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      Fixed Point TheoryStrongly Correlated ElectronsQuantum Spin ChainsRenormalization Group
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      Quantum PhysicsCarbon NanotubeMagnetic fieldX Rays
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEPLElectron Transport
We review the theory of interacting Fermi systems whose low-energy physics is dominated by forward scattering, i.e. scattering processes generated by effective interactions with small momentum transfers. These systems include Fermi... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsHistoric conservation law
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      PhysicsCarbon NanotubeNanotechnologyNanoscience
A series of c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox-films with different oxygen content were prepared by laser deposition. The oxygen content x was determined by X-ray diffraction and by resonant Rutherford-back-scattering (RRBS) measurements. The... more
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      Magnetic fieldThin FilmsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsBiomedical EngineeringCarbon
The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various lowenergy excitations of finite chains, the... more
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      StateSystemPhysical sciencesLow Energy Buildngs
We develop two theoretical approaches for dealing with the low-energy effects of the repulsive interaction in one-dimensional electron systems. Renormalization Group methods allow us to study the low-energy behavior of the unscreened... more
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      Carbon NanotubeMagnetic fieldMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
This article reviews the electronic and transport properties of carbon nanotubes. The focus is mainly theoretical, but when appropriate, the relation with experimental results is mentioned. While simple band-folding arguments will be... more
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      Carbon NanotubeModern physicsTransport PropertiesPhysical sciences
The dynamical properties of hole motion in an antiferromagnetic background are determined in one dimensional models in zero magnetic field, where spin isotropy holds, as well as in an external magnetic field. The latter case is also... more
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      PhysicsMagnetic fieldPhysical sciencesSuperconductors
We study an exactly solvable model describing a stripe consisting of a Toda array of N anharmonic elastic chains sandwiched between two conducting chains. It is shown that the presence of a charge on one chain generates a gapless... more
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      SuperconductivityLuttinger Liquid
We investigate the rectification of an ac bias in Luttinger liquids in the presence of an asymmetric potential (the ratchet effect). We show that strong repulsive electron interaction enhances the ratchet current in comparison with Fermi... more
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      Physical sciencesAsymmetryFermi liquidLow voltage
We achieve a bosonization of one-dimensional ideal gas of exclusion statistics λ at low temperatures, resulting in a new variant of c = 1 conformal field theory with compactified radius R = 1/λ. These ideal excluson gases exactly... more
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      Physical sciencesConformal Field TheoryLuttinger Liquidfixed point
We study the effect of external potential on transport properties of the fermionic two-leg ladder model. The response of the system to a local perturbation is strongly dependent on the ground state properties of the system and especially... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesLuttinger Liquid
The low temperature phase diagram of 1D weakly disordered quantum systems like charge or spin density waves and Luttinger liquids is studied by a full finite temperature renormalization group (RG) calculation. For vanishing quantum... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESLength scaleRenormalization Group
We study the influence of electron-phonon coupling on electron transport through a Luttinger liquid with an embedded weak scatterer or weak link. We derive the renormalization group (RG) equations, which indicate that the directions of RG... more
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      EngineeringFixed Point TheoryPhysical sciencesDislocations
We study the tunneling density of states (TDOS) for a junction of three Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid wires. We show that there are fixed points which allow for the enhancement of the TDOS, which is unusual for Luttinger liquids. The distance... more
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      Fixed Point TheoryPhysical sciencesHeavy FermionLuttinger Liquid
We measure and compare the electronic transport properties of individual multiwall carbon nanotubes ͑MWNTs͒ and individual single-wall carbon nanotubes ͑SWNTs͒, and SWNT networks of varying thickness. The thinnest SWNT networks, like the... more
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      Carbon NanotubesCarbon NanotubePhysical sciencesElectron Transport
We use bosonization methods to calculate the exact finite-temperature single-electron Green's function of a spinful Luttinger liquid confined by open boundaries. The corresponding local spectral density is constructed and analyzed in... more
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      Physical sciencesLow Energy BuildngsCHEMICAL SCIENCESHeavy Fermion
Following our recent conjecture to model the phenomenona of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity by quantum symmetry groups, we discuss in the present note the choice of the classical symmetry group underlying the quantum group.... more
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      PhysicsClassical GroupsFermi liquidPoint Group Symmetry
In the present work we aim to characterize the lattice configurations and the magnetic behavior in the incommensurate phase of spin-Peierls systems. This phase emerges when the magnetic exchange interaction is coupled to the distortions... more
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      Numerical SimulationPhysical sciencesPhase transitionCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We present an effective field theory formulation for a class of condensed matter systems with crystalline structures for which some of the discrete symmetries of the underlying crystal survive the long distance limit, up to mesoscopic... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsEffective Field TheoryClassical PhysicsSpin Relaxation
We review the properties of quasi-one-dimensional organic superconductors: the Bechgaard salts and their sulfur analogs in their normal phase precursor to long-range order. We go through the main observations made in the normal state of... more
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      Magnetic fieldStrongly Correlated ElectronsLuttinger Liquid
We calculate the nonequilibrium dynamic evolution of a one-dimensional system of two-component fermionic atoms after a strong local quench by using a time-dependent spin-density-functional theory. The interaction quench is also considered... more
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      Quantum MechanicsPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESLocal Density Approximation
We propose that the finite size of the Kondo screening cloud, ξK, can be probed by measuring the charge quantization in a one-dimensional system coupled to a small quantum dot. When the chemical potential, µ in the system is varied at... more
