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Operation of over shared resources (water, gas, oil, and mineral reserves) has been one the most significant challenges of states. “Fair” and “efficient” national resources reallocation among stakeholders and states is a complex conflict... more
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      Natural Resource ManagementConflict ResolutionMADM
Security mechanisms are substantial to an e-business environment. While many security mechanisms has been developed to secure e-business processes (EBP) and networks, little attention is given to actual process of a systematic decision... more
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      Information SecurityE-BusinessMCDMMADM
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has redefined employability and disability. The measurement and evaluation of the disabled worker's residual capabilities, in terms of worker strengths and weaknesses, job requirements and work... more
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    • MADM
Vagueness in the scientific studies presents a challenging dimension. Intuitionistic fuzzy set theory has emerged as a tool for its characterization. There is need to associate measures which can measure vagueness and differences in the... more
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      InformaticaComputer SoftwareMADMIntuitionistic Fuzzy Set
"In a growing competitive business environment, many organizations have taken by adoption the strategic planning approach to an effort for business excellence. Implementation of proper strategies plays a vital role for organizations'... more
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      Decision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingDecision SciencesBalanced Scorecard
Most companies have a large number of projects that they would like to do for various reasons. However, usually there is never enough time and money available to complete all of them. Selecting a portfolio from available project proposals... more
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      Fuzzy AHPMADMFuzzy Topsis
One of the outdoor activities or mountaineering activities located in the mountainous region is one form of ecotourism that is much favored by many people, especially young people. Mountain climbing (mountain hiking) is one type of... more
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      Mountain ClimbingMADMMulti-Attribute Decision MakingWeighted Product Method
Normalization is an essential step in data analysis and for MCDM methods. This study aims to outline the positive and negative features of the normalization techniques that can be used in MCDM problems. In order to compare the different... more
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      Decision MakingData AnalysisDecision AnalysisMCDM
"To monitor the progress towards business excellence, thousands of organizations across the world use self-assessment on a regular basis. There are a few popular business excellence models that provide standard criteria against which an... more
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      Decision MakingTQMMCDMEFQM
Modern manufacturing organizations tend to face versatile challenges due to globalization, modern lifestyle trends and rapid market requirements from both locally and globally placed competitors. The organizations faces high stress from... more
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      MCDMOptimizationMADMManufacturing Sector
Spor endüstrisi, spor kulüpleri, taraftarlar, sporseverler, yayıncı kuruluşlar, finansal yatırımcılar gibi paydaşların yer aldığı küresel ölçekli bir yapıya sahiptir. Bununla birlikte spor, sosyal açıdan kişisel ve toplumsal konumunu... more
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Data mining and intelligent agents have emerged as two fields with immense potential for research. Every intelligent agent is self-sufficient, acting independently within its boundary while collaborating with other agents to perform the... more
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      Distributed Data MiningDecision support systemMASMADM
In MCDM problems, the decision maker is often ready to adopt the closest solution to the reference values in a choice or ranking problem. The reference values represent the desired results as established subjectively by the decision maker... more
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      Decision MakingDecision SciencesMulti Criteria Decision MakingMCDM
Assessment of risks is a key task in the project management. In this process, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) approach can be utilized to identify project relevant risks. In the previous classical method, only Limited number of attributes... more
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      TunnelingTOPSISMADMRisk Assessment
Geleceği şekillendirecek çocukların, farklı yapılara sahip coğrafyalarda birbirinden derin farklılıklar içeren şartlar altında yaşadığı tartışılmaz bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmada, ülkelerin on beş kriter bağlamında çocuklara sağladıkları... more
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      Child DevelopmentDeveloping CountriesTOPSISMADM
Uluslararası bir medya kuruluşuna ait Türkiye’de yayın yapan bir dergi, her yıl farklı kriterler bağlamında şirketleri performanslarına göre sıralamaktadır. Bu değerlendirmelerde her bir kriter için ayrı sıralamalar oluşturulmaktadır. Bu... more
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Yönetişim, kamu sektörü, özel sektör, sivil toplum ve vatandaşların yönetim süreçlerine dâhil olduğu çok düzlemli bir yönetim sürecidir. Bununla birlikte, 1990’lı yıllardan sonra ülke yönetimlerinde yönetişim yaklaşımının benimsenmesi ile... more
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      GovernanceMCDMCluster AnalysisMADM
Tourism, the smokeless industry, has increasing importance in the development of countries because it creates added-value and employment. In Turkey, one of the World's most visited countries, the importance of this sector makes itself... more
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      Tourism StudiesMCDMTourismPromethee
Fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods and problems have increasingly been considered in the past years. Type-1 fuzzy sets are usually used by decision-makers (DMs) to express their evaluations in the process of... more
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      Decision MakingDecision Support SystemsDecision Making Under UncertaintyGISand MCDM
In recent years, design is becoming the core competence of companies and managing the interface between design and other activities has received a lot of attention. Effective co-ordination among these areas, therefore, is vital for the... more
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      Concurrent EngineeringStrategyMADMConcurrent Design
Nowadays by considering globalization it becomes more important to achieve new technologies in developing countries. Development and technology transfer play a major role in developing of industries in these countries. Especially... more
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      Technology transferDeveloping CountryDownstream Petrochemical IndustryGroup TOPSIS