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      PortraitureItalian Renaissance ArtBronzinoCosimo I de' Medici
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      Dante StudiesDante and the ancient commentaries traditionEarly Modern ItalyFilologia dantesca
L’Accademia e il suo Principe. Cultura e politica a Firenze al tempo di Cosimo I e di Francesco de’ Medici L’Académie et le Prince. Culture et politique à Florence au temps de Côme Ier et de François de Médicis Manziana, Vecchiarelli... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceGiovanni de' BardiAnton Francesco Doni
Renaissance secretaries should be considered together with those administrators who, working closely with the central bureaucracy, carried out orders at a local level. This essay will analyse the last link in the chain of command, which... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtEarly Modern Italy
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      PetrarchGuido CavalcantiGuittone d'ArezzoBoccaccio
Notizie sull'autore L'autore di questo dialogo è un letterato fiorentino poco noto vissuto nella prima metà del Cinquecento: Bartolomeo Tasio, o come lui amava firmarsi, ostentando orgogliosamente le proprie origini popolari, Bacciotto... more
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      Benedetto VarchiAnton Francesco GrazziniLuca MartiniTeatro italiano del Rinascimento
Mapping the Medici Political Power Within two decades of Cosimo's election, Florence was transformed into the capital city of a regional and centralized duchy. In two centuries or so, the Medici had passed from being a family of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRegional and Local GovernanceRegionalismHistory of Florence
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceItalian Renaissance Art
in Antonfrancesco Grazzini dit Lasca (1505-1584). Ecrire dans la Florence des Médicis, Manziana, Vecchiarelli editore, 2005, pp. 261-270 in L'actualité et sa mise en écriture dans l'Italie des XVème-XVIIème siècles (D. Boillet, C. Lucas... more
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      Giovanbattista GelliLorenzo de' MediciBenedetto VarchiCosimo I de' Medici