Magnetic Reconnection
Recent papers in Magnetic Reconnection
In this work, we study the propagation and spin oscillations of neutrinos in their scattering by a supermassive black hole (SMBH) surrounded by a realistic accretion disk. We use a semi-analytical model of a thick accretion disk which can... more
A multi-hierarchy simulation model aimed at magnetic reconnection studies has been developed, in which macroscopic and microscopic physics are solved self-consistently and simultaneously. In this work, the previous multi-hierarchy model... more
The anomalous energization of plasma ions during magnetic reconnection has long been observed in numerous laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. In the MST reversed-field pinch, the reconnection impulsively heats the ions, more than... more
The quantum physics of light is a most fascinating field. Here I present a very personal viewpoint, focusing on my own path to quantum entanglement and then on to applications. I have been fascinated by quantum physics ever since I heard... more
Context. Solar observations suggest that some of the most dynamic active regions are associated with complex photospheric magnetic configurations such as quadrupolar regions, and especially those that have a δ-spot configuration and a... more
A unique filament is identified in the Herschel maps of the Orion A giant molecular cloud. The filament, which we name the Stick, is ruler-straight and at an early evolutionary stage. Transverse position–velocity diagrams show two... more
We study the linear and non-linear development of the Kruskal-Schwarzchild Instability in a relativisitically expanding striped wind. This instability is the generalization of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the presence of a magnetic... more
The energy dissipation mechanism within gamma-ray burst (GRB) outflows, driving their extremely luminous prompt γ -ray emission is still uncertain. The leading candidates are internal shocks and magnetic reconnection. While the emission... more
The quantum physics of light is a most fascinating field. Here I present a very personal viewpoint, focusing on my own path to quantum entanglement and then on to applications. I have been fascinated by quantum physics ever since I heard... more
It is shown that a magnetic-pressure-dominated, supersonic jet which expands (or contracts) in response to variations in the confining external pressure can dissipate magnetic energy through field-line reconnection as it relaxes to a... more
The recent detection of a 3-hr X-ray flare by the Chandra Observatory has raised the possibility of enhanced emission over a broad range of wavelengths from Sgr A*, the suspected 2.6 x 10 6 M ⊙ black hole at the Galactic Center, during a... more
Se presenta un metodo numerico eficiente y estable para calcular flujos cuasi-bidimensionales a superficie libre. Se trata de un esquema fuertemente impl!cito de direcciones alternadas. El metodo numerico es preciso cuando se tratan ondas... more
Reconnection physics at micro-scales is investigated in an electron magnetohydrodynamics frame. A new process of collapse of the neutral current sheet is demonstrated by means of analytical and numerical solutions. It shows how at scales... more
The general concept of the magnetic reconnection converter (MRC) is considered, based on the cyclic combination of two physical processes: 1) controlled turbulence using super-linear Richardson diffusion and/or... more
The application of a mixture of nitrogen and deuterium for the gas-puffing along the anode axis in deuterium plasma-focus discharges, as carried out at megaampere-level currents, enabled observations of the filamentary structure, and the... more
The present experiments were performed on the PF-1000 plasma focus device at a current of 2 MA with the deuterium injected from the gas-puff placed in the axis of the anode face. The XUV frames showed, in contrast with the interferograms,... more
A Lagrangian Remap (LareXd) Code is employed to investigate the shock wave formation in the current sheet of a solar coronal magnetic loop and its effect on the magnetic reconnection. We constructed the slow shock structure in the... more
Magnetic reconnection occurs ubiquitously in the universe and is often invoked to explain fast energy release and particle acceleration in high-energy astrophysics. The study of relativistic magnetic reconnection in the magnetically... more
College -During magnetically dominated relativistic reconnection, inflowing plasma depletes the initial relativistic pressure at the x -line, and collisionless plasma heating inside the diffusion region appears to be insufficient to... more
The kinetic structure of collisionless slow shocks and reconnection exhausts YI-
Goddard Space Flight Center -Kinetic simulations of magnetically dominated reconnection (plasma beta ≪ 1) with closed or periodic simulation domains have shown the formation of hard power-law distribution with spectral index p ∼ 1.... more