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      Carbon NanotubesQuantum DotsKondo effectPhysical sciences
The influence of randomly distributed point impurities and planar defects on order and transport in type-II superconductors and related systems is studied. It is shown that the Bragg glass phase is unstable with respect to planar defects.... more
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      Magnetic fieldPhysical sciencesSuperconductorsMagnetic Susceptibility
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      Physical sciencesRare EventCHEMICAL SCIENCESCharge Density
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      Materials EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsNanotechnology
We develop a theoretical framework that applies to the intermediate regime between the Coulomb blockade and the Luttinger liquid behavior in multi-walled carbon nanotubes [1]. We show that, in the crossover regime, the tunneling... more
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      Carbon NanotubeMagnetic fieldBand StructureTransport Properties
An model of La2−xSrxCuO4 explaining the features of incommensurate spin textures without any assumption of stripe formation is proposed. The foundations of this model are the mechanism of negative-U center formation proposed earlier and... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesTexture
We determine the phase diagram and the momentum distribution for a one-dimensional Bose gas with repulsive short range interactions in the presence of a two-color lattice potential, with incommensurate ratio among the respective wave... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPower LawPhysical sciencesBose-Einstein Condensate
In this paper I discuss a mechanism for ferrimagnetism in (1+1)-dimensions. The mechanism is related to a special class of interactions described by operators with non-zero Lorentz spin. Such operators are present in such problems as the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsOscillationsCoupling Constant
This paper is written as a brief introduction for beginning graduate students. The picture of electron waves moving in a cristalline potential and interacting weakly with each other and with cristalline vibrations suffices to explain the... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsStrongly Correlated ElectronsGraduate StudentSuperconductors
We have investigated the ground state phase diagram of the 1D AF spin-1 2 Heisenberg model with the staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction in an external uniform magnetic field H. We have used the exact diagonalization... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsMagnetic fieldExact DiagonalizationMathematical Sciences
We reconsider the theory of dc and ac interchain conductivity in quasi-one dimensional systems. Our results are in good agreement with the measured c-axis optical conductivity of (TMTSF)2ClO4 and suggest that the c-axis dc-conductivity of... more
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      Dynamical mean field theoryFermi liquidLuttinger Liquid
This study builds upon the work of Palacios and MacDonald (Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 118 (1996)), wherein they identify the bosonic excitations of Wen's approach for the edge of the 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state with certain operators... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESQuantum Hall effectsQuantum Hall Effect
We continue the study of the entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals in conformal field theories that we started in J. Stat. Mech. (2009) P11001. We compute Trρ n A for any integer n for the Ising universality class and the final... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsClassical PhysicsConformal Field TheoryPartition Function
It is shown that the Bragg glass phase can become unstable with respect to planar defects. A single defect plane that is oriented parallel to the magnetic field as well as to one of the main axis of the Abrikosov flux line lattice is... more
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      Magnetic fieldPhysical sciencesSuperconductorsOscillations
Presents a technique to directly excite Luttinger liquid collective modes in carbon nanotubes at gigahertz frequencies. By modeling the nanotube as a nano-transmission line with distributed kinetic and magnetic inductance as well as... more
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      Numerical MethodMathematical SciencesTime of FlightPhysical sciences
We investigate the electronic instabilities in carbon nanotubes (CNs), looking for the break-down of the one dimensional Luttinger liquid regime due to the strong screening of the long-range part of the Coulomb repulsion. We show that... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsCarbon NanotubeNanotechnology
We show how the main features of the electronic transport properties of single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) networks can be understood in terms of a simple model involving metallic conduction interrupted by thin tunnelling barriers,... more
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      Materials EngineeringCarbon NanotubesCarbon NanotubeNanotechnology
In a variety of semimetaIs with vanishing density of s~ates a the Fermi level, the low energy electronic states are described by an effective Dirac equation, instead of the more conventional effective mass appromimation (equivalent to... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials Science
molecular transistors and quantum wires formed in two-dimensional electron gas. The review starts with a textbook description of resonant tunneling of noninteracting electrons through a double-barrier structure. The effects of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMolecular Electronics
Neutron diffraction is used to investigate the field-induced, antiferromagnetically ordered state in the two-leg spin-ladder material (Hpip)2CuBr4. This "classical" phase, a consequence of weak interladder coupling, is nevertheless highly... more
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      PhysicsNeutron DiffractionNumerical SimulationPhysical sciences
The low-energy effective Hamiltonian of three coupled spin chains with periodic boundary conditions (spin tube) is expressed, in the limit of strong interchain coupling, in terms of XXZ chains coupled by biquadratic exchange interaction.... more
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      Magnetic fieldPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESRenormalization Group
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) provide an ideal medium for testing the behavior of one-dimensional electron systems and are promising candidates for electronic applications such as sensors or field-effect transistors. This thesis describes the... more
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      Low FrequencyPower LawSolid State electronic devicesDissertation
We present a 14 N nuclear magnetic resonance study of a single crystal of CuBr4(C5H12N)2 (BPCB) consisting of weakly coupled spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic ladders. Treating ladders in the gapless phase as Luttinger liquids, we are... more
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceMagnetic fieldPhysical sciencesPhase transition
The conductivity properties between Luttinger liquids are analyzed by exact Renormalization Group methods. We prove that in a two chain system or in a model of bilayer graphene, described by two coupled fermionic honeycomb lattices... more
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      Power LawPhysical sciencesElectron TransportCHEMICAL SCIENCES