Mathematical Finance/Quantitative Finace
Recent papers in Mathematical Finance/Quantitative Finace
We introduce a novel framework for goals-based wealth management (GBWM), where risk is understood as the probability of investors not attaining their goals, not just the standard deviation of investors' portfolios. Our framework is based... more
The Markowitz mean-variance portfolio theory posits that the optimal portfolio weights can be chosen based off an efficient tradeoff between profit modeled as the mean and risk measured as the variance-covariance matrix. These values must... more
We build a heuristic that takes a given option price in the tails with strike K and extends (for calls, all strikes > K, for put all strikes < K) assuming the continuation falls into what we define as "Karamata Constant" over which the... more
Proof that under simple assumptions, such as constraints of Put-Call Parity, the probability measure for the valuation of a European option has the mean derived from the forward price which can, but does not have to be the risk-neutral... more
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
In this note we describe the HJM(LLM) model for pricing Mid-Curve Money Market Future Options. The model is based on assuming a lognormal process for the relevant forward money market (“LIBOR”) rates and imbedding it into the general... more
We present a new term-structure model for commodity futures prices based on Trolle & Schwartz (2009), which we extend by incorporating multiple jump processes. Our work explores the valuation of plain vanilla options on futures prices... more
“Credit aggregates contain valuable information about the likelihood of future financial crises.”1 The seminal 2012 paper by Schularick and Taylor evaluated impacts of various macroeconomic indicators financial stability, discovering that... more
In this paper, we try to revisit some of the most fundamental issues lying at the foundation of mathematics in space-time relativistic perspective ,rather than conventional absolute space. We are adding a new dimension "Time" to the... more
Due to commission fees and tax implications in the trading of equities in the Philippine equities market, the costs of trading equities are higher than their quoted price. In which case, the holding period return (HPR) calculated from the... more
Term Paper in fulfillment of the requirements of the Project Course undertaken by me in Term IV of my management studies.
Software may be used in university teaching both to enhance student learning of discipline-content knowledge and skills, and to equip students with capabilities that will be useful in their future careers. Although research has indicated... more
Cryptocurrencies are currently traded worldwide, with hundreds of different currencies in existence and even more on the way. This study implements some statistical and machine learning approaches for cryptocurrency investments. First, we... more
The prospect of tourism growth as a tool for promoting economic resilience in developing economies, diversifying from dependence on extractive industries is interesting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between... more
Abstract Behavioural economics points to simultaneity bias and clientele effects in cross sectional regressions of subjective well-being (SWB) and happiness, on income growth, when myopic loss aversion (MLA) to decline in standard of... more
En este artículo se estudian diversos enfoques para definir promedios móviles y volatilidades desde el punto de vista exponencial, es decir, dando mas ponderación a los datos más recientes. Se ve que varios de los que enfoques usados en... more
In this article we model a financial derivative price as an observable on a market state function, with a view to understanding how some of the non-commutative behaviour of the financial market impacts the dynamics. We apply geometric... more
Conditional value at risk (CVaR) estimates the losses in the tail of the distribution of the scenarios of the market. For example, we simulate return base on normal distribution, the maximum profit is on the right of the normal... more
An agent can distribute his wealth between two investments, one with a fixed rate of return r and the other with a random rate of return (modeled as a diffusion) with mean r. The agent seeks to maximize total discounted utility from... more
I would like to thank my supervisor Erik Ekström for his priceless support, guidance and knowledge that offered me throughout this project. Each of our meetings was a valuable lesson to me.
The cross-section of options bid–ask spreads with their strikes are modelled by maximis- ing the Kaniadakis entropy. A theoretical model results with the bid–ask spread depending explicitly on the implied volatility; the probability of... more