Recent papers in Lupercalia
Un misterioso rito, retaggio vivente di epoche remotissime, si rinnova ogni anno all’interno delle celebrazioni del carnevale di Castelnuovo a Volturno, in Molise. Un essere fantastico, Gl’ Cierv, furioso e selvatico Uomo Cervo, muore e... more
The paper discusses the cult of the Hirpi Sorani, comparing it with other wolf cults of central Italy (Roman Lupercalia, Etruscan reliefs possibly depicting the cult of Calu), analyzing the common elements of these cults, and suggesting... more
Ludica, annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, 3, 1997 Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche / Viella Ludica, 3, 1997 ann ali di storia e civ iltà del gioco direttore Gherardo Ortalli comitato scient!fico
La ricerca su Valenze del lupo nel mondo romano, concentrata sul periodo monarchico e repubblicano, è finalizzata all’indagine di un tema, quello del lupo nel mondo romano, già oggetto di numerosi studi che hanno riguardato in alcuni casi... more
This paper uses a minor issue in the Roman festival of the Lupercalia as a case study in Roman myth and ritual. It is a technical discussion of the names of the Luperci priests, which show some variation, usually ignored by scholars.... more
Sacra gentilicia are a main evidence of gentes’ originary autonomy within the civitas. An analysis of the sources about several cults held by main gentes in Republican age confirms the internal charachter of the gentilician cult, often... more
Προστάτης των ερωτευμένων ή ;;;
The Lupercalia is one of the most important and most controversial of Roman festivals. This paper addresses the issue of its topography, which has received renewed attention in recent years. It is divided into two main sections, the first... more
This work aims to offer, through an icon- ographic and literary analysis, a new per- spective towards the degree of nudity ex- hibited by the luperci during the celebration of the Lupercalia in Rome. To reach this objective, we make a... more
Hirpi Sorani, “the wolves of Soranus,” were priests, belonging to several Faliscan families and worshipping Apollo Soranus and other local gods. Once a year, during a popular community festival celebrated on Mount Soracte, these priests... more
In this paper, I apply the methodologies of dance studies and cultural studies of the body to an analysis of the Roman Lupercalia. Focusing on the corporeality of the participants as the most striking component of the performance, I... more
This paper suggests that the enigmatic details of the Lupercalia's ritual may have been influenced by a myth brought to Etruria from the Near East with the worship of Astarte. It posits the syncretism of Astarte's religious tradition with... more
Quel est le sens de l'apparat revêtu par César aux Lupercales, le 15 février 44 av. notre ère ? Cet article propose une nouvelle lecture de l'événement au regard d'une comparaison avec les insignes du pouvoir romains offerts aux rois... more
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia suden uskonnollista merkitystä antiikin Roomassa sekä tuoda esille suden ja Rooman välisen erityissuhteen taustoja. Keskeisinä tutkimuskysymyksinäni on selvittää, missä määrin roomalaisten ja... more
The City and the Wilderness: the Rites of Lupercalia Abstract: In this analytic survey of Lupercalia all the ritual acts are first examined separately and then inserted in and interpreted through the unifying frame of the ritual as a... more
Es geht um die Frage, wann und warum die Ursprünge Roms nicht nur mit Romulus und Aeneas, sondern im Besonderen auch mit Arkadien verbunden wurden. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Romulusbiographie Plutarchs, die Fragmente römischer Annalisten... more
Il punto di partenza dell'articolo è un sondaggio storico-semantico dei verbi che in greco e in latino definiscono il latrato del lupo (ololyzo, ylakteo e ululo). Attraverso questa analisi si rintracciano alcune connessioni con la sfera... more
It has recently (JIES 2011) been proposed that the Roman god Faunus/Silvanus and Vedic Rudra share a common origin. The names of the divinities represent a clear binary opposition that is already by itself remarkable (Rudra/Silvanus can... more
This paper is an addendum to the article " Choreography of Lupercalia: Corporeality in Roman Public Religion " , published in the latest issue of GRMS. In my previous essay, I explored the methodological possibilities of the notion... more
Dans notre article, nous avons démontré que les sources antiques indiquent clairement que, sous la République romaine, les origines des Lupercales étaient étroitement associées par les historiens, et aussi par le grand nombre, non pas à... more
Dans notre communication, nous avons démontré que les sources antiques indiquent clairement que, sous la République romaine, les origines des Lupercales étaient étroitement associées par les historiens, et aussi par le grand nombre, non... more
Le résumé de l’article en question donné par le Bulletin analytique d’histoire romaine : Le but de l’étude est de déterminer l’emplacement exact, à Rome, de la célèbre statue de la louve allaitant les jumeaux fondateurs érigée en 296... more
Tunnetun tarun mukaan pentunsa menettänyt susiemo imetti Rooman perustajia, Romulusta ja Remusta. Antiikin roomalaiset pitivät sutta kansansa esiäitinä. Se oli eläin, johon koko valtakunta samaistettiin. Kaupunkialueella nähtyjä susia... more
The festival of the Lupercalia is one of the most discussed issues in Roman religion. The ritual requires young naked men to strike passer-bys (especially women) with goatskin whips while running around the Palatine. It is an explicit... more
Résumé : La période entre 338 et 290 av. J.-C. fut un tournant pour Rome, car elle vit la soumission des Latins et la défaite des Samnites, ce qui permit à l’Urbs de devenir la première puissance italique. On assista donc à l’avènement... more
RIASSUNTO: La ricerca tenta un riesame globale della questione dei culti privati, e in particolare di quelli gentilizi, e del posto da essi occupato all’interno delle forme religiose romane sviluppandosi su un duplice fronte: da una parte... more
Sevgililer Günü sahiden de ticaret hızlansın diye uydurulmuş bir gün mü sizce? Yoksa kökü daha eskilere dayanıyor olabilir mi? Hemen bütün kutlamalar biraz eskiye gider. Hatta çok eskiye gider. Bazen o kadar gider ki artık ilk hali... more
Un mio breve "editoriale antropologico" sul Carnevale.
""The religious role of wolves in Central Italy: The cults of the Lupercalia, the Hirpi Sorani and Veltha" In the ancient Central Italy there were three religious cults with analogical elements of wolf priesthoods: the Roman... more