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Au milieu du XIIe siècle, l’Occident chrétien assiste à l’apparition d’un nouveau rituel liturgique au cours duquel le prêtre élève au-dessus de sa tête l’hostie qui vient d’être consacrée et transformée en corps du Christ. Selon... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityRitual
Estratto dalla rivista Arte Medievale anno VII -(2008), 1 -pagine 55-80 1. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 976, f. 4v: Magister Nicolaus, iniziali decorate, terzo quarto del XIII secolo (© Pierpont Morgan Library, New York). 2.... more
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      Medieval HistoryLiturgyMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
4. De vita et miraculis sanctae Rictrudis libri tres, éd. Acta Sanctorum, Maii t. 3, Anvers, 1680, p. 95. 5. Miracula sancti Michaelis, dans P. Bouet-O. desBordes (éd.), Chroniques latines du Mont-Saint-Michel (ix exii e s.),... more
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      Medieval LiteratureLiturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryHagiography
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgyByzantine Liturgy
I testi contenuti in questo volume sono stati valutati con il sistema double-blind peer review.
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      Liturgical StudiesKnights TemplarLiturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of CrusadesPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandAmbrose of Milan
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      HistoryCanon LawArt HistoryArt
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      LyonLiturgieRituals and Symbols (Medieval)Medieval liturgies
The four codices 60-63 constitute the «Lectionarium Placentinum» which contains a complete collection of «lectiones» for the divine office in a single source from a specific diocese and period. Together with the two Temporale volumes... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyLiturgical StudiesHagiographyPatristics
Posterpräsentation anlässlich der Internationalen Tagung der HandschriftenbearbeiterInnen, Basel, 11.–13. April 2018
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBook History (History)Medieval Art
Journées romanes, Saint-Michel de Cuxa, 6-11 juillet 2015. La peinture murale à l'époque romane. 15 conférenciers internationaux. Visites en Roussillon, Catalogne, Andorre. Journées romanes, Saint-Michel de Cuxa (France), july 6-11th,... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryCultural HeritageHistory of Art
dasn ce travail nous voulons truver les traces laissées par les textes de la liturgie hispanique dans les inscriptions des VIII-XIII siècles. Nous pouvos identifier ces traces dan certaines petites phrases, parfois, un seul mot, que les... more
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      LiturgyLatin EpigraphyLiturgieMedieval liturgies
This paper offers a detailed study of the evolution of consecration rites for abbesses and abbots in liturgical books produced in England from 900 to 1200. It reveals how these rites, through the prayers recited, insignia bestowed, chants... more
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      ChristianityLiturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies