen in NABU 2013/04 der Chronologie und der Eponymen der späten Zeit Tukultī-Ninurta I. fort. Dem assoziiert sich inzwischen auch ein ägyptisches Synchronismus.
The present study discusses the immediate context of the Merenptah inscriptions and reliefs before engaging in a much wider survey of contemporaneous Egyptian, Canaanite, Hittite, and Assyrian military accounts which establish that the... more
The papyrus of Pentauret is the only document in this group where the date of its composition is recorded. To prove that the text was written on the papyrus during Merneptah’s reign, the reason why the epithet ‘great’ was applied to the... more