Lithic Refitting
Most cited papers in Lithic Refitting
SHK Extension: a new archaeological window in the SHK fluvial landscape of Middle Bed II (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania). Boreas. 10.1111/bor.12246. ISSN 0300-9483. In this paper, we present the results of new archaeological and geological... more
The Willandra Lakes in semi-arid southeastern Australia provide some of the most continuous combined palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records on the continent. These are best preserved within the transverse shoreline (lunette) dunes... more
The early archaeological record of Beringia is complicated by the occurrence of several lithic industries. Site assemblages, dating from 14,000 to 12,800 years ago and located from the Yana-Indigirka Lowlands of Siberia to the upper... more
Highlights • Novel application of refitting to the problem of identifying surface clusters of stone artefacts with behavioural integrity • A field method for distinguishing surface artefact scatters with a stratigraphic context from... more
This paper investigates skill acquisition in the past through the analysis of refitted sets of lithic artifacts. The refitted sets belong to the late Upper Paleolithic (cal. 17–14 ka), and were obtained from the Hattoridai 2,... more
Notwithstanding the ample evidence and abundant hypotheses corroborating the crucial significance of the central part of the Nile Valley in the spread of early cultures of Anatomically Modern Humans, research on the prehistory of the... more
The excavations of multilayer open-air Palaeolithic site of Moravský Krumlov IV (Czech Republic) conducted in 2000-2004 unearthed the places of manufacture of bifacial leaf points in the uppermost archaeological layer 0. Both radiocarbon... more
Refitting and conjoinable pieces have long been used in archaeology to assess the consistency of discrete spatial units, such as layers, and to evaluate disturbance and post-depositional processes. The majority of current methods, despite... more
Please cite this article in press as: Delpiano, D., Peresani, M., Exploring Neanderthal skills and lithic economy. The implication of a refitted Discoid reduction sequence reconstructed using 3D virtual analysis. C. R. Palevol (2017),... more
Lithic refitting studies can produce highly detailed data on knapping technologies and cores reduction strategies, human skills, natural and cultural formation processes, lithic economy, and intra-site land-use. However, lithic refitting... more
Several recent refitting studies of Early Upper Paleolithic Ahmarian assemblages from the arid margins of the southern Levant have enabled the systematic investigation of their distinctive technology. The reconstruction of the Ahmarian... more
The paper reports on a Magdalenian open-air site at Eyserheide in the hilly landscape of the southern Netherlands. The site, located on the southern margin of an elevated and loess-covered plateau, comprises stone artefacts made from... more
Technological changes have been identified in several European Middle Palaeolithic sites. Specifically, the turnover in discoid and Levallois knapping methods has traditionally been explained by raw material constraints that are usually... more
"Systematic survey conducted in the Dhofar Governorate of Oman have produced over three hundred surface sites, as well as excavation of in situ archaeological deposits. A number of these assemblages have been classified as part of the... more
The Aurignacian V from Laugerie-Haute, France, has been one of the most problematic assemblages in Paleolithic research because of its typological characteristics and its apparent late chronology. Part of the problem related to the fact... more
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the archaeological remains and spatial patterning studies from the Abric Romaní level K. This is the first level of all the stratigraphic sequence where excavation of the whole surface (279 m2)... more
Recent years have seen a dramatic shift from processual to post-processual theory in Palaeolithic archaeology. As a result, the interpretive focus of archaeological investigations into the material record has begun to shift from the... more
Lapa do Anecrial is a small cave site located in central Portuguese Estremadura. Three field seasons (1992, 1993 and 1995) have provided a stratigraphic sequence spanning the transition from the Gravettian to the Solutrean, with three... more
This chapter presents the main avenues of research in prehistoric lithic technology. More then a complete list of different ways of studying lithic artefacts, we focus primarily on the research that CIPA’s palaeotechnology team has... more
In 1993 a shallow pit directly associated with a concentration of lithic material were interpreted as the remains of a small dwelling from the Kongemose Culture (Grøn & Sørensen 1996). This interpretation was based on a) the structural... more
Lapa do Anecrial is a cave site located in central Portuguese Estremadura. Three field seasons already completed have provided a stratigraphic sequence spanning the transition from the Gravettian to the Solutrean. In Layer 2 (Terminal... more
Een mesolithische vindplaats te Oudenaarde-Donk: een ruimtelijke, typologische en technologische analyse Notae Praehistoricae 27-2007 : 89-99 Een mesolithische vindplaats te Oudenaarde-Donk : een ruimtelijke, typologische en... more
Los abrigos de Finca de Doña Martina (FDM) y La Boja (ADB) presentan secuencias del Paleolítico superior en curso de excavación. FDM contiene un nivel epimagdaleniense superpuesto a un espeso paquete del Solutrense superior, fechado por... more
Das Duvenseer Moor gehört zu den wichtigsten mittelsteinzeitlichen Fundarealen. Neue Forschungen an den exzellent erhaltenen »Wohnplätzen« befassen sich mit der Entwicklung des Subsistenzverhaltens am Beginn unserer heutigen Warmzeit. Und... more