Marea Neagra
Recent papers in Marea Neagra
Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră este un canal navigabil (al 3-lea ca lungime din lume, dupa Suez si Panama) în jud. Constanta ce leagă portul Cernavoda de pe Dunare și Constanta -Midia Navodari de la Marea Neagra, scurtând drumul spre portul... more
Like other northern Pontic colonies, Akkerman/Moncastro, one of the most important commercial centers of the Black Sea economic network during the 14 th -15 th centuries, was considered, for a long time, a Genovese colony. This paper... more
The Black Sea is one of the most important cradles of civilization, and human history is often linked with the events that took place on its shores. The Black Sea has always been the bridge between Europe and Asia; it was the main... more
Mediul de securitate contemporan cunoaște mutații din ce în ce mai imprevizibile, iar scena internațională pare a fi cuprinsă de un conflict care amenință să izbucnească în orice moment, devenind un conflict deschis, violent și capabil să... more
From the ancient times, the Black Sea has been an important waterway and a meeting point of great civilisations. Today, it is surrounded by a number of countries that play an important role on the international scene. From... more