Manuscript Tradition
Recent papers in Manuscript Tradition
This paper offers an overview of the protohistory of the text of Catullus, that is to say, of the textual transmission of his poems until the earliest complete manuscripts were copied. A revised version will be published in the... more
La pubblicazione del quinto volume del Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), cui Theodor Mommsen lavor per un quindicennio prima che i due tomi vedessero la luce nel 1872 (Pars prior) e nel 1877 (Pars posterior), segna uno spartiacque... more
A un secolo dai barbiani Studi sul Canzoniere di Dante, se per il Duecento si è giunti a un soddisfacente livello di conoscenza della tradizione, per le generazioni poetiche successive molto lavoro resta da fare. Solo in anni recenti,... more
В статье рассматривается корпус русских заговоров XVIII-XIX вв. из собрания И. А. Шляпкина-как из рукописей, составленных самими носителями традиции, так и из записей фольклористов. Первая часть статьи посвящена источниковедческому... more
Codex Studies» is a peer-reviewed open access journal
Ολόκληρη η ιστορία της κλασικής φιλολογίας μπορεί να γραφεί με τη μορφή μιας σειράς από μεθοδολογικές διαμάχες και επιστημολογικές αντιπαραθέσεις. Το βιβλίο που παρουσιάζουμε, καρπός της έμπνευσης και της φροντίδας της Μελίνας Ταμιωλάκη,... more
Benvenuto dei Campesani’s epigram "Versus de resurectione Catulli poete Veronensis" is our only source to mention the return of a manuscript of Catullus’ poems to Verona around the year AD 1300. This text describes in enigmatic terms the... more
Recent studies have shown that hyperdialectal forms, well attested in inscriptions of the Hellenistic age, cannot simply be treated as mistakes when they are transmitted in Hellenistic texts (e.g. the Doric hymns of Callimachus).... more
Poslední domácí autoritou, která se zevrubně zabývala možnostmi, jak může k poznání událostí, které se na přelomu letopočtů zřejmě dotýkaly i území české kotliny, přispět zde níže rozebraná zpráva Cassia Diona, byl Josef Dobiáš, podle... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT The entire textual tradition of Nicomachus' Introductio arithmetica and of the commentaries and scholia thereon is investigated by using a single, unusually cryptic sentence in Nicomachus' text as case-study. The... more
The purpose is to give an exacter dating of the Marcianus of Heraclea's life (beginning of Vth Century AD). We will study his works to make evident his importance as editor of a geographical corpus, as well as intermediary between the... more
La collana «il testo nel tempo» è sottoposta a peer review. «il testo nel tempo» is a peer-reviewed series.
In verse 439 of Paulinus Nolanus’carm. 31, the epithet iugifluus, employed by the poet to invoke Christ, is an hapax legomenon in the whole Latin literature. The adjectiv, you can read in Hartel’s edition CSEL (1894), appears firstly in... more
Epistolary Styles of Pseudo-Libanios (PL), a late antique manual on epistolary art, were well known to the Byzantines. The task of this article is to show that PL and its later versions were used in Byzantium as school textbooks, and to... more
The article considers the manuscript tradition of the “Commentary on the prophet Isaiah”, its language, style, theological views, methods of exegesis and philological analysis, the internal evidence of the text for the date and place of... more
The manuscript tradition of Cyril of Alexandria's apologetical work Contra Iulianum consists altogether of fourteen codices; among these, six are late exemplars of the Renaissance, characterized by a very contaminated text. Despite their... more