Recent papers in Megaspores
Quantitative plant assemblage data from coal balls, miospores, megaspores, and compression floras from the Calhoun coal bed (Missotirian) of the Illinois Basin (USA) are used to interpret spatial and temporal changes in plant commtinities... more
Fossil assemblages are described from the Tyers River Subgroup (late Berriasian to Hauterivian), Gippsland Basin, Victoria. The assemblages include plant macrofossils referable to 33 form-species including five new species (Isoetites... more
The Permian-Triassic boundary within the Amery Group of the Lambert Graben is placed at the contact between the Bainmedart Coal Measures and overlying Flagstone Bench Formation, based on the first regular Occurrence of Lunatisporites... more
A classification of spores by support vectors based on an analysis of their ornament spatial distribution-An application to Emsian miospores from Saudi Arabia.
As part of an on-going multidisciplinary investigation of the Bristol Coalfield we present a detailed account of assemblages of megaspores and large pollen grains from the mid-Bolsovian to late Asturian Warwickshire Group (Winterbourne,... more
A classification of spores by support vectors based on an analysis of their ornament spatial distribution-An application to Emsian miospores from Saudi Arabia.
The Permian-Triassic boundary within the Amery Group of the Lambert Graben is placed at the contact between the Bainmedart Coal Measures and overlying Flagstone Bench Formation, based on the first regular Occurrence of Lunatisporites... more
A new Maastrichtian-Paleocene Azolla species from of Bolivia, with a comparison of the global record of coeval Azolla.
the morphology and structure of megaspores assigned to Lagenoisporites magnus from the toregua Formation, retama Group, mid-upper tournaisian of Bolivia were studied. the analysis was performed with light, fluorescence and scanning... more
This study describes the megaspore assemblages from the Ryabinsk Member of the Vokhma Formation of the Moscow Syneclise. The genus Otynisporites is emended, three new species, Maexisporites meditectatus, M. rugulaeferus and Otynisporites... more
lN Nlo" rotatos 01' rll/~'I'l\Nt\NÁ IJ/\SIN, Sil O I'l'lUI.o STi\ lE, IJNA Z/ L Th ix rcsc urch pres em lhe rcsults 0 1' dc tailc d sy stcu uuic stud y ubo ur the mcg usporc s found in thc scdim cnt ary rocks of Itararé S ubg roup (U ppcr... more
Steemans et al., Libyan megaspores page 2 A restudy of Devonian palynological assemblages of samples from the A1-69 borehole, drilled in the Ghadamis Basin, western Libya, North Africa has led to the discovery of numerous well-preserved... more
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Deux nouvelles espèces de mégaspores, Biharisporites jubahensis et Verrucisporites yabrinensis, découvertes dans la partie méridionale du centre de l'Arabie Saoudite sont décrites dans la Formation Jubah, d'âge Dévonien moyen.... more
Recent Arctic drilling has revealed that the freshwater surface-floating heterosporous fern Azolla arctica Collinson et al. (Azollaceae, Salviniales) bloomed and reproduced in the Arctic Ocean on a massive scale during the early Middle... more
1 Laboratoire de Paleobotanique, Paleopalynologie et Micropaleontologie, Universite de Liege, Allee du 6 aout, B18, Sart-Tilman, 4000 Liege (Belgium) [email protected] 2 Laboratoire de Paleobotanique, Paleopalynologie et... more
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Eanh Sciences, 76, 13-20, 1985 Plants from the Dinantian of Foulden, Berwickshire, Scotland Andrew C. Scott and Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud ABSTRACT: Anatomically preserved plants are recorded... more
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Eanh Sciences, 76, 13-20, 1985 Plants from the Dinantian of Foulden, Berwickshire, Scotland Andrew C. Scott and Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud ABSTRACT: Anatomically preserved plants are recorded... more
The morphology and ultrastructure of megaspores, microspores, and massulae of Salvinia Séguier 1785 species from Argentina, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay have been analyzed. The analyses were performed using light... more