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FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
This talk was given at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society on July 13, 2014.
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMathematicsApplied Mathematics
iv Acknowledgments v
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      Geometry And TopologyLow dimensional topologyTopologyKnot Theory
We introduce a new family of presentations for the quaternion groups and show that
for the quaternion group of order 28, one of these presentations has nonstandard
second homotopy group.
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      Low dimensional topologyCombinatorial Group Theory
Nickel nanoparticles arrays, growth into hydro-genated amorphous carbon, were prepared by means of RF-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and RF-sputtering co-deposition from acetylene and a nickel target. The resulting... more
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      Low dimensional topologySynthesis of nanoparticlesNanomaterials CharacterizationNanoelectronics
We introduce symplectic structures on Lie pairs of (real or complex) algebroids as studied by Chen, Stiénon and the second author, encompassing homogeneous symplectic spaces, symplectic manifolds with a 𝔤-action and holomorphic symplectic... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsGeometry And TopologyPhysics
Rafi and Schleimer recently proved that the natural relation between curve complexes induced by a covering map between two surfaces is a quasi-isometric embedding. We offer another proof of this result using a distance estimate via... more
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      Geometry And TopologyGeometric TopologyLow dimensional topologyGeometric group theory
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      MathematicsLow dimensional topologyPure MathematicsPrimary
about invariants of finite degrees
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    • Low dimensional topology
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      Low dimensional topologyDifferential GeometryQuantum AlgebraContemporary Mathematics
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      MathematicsLow dimensional topologyPure MathematicsPrimary
Hakan Doga ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like begin with expressing my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof.
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      Geometric TopologyLow dimensional topology
We develop the theory of diagrammatic Temperley-Lieb categories in order to construct examples of spherical fusion categories, which we then use to construct Turaev-Viro skein modules for n-holed disks. This is a thesis submitted for the... more
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      Low dimensional topologyCategory TheoryQuantum Algebra
Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films in zero magnetic field are measured and analyzed with the conventional Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) approach, dynamic scaling approach and finite-size scaling... more
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      PhysicsLow dimensional topologyHigh Temperature SuperconductorsFinite Size Effects
A metric space is called doubling with constant $D$ if every ball of finite radius can be covered by at most $D$ balls of half the radius. It is shown that the doubling property is an invariant property for (quasi-)M\"obius spaces.
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      MathematicsGeometry And TopologyLow dimensional topologyGeneral Topology
The cohomology jump loci of a space X are of two basic types: the characteristic varieties, defined in terms of homology with coefficients in rank one local systems, and the resonance varieties, constructed from information encoded in... more
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      Multilinear AlgebraGeometric TopologyAlgebraic GeometryLow dimensional topology
Current-voltage (I−V) characteristics of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films in zero magnetic field are measured and analyzed with the conventional Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) approach, dynamic scaling approach and finite-size scaling... more
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      Low dimensional topologyHigh Temperature SuperconductorsQuantum phase transitions, critical phenomena, coherence and decoherence processesFinite Size Effects
Poincaré conjecture is the most recent major proven theorem. Posited a century ago by Henri Poincaré, this major conjecture of topology was solved by Gregori Perelman. It has revolutionized our understanding of space and raised intriguing... more
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      Geometry And TopologyLow dimensional topologyAlgebraic Topology