Using fully kinetic simulations, we study the suppression of asymmetric reconnection in the limit where the diamagnetic drift speed Alfvén speed and the magnetic shear angle is moderate. We demonstrate that the slippage between electrons... more
Magnetic reconnection is thought to be the driver for many explosive phenomena in the universe. The energy release and particle acceleration during reconnection have been proposed as a mechanism for producing high-energy emissions and... more
Magnetic reconnection is a primary driver of particle acceleration processes in space and astrophysical plasmas. Understanding how particles are accelerated and the resulting particle energy spectra is among the central topics in... more
Magnetic reconnection is a leading mechanism for dissipating magnetic energy and accelerating nonthermal particles in Poynting-flux dominated flows. In this letter, we investigate nonthermal particle acceleration during magnetic... more
The American Physical Society Orientation of x-lines in asymmetric magnetic reconnection YI-HSIN LIU, MICHAEL HESSE, MASHA KUZNETSOVA, NASA/GSFC -At Earth's magnetopause, reconnection proceeds asymmetrically between magnetosheath plasmas,... more
Using 2-dimensional (2D) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations, we show that Petschek-type magnetic reconnection can be induced using a simple resistivity gradient in the reconnection outflow direction, revealing the key ingredient of... more
In strongly magnetized astrophysical plasma systems, magnetic reconnection is believed to be the primary process during which explosive energy release and particle acceleration occur, leading to significant high-energy emission. Past... more
shear extending to the very low shear limit. Here we report on our study of the effect of the magnetic shear on details of reconnection such as its structure and rate, using 2D and 3D kimetic simulations and analytical theory. Contrary to... more
Using 2.5-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of magnetotail dynamics, we investigate the onset of reconnection in realistic tail configurations. Reconnection onset is preceded by a driven phase, during which magnetic flux is... more
Particle acceleration/energization during reconnection Key unknowns • Primary acceleration mechanism • Resulting energy spectra • The role of 3D Physics 3D instabilities (self-generated turbulence) external turbulence • The role of... more
Este trabajo se suma a los múltiples esfuerzos que se han realizado en México y en el mundo para documentar las experiencias de los profesores universitarios en el abrupto cambio de educación presencial a educación remota ocasionado por... more
Using magnetometer and electron observations from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and theWind spacecraft we show that the region of magnetic field pile-up and density decrease located between the Martian ionosphere and bow shock exhibit... more
Magnetic reconnection leads to energy conversion in large volumes in space but is initiated in small diffusion regions. Because of the small sizes of the diffusion regions, their crossings by spacecraft are rare. We report four-spacecraft... more
We report direct measurements of high-energy particles in a rare crossing of the diffusion region in Earth's magnetotail by the Wind spacecraft. The fluxes of energetic electrons up to 300 keV peak near the center of the diffusion region... more
We report an accelerated plasma flow event detected by Wind at the low-latitude dawn tail magnetopause (XGSE =-10 RE) when the local magnetic shear across the magnetopause was high (-180 ø) and the GSM y component of the interplanetary... more
Solar atmosphere is filled with plasma and magnetic field. Activities in the atmosphere are due to plasma instabilities in the magnetic field. To understand the physical mechanisms of activities / instabilities, it is necessary to know... more
Our knowledge about the origin and transformation mechanisms of the bright points in the solar network has a significant role in understanding the ejection of materials and the transfer of energy into the solar corona. Outside the active... more
X-ray polarimetry, sometimes alone, and sometimes coupled to spectral and temporal variability measurements and to imaging, allows a wealth of physical phenomena in astrophysics to be studied. X-ray polarimetry investigates the... more
This contribution makes a review and compares the current competitive theories, based on triggering mechanisms, in order to explain the episodic phenomena of disconnection events (DEs), i.e., when the plasma tail appears disconnected from... more
This contribution makes a review and compares the current competitive theories, based on triggering mechanisms, in order to explain the episodic phenomena of disconnection events (DEs), i.e., when the plasma tail appears disconnected from... more
There have been many significant advances in understanding magnetic field reconnection as a result of improved space measurements and two-dimensional computer simulations. While reviews of recent work have tended to focus on symmetric... more