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Aliter No 11 (2019)
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      Russian StudiesGérard Encausse (Papus)Russian HistoryMartinism
Application for initiation into the Ordre Martinistes Souverains (OMS). The OMS initiates into the Martinist Way of the Heart as inspired by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and codified by Papus, the Élus Coëns of Martinez de Pasqually, the... more
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    • Martinism and Martinezism
Por disposición expresa del destino y la Divinidad llega a ustedes este primer libro que tiene como único objetivo establecer las bases necesarias que nos permitan construir, una plataforma sólida en el camino de la Espiritualidad y... more
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      MartinismEspiritismoMartinism and other European esoteric movementsMartinism and Martinezism
Предисловие к Робер Амбелен. Мартинизм, М., 2020 / Introduction to Robert Ambelain. Martinism, Moscow, 2020
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      AlchemyOccultismMartinismWestern Esotericism
[The Second DAILY Invocation: To the Superior agents in Merai nicknamed Mercury; for the spiritual Monday, and not for the temporal Monday. SUNDAY is the true day Monday, given to Mercury.] O you M.10., O you M.93., O you M.21. I CALL you... more
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      MetaphysicsEthicsVisualizationComparative Esotericism
Исследование предполагает ясное понимание того, чем является объект изучения. Для этого формулируется определение понятия. В статье анализируются определения Ордена мартинистов в России первой четверти XX века в работах исследователей... more
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      Western Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)History of FreemasonryReligious Studies
Extract from upcoming OMS (Ordre Martinistes Souverains) publications on Élus Coëns source documents.
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— O PR. 24., O PR. 25., O PR. 26. I CALL you and invoke you as the Superior power of the immensity of your planetary region! It is in you that the Creator has based, by immutable laws, the powerful DAILY operations, action, reaction and... more
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The "OMS – Threshold of Initiation" PDF contains all the relevant information on the Ordre Martinistes Souverains (OMS), its means, purposes, and how to apply. Included is the: -OMS Public Manifesto, -Pre-Associate Operation, -Rule of... more
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      AlchemyFreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Occultism
This publication contains, for the first time in English, the totality of Martinez de Pasqually’s l’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Élus Coëns de l’Univers, manuscript B.M.G. MS. 4123 Extrait de ce qui est contenu dans les Grades de l’Ordre... more
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      MagicFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryOccultism
Martinist magazine
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionGérard Encausse (Papus)OccultismMartinism
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      Comparative EsotericismChristian MysticismJewish MysticismMagic
The Elus Cohen tradition of Martinez de Pasqually provides us with at least one essential process for receiving a personal manifestation of reconciliation or 'divine adoption' -intentionally timed to coincide with the first five days of... more
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An objective review of the strengths, weaknesses, errors, and omissions of the Hellfire Club's 2020 publication of the "Élus Coëns Green Book Volume I and II."
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Occultism
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      RitualChristian MysticismJewish MysticismMagic
Libro editado por Sergio Salinas y el Grupo Martinista Jaime Galté Santiago-Chile, entrega enseñanzas espirituales recibidas entre 1927 y 1965 por el destacado abogado, académico y médium, Jaime Galté de un maestro espiritual llamado Mr.... more
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      MartinismEspiritismoHistoria de ChileMartinism and Martinezism
This MS. is generally referred to under the following names: Manuscrit de Saint Domingue, 1764/1770 Manuscrit Côte Baylot FM4. 15 BnF, Department of Manuscripts, Baylot FM4 (15), f. 76 or simply as the Manuscrit de Jean Baylot, or the... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)History of Freemasonry
Three letters between Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (reviser of the Strict Observance, and founder of the Régime/Rite Écossais Rectifié (R.E.R. or Rectified Scottish Rite) and Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte (C.B.C.S. or Beneficent... more
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      SpiritualityChristian MysticismFreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
Here are some traditional/Catholic/Orthodox teachings for Wednesday of Holy Week, a.k.a. Holy Wednesday, Spy Wednesday, Good Wednesday, or Holy and Great Wednesday. This is a day of remembrance of the betrayal by Judas, seen by... more
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      ChristianityGnosticismLiturgyByzantine Liturgy
Обновленный вариант статьи "Становление мартинизма в современной России: 2006–2015 / Establishment of Martinism in modern Russia: 2006-2015" для 2-го исправленного и дополненного издания книги "Масонство", М.: Ганга, 2018.
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      RosicrucianismResearch into FreemasonryMartinismLouis-Claude de Saint-Martin
This is a 72 page preview of the 327 page OMS - Lessons of Lyon book. The Lessons of Lyons: Instructions for the Élus Coëns, a critical translation of all 3 manuscripts, for the first time in English. 120 extensive lessons on E.C.... more
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      EnlightenmentFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Élus Coëns BMG MS. 4129 - De Circulo et Ejus Compositiones (Of the Circle and its Composition) - Translation, Transcription & Facsimilé. These 15 handwritten pages comprise a unique piece of Élus Coëns history and show a bridge from... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Occultism
Manuscript Cote 190 D 39 of the Bibliothèque de Grand-Orient des Pays-Bas (Fonds Kloss) corresponds exactly with the La Haye MS. published in french by Antoine Faivre. It contains the following: • A list of the Élus Coëns grades, • An... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Western Esotericism (History)
The Knights Templar have been the subject of nearly a millennium of myth and legend. Esoteric societies such as Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and other less known and more hidden bodies are recount numerous legends of these... more
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      RosicrucianismFreemasonryKnights TemplarHistory of Freemasonry
La recherche des sources judéo-chrétiennes qui ont influencé le système théologique et philosophique de Martinès de Pasqually, mystique franco-espagnol du XVIII ème siècle, aboutit au Valentinisme, mouvement chrétien hétérodoxe qui s'est... more
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      ChristianityGnosticismEarly ChristianityMysticism
Extracted from our book "The Complete CBCS", in this paper we provide our new translations of three letters spanning 30 years from Willermoz to Prince Charles of Hesse-Cassel, one of the most influential Masons of the 18th century, as... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryOccultismHistory of Freemasonry
Louis Claude de Saint-Martin's "Spiritual and Temporal Relationships of the Rainbow" (Rapports Spirituels et Temporels de L'Arc-en-ciel), translated to English by Alex Bushman for the OMS. This short but pregnant essay on the seven... more
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      Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)OccultismKabbalahMartinism
A rough summary of the parallel development of the Martinist Tradition alongside Freemasonry, derived from general sources. A last-minute paper delivered to the Georgia Lodge of Research, May 2014
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      Gérard Encausse (Papus)History of FreemasonryLouis-Claude de Saint-MartinMartinism and Martinezism
This publication contains for the first time in English, the totality of l’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Élus Coëns de l’Univers, or simply, the Élus Coëns of Martinez de Pasqually’s B.M.G. MS. 4125 (Bibliothèque Municipal de Grenoble)... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Western Esotericism (History)
This volume is a collection of original Élus Coëns diagrams, sigils, philosophical tables, circles, and correspondence tables. The majority of these images are highly coveted by Inner Order Élus Coëns organizations, and very few have ever... more
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      Inner AlchemyFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Fin-de-siècle occultism is usually regarded within the context of an “occult revival” that implies the modernization of an older esoteric tradition. However, this notion is rooted in esoteric identificatory discourses at the end of the... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryHistory of Religion
Public Manifesto for the Ordre Martinistes Souverains (OMS) detailing the mission and structure of the Ordre. The OMS initiates into the Martinist Way of the Heart as inspired by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and codified by Papus, the... more
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      GnosticismRosicrucianismFreemasonryKnights Templar
Por primera vez en su historia, el Grupo Martinista Jaime Galté Santiago Chile, a través de su vocero y conductor, Germán, nos cuenta el aporte espiritual de este destacado abogado, académico y médium. Además se anuncia la pronta... more
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      MartinismEspiritismoEspiritualidadMartinism and other European esoteric movements
This paper is an extract of a "Secret Ceremonial for an Operator" from the Élus Coëns, translated by the OMS. Through this paper and its footnotes, it shows the complexity of Pasqually's system and the necessity for initiatory guidance... more
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      FreemasonryWestern Esotericism (History)OccultismKabbalah
Excerpt from the OMS LCDV Lectionary by Sâr Cœur de la Croix. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Christ and his death at Calvary or Golgotha. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding... more
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      GnosticismLiturgyOrthodox TheologyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Trace several radii to form concentric circles; at the North-West, place the Good Intelligences of the seven planets (deer), with a Sentinel or Senior Guard (S) in the North; and opposite it, in the South, a Serpent (face with forked... more
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      Jewish StudiesRitualMagicAngelology
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      MisticismMasonryMartinism and Martinezism
Let us consider more closely the "Lens" that a true Philosophical Stone is. As an encompassing "Globe" that you are "lifted into" — it is actually more than just a three-dimensional experience. One articulate witness, Jane Lead, certainly... more
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      Inner AlchemyComparative EsotericismChristian MysticismAlchemy
статья в "Энциклопедии культурологических, религиоведческих и философских знаний"
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      FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryMartinism and other European esoteric movementsMartinism and Martinezism
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      Jewish StudiesRitualChristian MysticismJewish Mysticism
Application for Initiation into the Ordre Martinistes Souverains (OMS) to be submitted digitally to [email protected]
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Глава из планирующегося к изданию учебного пособия по эзотероведению.
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      Alphonse Louis Constant (Eliphas Lévi)OccultismMartinismNineteenth Century Occultism
Elus Cohen Operation from Le Manuscrit d'Alger that is Best to do Alone: "The operant will address his patrons and his guardian. If he does not know the latter, he shall supply him with such a name of 7 as he wills, and that he will adopt... more
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      SpiritualityRitualChristian MysticismJewish Mysticism
If we examine the legend of John the Baptist, patron saint of Freemasonry, what do we find? A semi divine teacher, associated with the prophet Elijah (Matthew 11:14, 16:14, 17:12; Mark 6:15, 8:18; Luke 9:19) who ascended alive into heaven... more
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      Sumerian ReligionInitiation Practices (Anthropology)MagicRosicrucianism
готовится к публикации
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      Russian StudiesRosicrucianismGérard Encausse (Papus)Freemasonry
Thank you for the feedback. I hope you read it in full. My research scope was Christianity bound. Christianity serves as a perfect example of the intended purpose. The publication focuses on the criticism of idolatry within Christendom,... more
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      African StudiesPhilosophyHumanitiesTheology
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      RosicrucianismFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      MagicMysticismRosicrucianismSpirituality & Mysticism
La recherche des sources judéo-chrétiennes qui ont influencé le système théologique et philosophique de Martinès de Pasqually, mystique franco-espagnol du XVIII ème siècle, aboutit au Valentinisme, mouvement chrétien hétérodoxe qui... more
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      ChristianityGnosticismEarly ChristianityMysticism