Papers by Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco
Terrae Didatica
A notável recepção de manuscritos por Terræ Didatica em 2022 compreende mais de 80 contribuições ... more A notável recepção de manuscritos por Terræ Didatica em 2022 compreende mais de 80 contribuições inéditas. Os números indicam que a comunidade geocientífica nacional e internacional considera a revista um veículo ágil e eficaz para divulgar resultados de suas pesquisas. Os editores agradecem a generosa cooperação de dezenas de especialistas, altamente capacitados, do Brasil e do exterior, que compõem um exigente sistema de revisão por pares. A capacidade de processamento de novas contribuições ampliou-se, mas a resposta nem sempre ocorre na velocidade esperada. É digno de nota o relevante papel educativo do trabalho editorial junto aos/às jovens novos/as autores/as. A inusitada quantidade de 39 trabalhos rejeitados no ano se deve tanto a casos de submissão incompleta, quanto de baixa qualidade detectados pelos pareceristas, a quem compete aplicar rigorosamente os critérios de seleção. Para aprimorar os manuscritos, os editores tentaram adotar alguns mecanismos de interação junto aos...
XXV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, Oct 21, 2017
The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of planktonic life ... more The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of planktonic life found in silex concretions, associated with layers of carbonate sedimentary rocks outcropping in the municipalities of Santa Rosa do Viterbo/SP and Bofete/SP, belonging to Assistencia and Teresina Formations (Passa Dois Group, Parana Basin). A systematic comparison of the microfossils will be based on morphological and anatomical characters. The good preservation of specimens allow the classification and understanding of the way of life, habitats and taphonomy of the deposits in which they are found. It is worth mentioning that the microfossils present in the Passa Dois Group are still little studied and even more those associated with chert concretions and carbonate rocks of the Permian Parana Basin.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2006
Most palynological studies of mangroves have been carried out in the Indo-Pacific region, but few... more Most palynological studies of mangroves have been carried out in the Indo-Pacific region, but few have investigated these ecosystems along the southern Atlantic coast. This paper provides information on the palynology of a mangrove at Itanhaém, state of São Paulo, on the southeastern Brazilian coast. This mangrove occurs on microtidal flats adjacent to a fluvial-tidal channel mouth (Itanhaém River), part
Terrae Didatica, 2020
The year 2020 will be unmistakable, as the population experiences, by the time this text is being... more The year 2020 will be unmistakable, as the population experiences, by the time this text is being written, harrowing threats to human health, in the midst of a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. Faced with the enormous challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, important knowledge will be gained from this general picture of impotence. Now, questions swell quickly, objective responses are slow to emerge, and the relationship between science and politics is at the center of the world scenario: “we are learning that science’s place in politics is determined not by the logic of the facts, but by the fundamental influence of human values” (Sarewitz, 2020). There will be corrections of directions, of great interest to Earth Sciences, since a good part of the knowledge to be generated concerns the way man relates to nature. Anyway, it is a geoethical relationship, as humanity applies Geosciences to shape the “human niche”, employing professionals in the field as operational i...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2008
The aim of this research was to reconstruct vegetation changes (with climate inferences) that occ... more The aim of this research was to reconstruct vegetation changes (with climate inferences) that occurred during the Holocene in the Fernando de Noronha Island, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil. The research approach included the use of geochemical (mineralogy, elemental), carbon isotopes (δ13C, 14C) and pollen analyses in soil organic matter (SOM) and sediments collected in Lagoa da Viração and Manguezal do Sueste. The carbon isotopes data of SOM indicated that there was no significant vegetation changes during the last 7400 BP, suggesting that the climate was not the determinant factor for the vegetation dynamics. The pollen analysis of the sediment of a core collected in the Lagoa da Viração showed the absence of Quaternary material in the period between 720 BP and 90 BP. The mineralogical analysis of deeper layer showed the presence of diopside indicating this material was developed "in situ". Only in the shallow part of the core were found pollen of similar plant sp...
