Recent papers in McDonalds
Depuis la fin de la guerre froide, et la consolidation de la mondialisation néolibérale, les syndicats ont été obligés à repenser leur raison d'être et d'agir en dehors du cadre strict des États-nations dans lesquels ils étaient... more
Abstract: Tema "McDonald's vs. Cartofiserie (Firme mari vs. firme mici și mijlocii)" reprezintă o analiză profundă a diferențelor semnificative dintre două tipuri de afaceri din industria alimentară, cu scopul de a înțelege mai bine... more
Este artigo investiga as estrategias de internacionalizacao de redes de franquias brasileiras com parceiros locais, especificamente via master franqueado, que consiste em um franqueado com direitos de “subfranquear” a marca franqueadora a... more
Kriz zamanlarında örgütler açısından en önemli öğe insan kaynaklarıdır. Çünkü, krizden en çok etkilenen örgütün çalışanlarıdır. Krizler, genellikle olumsuz gelişmeleri beraberinde getirerek çalışanları strese sokar ve zamanla ruhsal... more
Ad nan Menderes Üniversitesi Turizm lşletmecili�i ve Otelcilik Yüksekokulu öz Krizler günümüzde bireylerin, işletme yönetimlerinin, hükü metlerin etkilerine sık sık maruz kaldıkları ve pek çok ke simi etki altına alan önemli unsurlar... more
Food hygiene and safety (Food hygiene and safety) is an important issue for any business industry, especially the food service industry. For Fast food restaurants, food hygiene and safety is a vital factor, directly affecting the health... more
A partir do dispositivo teórico da Análise de Discurso, linha francesa, analisa-se os discursos publicitários divulgados na campanha do McLanche Feliz, lanche especial para crianças, da rede de fast-foods Mc’Donald’s. O corpus desse... more
Pelo fato de mobilizar seus dizeres de forma peculiar e estratégica, os anúncios publicitários frequentemente ocupam espaço nas pesquisas em análise do discurso. De modo a contribuir para as discussões em torno desse campo por uma... more
McDonalization in the world created a new concept of a new modernization style of Popular Culture. The representation built by McDonald's then changed the capitalization system of the fast-food industry to one that prioritizes time and... more
Nonviolence resembles the aporetic structure and ambiguity of many works of art or our conceptualization of them. As a term of engagement in the arts, nonviolence is insightful as an operational and comparative concept: operational... more
Purpose of the article: The Price Sensitivity Measurement (PSM) evaluates consumers’ expectations to set the optimal price. Applied to a brand’s different lifecycle stages, it can show different feasibility. The aim of this paper is... more
A partir do dispositivo teórico da Análise de Discurso, linha francesa, analisa-se os discursos publicitários divulgados na campanha do McLanche Feliz, lanche especial para crianças, da rede de fast-foods Mc’Donald’s. O corpus desse... more
Kehidupan manusia, tidak terlepas dari kegiatan ekonomi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya salah satunya, kegiatan konsumsi. Namun, kegiatan konsumsi yang berlebihan atau sekedar memenuhi hasrat (want/desire) ketimbang memenuhi kebutuhan... more
Konsumerisme adalah proses dimana konsumen secara sadar atau tidak sadar terus menggunakan barang atau hasil produksi. Ketika orang mengkonsumsi sesuatu secara berlebihan, maka masyarakat tersebut dapat dikatakan mengkonsumsi dan... more
INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS PELO SISTEMA DE FRANQUIAS: DIRETRIZES PARA UMA EMPRESA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SOFTWARE RESUMO A globalização e a internacionalização dos mercados têm afetado organizações de diferentes setores, incluindo as... more
Kriz Dönemlerinde Karizmatik Liderliğin Firma Performansına Etkisi Mcdonald’s Örneği
Göstergebilim günümüzde sık sık karşımıza çıkan bir olgudur. Göstergebilim, göstergeler yani işaretler sayesinde var olmaktadır. Göstergelerin (işaretlerin) her biri birer ayrı anlam kazanarak anlatılmak istenilenin veya tanımlanmak... more
We compare activist-based internet data with four other media sources—Lexis Nexis Academic Universe, The Seattle Times, Global Newsbank, and The New York Times—on their coverage of the local, national, and international protests that... more
Toplumun McDonaldlaştırılmasına Karşı Duran Mclibel Belgeseli Hakkında Youtube’da Yürütülen Tartışmaların Kültürel Özellikleri. Sosyal Medya Okuryazarlığı. (Ed. Gül Dilek Türk). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık (Özet) 2005 yapımı McLibel... more
Kuliner meresepsentasikan pengetahuan, sosial, ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat. Kuliner (makanan) dapay menjadi representasi dari budaya individu dan sosial masyarakat. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengkaji dan mendeskripsikan gambaran tentang... more
Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to present partial results of the research project conducted in Poland and Silesia aiming at analyzing changes in the financial condition of non-financial companies in time of... more
- by Joanna Błach
Resumo: A partir do dispositivo teórico da Análise de Discurso, linha francesa, analisa-se os discursos publicitários divulgados na campanha do McLanche Feliz, lanche especial para crianças, da rede de fast-foods Mc'Donald's. O corpus... more
Forces of globalization challenge labor rights in multiple dimensions. These policies are implemented at the expense of increasing inequalities and unemployment, curtailing labor rights, and enhancing the risks of financial crises. Aiming... more
- by emre korkmaz
Dalam konteks promosi penjualan, penawaran premi seperti merchandise mainan untuk anak, merupakan penawaran item gratis atau dalam harga yang lebih murah yang bertujuan menimbulkan suatu respons. Dalam kelanjutannya, diketahui bahwa... more
Vietnam's economy is currently an open economy. Vietnam is actively joining world economic organizations such as WTO, AFTA, etc. Therefore, every business operating in the economy must comply with market and competition law and... more
To become one of the strongly developed corporations in Vietnam, integrate into the region and approach international standards, Hung Hau Group needs to focus on finding strategies and solutions to improve operational efficiency for its... more
A new set of questions [is] being created by a changing present. Questions about who constitutes the working class, about how fragmented and divided groups of workers have organised, issues about workplace and community and the... more
This article examines the employment practices of McDonald's and other US-owned multinational corporations (MNCs) in the global fast-food industry from the 1970s to date. It focuses on the impact that different host institutions have... more
Awalnya kampanye tersebut mendapat apresiasi positif, namun muncul sejumlah apresiasi negatif dari netizen media sosial global yang mengakibatkan McDonald's menarik semua materi kampanye tersebut sambil meminta maaf. Kampanye ini dikaji... more
This article discusses the challenges regarding the construction and deconstruction of boundaries and organizational identities in the passage of the order society and its notion of boundaries and identities to the liquid modernity,... more
R-logistics's role in retail improving customer satisfaction in Vietnam has a strong influence on corporate governance, internally, party relationships and supply chain. service. R- Logistics, as a business philosophy, guides companies in... more
Bu çalışma Socrates dergi incelemesi üzerinden spor medyasınında meydana gelen Mcdonaldlaşmayı ele almaktadır. Mcdonaldlaşma kavramı özellikle fastfood restoranlarının çalışma stratejilerinin dört temel unsur uygulanarak daha olumlu... more
Este artigo analisa os métodos de entrada das franquias brasileiras quando optam por se instalar fora do Brasil. Tendo como base um estudo multicasos, foram realizadas entrevistas presenciais em 2012 com 21 redes de franquias... more
This article aims to analyze public consumption actions as a practice model that will create a new model in understanding consumption patterns to become consumptive. The pattern of public consumption in its development has shifted due to... more
Ideally, a media system suitable for a democracy ought to provide its readers with some coherent sense of the broader social forces that affect the conditions of their everyday lives. It is difficult to find anyone who would claim that... more
From this perspective, the author developed this report for the London Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG). The report's main aim rested on helping raise LOCOG's international profile and boosting its future targeted share... more
Across the globe labour formations have generally been experiencing insurmountable challenges related to globalisation these challenges, though differs in the levels of impact, the issues raised are universally applicable. Studies show... more
Fear of libel actions and of losing advertising revenue has persuaded most media organisations to leave well alone when it comes to exposing some of the more unsavoury aspects of the burger giant McDonald's D o you know that Helen Steel... more
Maraknya perkembangan bisnis coffee shop di Indonesia membuat baik merek global maupun lokal turut bersaing untuk meraih posisi di benak konsumen. Fenomena yang menarik adalah bahwa ternyata banyak kalangan mahasiswa yang ikut andil di... more
- by Grace Putlia
Globalization is the spread of knowledge and culture throughout the world. The development of globalization brings a new culture which is known as consumptive culture. Consumptive culture is a term used to describe the acute condition of... more
This article aims to show that social media has greatly influenced the consumptive culture that occurs in contemporary Indonesian society. This article finds that social media plays an important role in the development of the consumptive... more
Mega Market is a Thai corporation that penetrated the Vietnamese market in the field of fast-moving consumer goods. Mega Market has successfully and quickly opened its business branches mainly in two major cities of Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho... more