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Abstract Background: Quality of work life is the reaction of employees to their work specially the individual results at work and mental health that affects their personal experience and work results. Objective: The aim of this study was... more
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      Quality of Working LifeQuality of work lifeMental workload measuresAcademic Workloads
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) is a highly portable, safe neuroimaging technology that uses light to measure cortical brain activity. We have utilized fNIR to provide objective measures of cognitive workload of certified Air... more
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      PsychophysiologyBrain ImagingAviationHuman Factors in Aviation
Evaluating future technology concepts for air traffic control ground operations requires exploration of work scenarios of differing complexities, i.e. scenarios that create more or less taskload for air traffic controllers. While the link... more
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      Mental workload measuresAir Traffic Controllers
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) is a highly portable, safe neuroimaging technology that uses light to measure cortical brain activity. We have utilized fNIR to provide objective measures of cognitive workload of certified Air... more
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      EngineeringPsychophysiologyBrain ImagingWorking Memory
Abstract: Improving human systems integration through technologically advanced training and performance aids has become increasingly important to military transformation. Measures of improved cognitive and coordination processes arising... more
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      Team CognitionCognitive Load TheoryMental workload measuresMental Work Load Physical Workload Performance
Workload perception was measured in a drone flight training Simulator computerized situation. There has been increasing research in recent years on the topic of Remotely piloted aircrafts (RPA). Eleven participants were tested for... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman FactorsSimulationMental workload measures
We explored in the same study the two concepts of mental workload and psychological stress and their relationships with piloting activity and heart rate in low experienced pilots. Three low experienced pilots (3 males) performed 12 real... more
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      Mental workload measuresFlight PerformancePsychological StressHeart rate response
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      Modeling and SimulationMental workload measuresCognitive Workload
Based on the clause 3.8 and 3.9 of OHSAS 18001:2007 (, incidents in occupational health and safety management can be classified in 12 different categories. The table is simple: This paper just has one page. (By the... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetyOccupational health and safetySafety and Health in WorkplaceMental workload measures
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
The present study tested the hypothesis of an additive interaction between intrinsic, extraneous and germane cognitive load, by manipulating factors of mental workload assumed to have a specific effect on either type of cognitive load.... more
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      Cognitive Load TheoryMental workload measures
Abstract Measurement of workload is a technique to get information about the efficiency and effectiveness of an organizational unit, or office holders through a process of research and assessment. It is conducted by using job analysis,... more
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      ErgonomicsMental workload measuresMental Workload
Objective: A study was run to test the sensitivity of multiple workload indices to the differing cognitive demands of four military monitoring task scenarios and to investigate relationships between indices. Background: Various... more
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    • Mental workload measures
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      WorkloadMental workload measuresCognitive Workload
We examine the continuing use of subjective workload responses to index an operator’s state, either by themselves or as part of a collective suite of measurements. Lack of convergence of subjective scales with physiological and... more
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      Cognitive ErgonomicsWorkloadMental workload measures
Based on previous research showing the usefulness of spatial statistics in detecting randomness in the distribution of eye fixations, this study investigated the ocular behavior of professional pilots engaged in a simulated flight. The... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionPsychophysiologyErgonomics
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      DesignErgonomicsErgonomics & Human FactorsMental workload measures
The goal of this study is to analyze the mediating role of workload on the relationship between leader member exchange (LMX) and job satisfaction. Another objective of this study is to examine the relationship between LMX, workload, job... more
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      Job SatisfactionWorkloadLeader-Member Exchange (LMX)Mental workload measures
Conducting research within virtual environments poses unique challenges when trying to measure mental effort and visually induced motion sickness. Determining how much mental effort an individual is exerting at any given point has... more
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      Cognitive Load TheoryCognitive LoadGalvanic Skin ResponseSimulator Sickness
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      DrivingMental workload measures
The aim of this thesis was to link individual, contextual and communicational factors during a group activity and to study theirs effects on collective performances and workload during collaborative task. Our first study focused on... more
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      CommunicationPersonalityWorkloadMental workload measures
In human factors and ergonomics research, the analysis of eye movements has gained popularity as a method for obtaining information concerning the operators cognitive strategies and for drawing inferences about the cognitive state of an... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionEye trackingHuman Factors
Workload capacity describes processing efficiency across changes in workload, and is an important concept in many areas of psychology. The capacity coefficient is one particularly useful measure of this construct, which is a function... more
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      Functional Data Analysis (Mathematics)Information ProcessingMental workload measures
Two main factors seem to contribute to the development of a riding configuration, and consequently of a motorcycle simulator: the trajectory control modality and the leaning rendering. The goal of this study was to compare two riding... more
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      Eye trackingMotorcyclesPupillometrySimulation
Subjective workload and situation awareness measures, such as the NASA task load index (TLX) and the situational awareness rating technique (SART), are frequently used in human-system evaluation. However, the interpretation of these... more
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      Situation awarenessMental workload measuresCognitive Workload
An accurate measure of mental workload in human operators is a critical element of monitoring and adaptive aiding systems that are designed to improve the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems during critical tasks. Functional... more
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      Human Factors in AviationNear InfraredAir traffic controlBrain
Adaptive training using neurophysiological measures requires efficient classification of mental workload in real time as a learner encounters new and increasingly difficult levels of tasks. Previous investigations have shown that... more
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      Real-time SystemsTrainingNeural NetworksBrain Computer Interface
An accurate measure of mental workload in human operators is a critical element of monitoring and adaptive aiding systems that are designed to improve the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems during critical tasks. Functional... more
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      Functional Near Infrared SpectroscopyHuman Factors in AviationNear InfraredPrefrontal Cortex
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) is a highly portable, safe neuroimaging technology that uses light to measure cortical brain activity. We have utilized fNIR to provide objective measures of cognitive workload of certified Air... more
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      PsychophysiologyBrain ImagingWorking MemoryUnderstanding
This paper uses physiological measurements to estimate human workload and effort in physical human–robot interaction. Ten subjects performed 19 consecutive task periods using the ARMin robot while difficulty was varied along two scales.... more
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      RoboticsPsychophysiologyAffective ComputingHuman-Robot Interaction
In this study we compare the efficacy of three driver's performance indicators based on lateral deviation in detecting significant on-road performance degradations while interacting with a secondary task: the High Frequency Component of... more
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      WorkloadMental workload measuresDriving performanceCognitive Workload
This paper presents an empirical approach for estimating driver's cognitive workload using driving performance, especially lateral control ability through readily available sensors such as lane position and steering wheel angle. To... more
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      Human FactorsArtificial Neural NetworksAutomotive User InterfaceDriver distraction
Human psychological (cognitive and affective) dimensions can be assessed using several methods, such as physiological or performance measurements. To date, however, few studies have compared different data modalities with regard to their... more
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      PsychophysiologyAffective NeuroscienceAffective ComputingComputer Games
In previous studies, eye fixations were recorded from participants playing a videogame and from professional pilots during a simulated flight. Ocular data were then analyzed using spatial statistics algorithms, and results showed... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionPsychophysiologyErgonomics
Visual scanning strategies have been often related to mental workload. In this study it has been investigated the relation between fixations distribution and workload on the basis of the consideration that low workload may be associated... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPsychophysiologyErgonomicsEye tracking
Two main factors seem to contribute to the development of a riding configuration, and consequently of a motorcycle simulator: the trajectory control modality and the leaning rendering. The goal of this study was to compare two riding... more
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      PsychologyEye trackingMotorcyclesPupillometry
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) is a highly portable, safe neuroimaging technology that uses light to measure cortical brain activity. We have utilized fNIR to provide objective measures of cognitive workload of certified Air... more
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      PsychophysiologyBrain ImagingWorking MemoryUnderstanding
An accurate measure of mental workload in human operators is a critical element of monitoring and adaptive aiding systems that are designed to improve the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems during critical tasks. Functional... more
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      Human Factors in AviationMental workload measures
Two groups, aged 25-35 and 60-69, engaged in 3 levels of a delayed auditory recall task while driving a simulated highway. Heart rate and skin conductance increased with each level of demand, demonstrating that these indices can correctly... more
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      Human FactorsAutomotive Cognitive EngineeringDriving and Older AdultsDriver distraction
The fourth industrial revolution introduced a new paradigm in manufacturing systems. The digital network is at the basis of the smart manufacturing and the physical context is strictly related to the artificial intelligence. This new... more
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      Human Perception and PerformanceHuman performance improvementHuman PerformanceMental workload measures
Background: The inclusion of new technologies in education has motivated the development of studies on mental workload. These technologies are now being used in the teaching and learning process. The analysis enables identification of... more
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    • Mental workload measures
This paper presents a descriptive analysis of over 1000 global NASA Task Load Index (TLX; Hart & Staveland, 1988) scores from over 200 publications. This analysis is similar to that which was suggested by Hart (2006). The frequency... more
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      WorkloadMental workload measuresCognitive Workload
The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of situation complexity and driving experience on subjective workload and driving performance, and the less costly and the most effective strategies faced with a hazard pedestrian... more
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      DrivingMental workload measures
The classic approach to the concept of "Level Of Automation" (LOA) is qualitative in nature: it simply describes the trading of system control between humans and computers. Since Sheridan's seminal work many taxonomies have been proposed,... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionErgonomicsEye tracking
The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of situation complexity and driving experience on subjective workload and driving performance, and the less costly and the most effective strategies faced with a hazard pedestrian... more
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In the digital society, recent studies showed that individuals have to perform tasks based on the information gathered by a huge amount of data and effectively use them to express their cognitive and motor abilities. The cognitive task is... more
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      ErgonomicsCognitive ErgonomicsMental workload measuresCognitive Workload
With the emergence of vehicle-based technologies that could compete for attention due to visual and cognitive workloads in a driving environment, it is important to accurately assess the various components of potential distractions.... more
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      DrivingAttentionWorkloadMental workload measures
Traffic constables play a very significant role in controlling the traffic system especially in the metropolitan cities despite several limitations. The broad objective of the present study was to understand the job-related stress of... more
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      Coping StrategiesPoliceStress ManagementJob Stress (Psychology)
This paper suggests an algorithm for estimating driver's cognitive workload complexity using driving performance and physiological data. The algorithm adopts radial basis probabilistic neural networks (RBPNN) to construct estimation... more
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      Human FactorsArtificial Neural NetworksAutomotive User InterfaceDriver distraction
With increasingly higher levels of automation in aerospace decision support systems, it is imperative that the human operator maintains the required level of situational awareness in different operational conditions and a central role in... more
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      RoboticsAerospace EngineeringErgonomicsAeronautical Engineering