Esteiras microbianas sao estruturas organossedimentares laminadas, desenvolvidas a partir do acre... more Esteiras microbianas sao estruturas organossedimentares laminadas, desenvolvidas a partir do acrescimo de lâminas de sedimentos aprisionados atraves do metabolismo de microrganismos, que induzem a precipitacao de carbonato. Microbialitos sao depositos organossedimentares formados pela interacao de microrganismos com sedimentos detriticos, atraves dos processos de trapeamento e aglutinacao dos graos e minerais. Esta pesquisa apresenta os resultados obtidos com o estudo tafonomico e paleoecologico de estruturas desenvolvidas por atividade de microrganismos, como estromatolitos, microbialitos e esteiras microbianas, com o intuito de comparar os resultados e tracar similaridades e diferencas nas relacoes ecologicas e ambientes de formacao . Foram utilizados modelos recentes (Holoceno), como a Lagoa Salgada e Lagoa Pitanguinha, RJ, para compreender modelos fosseis (Permiano), afloramentos em Taguai e Santa Rosa do Viterbo, SP. A metodologia se constituiu em analise de sedimentos associad...
Revista Brasileira de Geociências
lN Nlo" rotatos 01' rll/~'I'l\Nt\NÁ IJ/\SIN, Sil O I'l'lUI.o STi\ lE, IJNA Z/ L Th ix rcsc urch p... more lN Nlo" rotatos 01' rll/~'I'l\Nt\NÁ IJ/\SIN, Sil O I'l'lUI.o STi\ lE, IJNA Z/ L Th ix rcsc urch pres em lhe rcsults 0 1' dc tailc d sy stcu uuic stud y ubo ur the mcg usporc s found in thc scdim cnt ary rocks of Itararé S ubg roup (U ppcr C urboniferuus) toca tcd ut thc north c astcrn ponion of Paran á Haxin (São Paulo State), Br azil. The st ud ied outcmp was dcpositcd by subaquosos fans loc ntcd at lhe lo wc r portion of ltamré S ubgroup with glacial influencc during the Westaphlian lim es. Pour spccics o f mcgaspores are here dcscribed and illustratcd: SlIlJfagcllimla brosilicnsís, S. .\' illllll(ll. Tritcitvs tenuis and Caknnospora sp. Th c spccies o f thc genusSublagcllin da are dominam. Are hcre discussed lhe rc iationship prc sents nmon g othcr species of mega spores 100. and tem poral und spac ia l distribution o f that four spccics for Paraná n us!n and Go ndwana.
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP
A pesquisa objetiva incrementar os estudos palinológicos sobre a porção superior do Subgrupo Itar... more A pesquisa objetiva incrementar os estudos palinológicos sobre a porção superior do Subgrupo Itararé com base na identificação palinomorfos em lâminas. As amostras tratadas são de lamitos do Afloramento Rio Capivari, datados do Carbonífero-Permiano ricas em fósseis vegetais. Após a identificação de 250 palinomorfos distribuídos pelos 11 níveis estudados será feita uma divisão em biozonas e uma classificação tafonômica da área analisada.
XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2016
The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of planktonic life ... more The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of planktonic life found in chert concretions, associated with layers of carbonate sedimentary rocks outcropping in the municipalities of Santa Rosa do Viterbo/SP and Conchas/SP, belonging to Assistencia and Teresina Formations (Passa Dois Group, Parana Basin). A systematic comparison of the microfossils will be based on morphological and anatomical characters. The good preservation of specimens allow the classification and understanding of the way of life, habitats and taphonomy of the deposits in which they are found. It is worth mentioning that the microfossils present in the Passa Dois Group are still little studied and even more those associated with chert concretions and carbonate rocks of the Permian Parana Basin.
XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2016
Resumo Com base na fisionomia foliar da paleoflora da Formação Fonseca (Eoceno/Oligoceno), aflora... more Resumo Com base na fisionomia foliar da paleoflora da Formação Fonseca (Eoceno/Oligoceno), aflorante no distrito de Fonseca, Minas Gerais, uma reconstrução quantitativa do paleoclima foi realizada utilizando os métodos de Análise da Margem Folhar e Análise da Área Folhar. Os resultados dessas analises aplicadas aos 35 morfotipos identificados indicam que a paleoflora de Fonseca habitou em um ambiente com Temperatura Média Anual (TMA) entre 26,1 e 26,7°C, e Precipitação Média Anual (PMA) entre 852 e 1034 mm. A partir dos valores inferidos em conjunto com os dados taxonômicos, sugere um paleoclima quente e subúmido relacionado a níveis de CO2 atmosféricos entre 500 e 1000 ppm.
