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Resumen: Se relaciona la actividad literaria y periodística de Letizia Repetto, Mayy Ziyada y Mary Yanni de Atala con la creación de una identidad árabe-chilena. Palabras claves: inmigración árabe, mahŷar en Chile, prensa, identidad.... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsChileMahjar Studies
A Google search that would combine the words "Martin" and "Fierro" in Arabic will refer us to what appears to be the only Arabic translation of the Martin Fierro, published in Cairo in 2016 (trans. by Abd al-Salam Basha). However, the... more
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      Translation StudiesArgentinaSyriaLiteratura Latinoamericana
Presentación y traducción del español al árabe

تقديم وترجمة عن الإسبانية
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      PalestineLatin American literatureChilean Women´s LiteraturePalestinian Studies
The journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of human movement and the circulation of ideas, cultural artifacts, and commodities, from the disciplinary perspectives of history, anthropology, economics, political science, sociology, art... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesTransnationalism
This article investigates the role of the mahjar on the development of Arab nationalism, with a particular interest in Antoun Saadeh's experience in Latin America. Like many other Arab nationalism ideologues, he developed his conception... more
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      NationalismBrazilDiaspora StudiesDiaspora and transnationalism
Les journalistes libanais, ambassadeurs des lettres arabes au Chili. L'Orient-Le Jour, nº 15554 (15 juillet 2019), p. 4.... more
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      Arab ImmigrantsMahjar StudiesInmigrantes Sirios Y LibanesesMahjar
Identified first as turks (turcos), the Syrian-Lebanese arriving to Brazil and Argentina quickly moved to publish newspapers and magazines in their native Arabic language. From the 1880s until the 1940s and between Buenos Aires and San... more
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      Diaspora LiteratureMahjar StudiesInmigrantes Sirios Y LibanesesSirio-libaneses