ABSTRACT The bryophyte fossils are rare, mainly in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in spite of being ... more ABSTRACT The bryophyte fossils are rare, mainly in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in spite of being present since the Silurian Period. In the Division Bryophyta, the fossils that belong to the Class Bryopsida are recognized since the Carboniferous, but they are extremely scarce. They are plentiful only in Permian sediments, in the Petchora, Kuznetsk and Russian Platform basins, also in Antarctica, Karoo basin (the last in South Africa) and India. Identified at the genus Dwykea, gametophyte specimens bearing pleurocarpous sporophyte were recovered from the lowermost levels of Itararé Subgroup, near Campinas city, S. Paulo State. These fossils correspond to the first register of bryophyte female gametophyte for the Carboniferous Period. The microflora in association with these fossils allow correlations of these levels to the Palynozone Ahrensisporites cristatus of Westphalian age. Related to proglacial sediments, they may correspond to a tundra vegetation covering the Northeastern border of Paraná Basin, during the Westphalian Resumén: Los fósiles atribuidos a briófitos son escasos, principalmente en rocas paleozoicas a pesar de ser registrados desde el Silúrico. Para la División Bryophyta, los fósiles correspondientes a la Clase Bryopsida comienzan a ser encontrados a partir del Carbonífero, aunque son bastante escasos. Registros más abundantes son conocidos para el Pérmico en rocas de las cuencas de Petchora, Kuznetsk y en la Plataforma Rusa, así como en la Antártica, en la Cuenca del Karoo (África del Sur) e India. Especímenes de gametófitos con esporofitos pleurocárpicos del género Dwykea fueron colectados en los niveles inferiores del Subgrupo Itararé, próximos a la ciudad de Campinas, Estado de S. Paulo. Estos fósiles corresponden al primer registro para el periodo Carbonífero de gametofitos femeninos fértiles. La microflora asociada a los fósiles de Dwykea permite establecer correlaciones con la Palinozona Ahrensisporites cristatus de edad westfaliana. Además los niveles donde fueron colectados los ejemplares de Dwykea corresponden a sedimentos proglaciales, que son interpretados como una vegetación de tundra que habitaba en el margen noreste de la Cuenca del Paraná, durante el Westfaliano.
Anais do Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2015
Anais do Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2015
Based on leaf physiognomy of the Fonseca Formation paleoflora (Eocene/Oligocene), outcropping in ... more Based on leaf physiognomy of the Fonseca Formation paleoflora (Eocene/Oligocene), outcropping in the district of Fonseca, Minas Gerais, a quantitative paleoclimate reconstruction was performed using the Leaf Margin Analysis and the Leaf Area Analysis. The results of these analyses, based on 20 identified morphotypes, indicate that the paleoflora of Fonseca dwells in an environment with a mean annual temperature (MAT) between 27 and 27.7 °C, and a mean annual precipitation (MAP) between 1004 and 1135 mm. The analysis of the obtained values and taxonomic data suggests the presence of a warm and sub-humid tropical climate.
Anais do Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2015
The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of plantonic life f... more The main objective of this research is the study of the Permian fossil record of plantonic life found in chert concretions, associated with layers of carbonate sedimentary rocks outcropping in the municipalities of Santa Rosa do Viterbo and Conchal/SP, belonging to Assistencia and Teresina Formations (Passa Dois Group, Parana Basin). A systematic comparison of the microfossils will be based on morphological and anatomical characters. The good preservation of specimens allow the classification and understanding of the way of life, habitats and taphonomy of the deposits in which they are found. It is worth mentioning that the microfossils present in the Passa Dois Group are still little studied and even more those associated with chert concretions and carbonate rocks of the Permian Paraná Basin.
Palaeontology, 2012
This study involves bryophyte fossils from the Teresina Formation (Permian-Guadalupian) collected... more This study involves bryophyte fossils from the Teresina Formation (Permian-Guadalupian) collected in the Rio Preto Quarry in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. Two new genera are proposed, with two new species: Capimirinus riopretensis sp. nov. and Yguajemanus yucapirus sp. nov. C. riopretensis sp. nov. included a lateral sporophyte that was organically attached to a gametophyte and is thus one of the oldest pleurocarpous fossils known today. This discovery provides clear evidence of the evolution of mosses during the Permian, because an acrocarpous moss from this period was also found in India. The preservation of such a fragile structure demonstrates that no prefossilization displacement took place and that the sediments accumulated in a low-energy, freshwater environment, similar to a lake fed by rain, and isolated from the direct influence of the sea. Campimirinus riopretensis may be placed within the earlier pleurocarps, and Yguajemanus yucapirus sp. nov. may belong to the Bryalean families. However, we were not able to place neither of these species in any existing family today.
CATENA, 2013
ABSTRACT The Mogi Guacu River rises in Born Repouso (Minas Gerais State - Brazil) in the Mantique... more ABSTRACT The Mogi Guacu River rises in Born Repouso (Minas Gerais State - Brazil) in the Mantiqueira Ridge, and flows into the Rio Pardo river at an elevation of 483 m in Pontal (Sao Paulo State - Brazil), after running a 530 km long course. Especially along the Lower Mogi Guacu Basin, the river morphology is extremely sinuous, characterized by intense processes of channel migration, avulsion, abandonment and reactivation of the channel, producing an extensive alluvial plain composed of a series of associated relief forms and sedimentary facies. Among these forms, point bar deposits by lateral accretion, abandoned meanders, paleo-channels and fluvial terraces are notable features. In this sense, the objective of this work was to investigate whether these features could be linked to environmental changes. To reach this goal, soil properties of a catena of the Jatai Ecological Station (Luiz Antonio - Sao Paulo State) were analyzed in four sectors: Slope, Terrace I, Terrace II and Alluvial Plain. The results from grain-size determination, geochemical and isotopic studies, dating, paleopalynology, coal fragments and micromorphology are presented in this paper. From these analyses, a paleo-environmental evolution divided in three stages is proposed for the area: 130,000 YBP (Upper Pleistocene), when the Mogi Guacu River base level was approximately 6 m above the present one; a drier second phase 10,250 years BP (Lower Holocene), when an organic horizon was formed inside of an abandoned meander (oxbow lake), and a third phase, 2096 YBP (Upper Holocene), of reactivation of a warm and humid climate that promoted the development of a two meters thick Typic Udifluvent in a sector where the Mogi Guacu River no more floods due to the incision of its thalweg, reaching more than six-meters depth in the last 130,000 years BP. Thus, this paper used a fluvial geomorphologic approach and its interplay with climate to understand how the landscape was shaped from Upper Pleistocene to Holocene, however, Neotectonics might have played a relevant role as well, not only in the Mogi Guacu River Basin, but also in the Parana Sedimentary Basin.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2006
Most palynological studies of mangroves have been carried out in the Indo-Pacific region, but few... more Most palynological studies of mangroves have been carried out in the Indo-Pacific region, but few have investigated these ecosystems along the southern Atlantic coast. This paper provides information on the palynology of a mangrove at Itanhaém, state of São Paulo, on the southeastern Brazilian coast. This mangrove occurs on microtidal flats adjacent to a fluvial-tidal channel mouth (Itanhaém River), part
ABSTRACT Theropod bone remains from the Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous, Southeastern Brazil, are s... more ABSTRACT Theropod bone remains from the Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous, Southeastern Brazil, are scarce and poorly preserved. Because of that much of the information about these dinosaurs mainly relies on isolated teeth. Here we report a set of theropod teeth found in association with several crocodylomorph teeth and a well-preserved and semi-articulated sauropod dinosaur from the Adamantina Formation deposits. The teeth were analyzed under both morphological and morphometric point of views and the results showed they correspond to the clades Abelisauridae and Dromaeosauridae. To date, and based on osteological evidence, abelisaurids are the most common theropod clade in Bauru Group deposits. Additionally, although deinonychosaur remains have also been described for this unit, some of the teeth reported here might represent the first evidence of Dromaeosauridae for the Bauru Group.
Papers by Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco