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      Creative WritingWritingShort story (Literature)Literature of nonsense
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness?  If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
The classical Chinese novel had to undertake an arduous journey before it reached the hands of the English-speaking readership. This "journey to the West" will be studied on the example of the novel "Xiyou ji" 西遊記 ("Pilgrimage (or... more
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      Comparative LiteratureChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesSinology
In a unique and innovative approach, the present book wishes to examine the rich, yet apparently peripheral tradition of nonsense language, by focusing on the sometimes marginal genre of nonsense verse. The object of the study is to... more
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsense
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      Italian StudiesChildren's LiteraturePoetryWord and Image Studies
1. I begin not with a work of literature but with a personal experience. One morning a couple of years ago, I went into my local post office to post a package and saw someone I recognised, a heavily bearded man who lived in one of the... more
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      James JoyceNonsenseEpistolary literatureLiterature of nonsense
Esta tesis presenta una lectura de los dos últimos libros de Silvina Ocampo, Y así sucesivamente (1987) y Cornelia frente al espejo (1988), a partir del interés central y aún inexplorado que los relatos de estos volúmenes manifiestan por... more
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      NarrativeNonsenseLiterature of nonsenseTeoría Literaria
Buddhas don't practice nonsense» Bodhidharma, VI sec. I. Prendere sul serio la poesia comica Nulla esige una lettura seria più di un testo che non ha senso. O meglio, nulla esige una lettura seria più di un testo che sembra non avere... more
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      Italian StudiesAvant-garde writingNonsenseGertrude Stein
Anthologies of poetry, whether they contain a single genre or cover a particular period of time, have a strong tradition in the UK and in the USA. This paper will focus on anthologies of nonsense literature written in the twentieth... more
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseLiterary NonsenseNonsense Poetry
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      EthicsMeta-EthicsResearch EthicsNonsense
in "Recipe... Pratiche mediche, cosmetiche e culinarie attraverso i testi (secc. XIV-XVI), a cura di E. Treccani e M. Zaccarello, Verona, Cierre, 2012, pp. 115-154
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      BurchielloLiterature of nonsenseFilologia ItalianaPoesia Italiana Medievale
A discussion of the challenges in translating the accompanying four sonnets by the 15th-century barber-poet Domenico di Giovanni, better known as Il Burchiello. Published in Metamorphoses, available Oct. 2015 in hard copy.
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      Translation theoryItalian LiteratureSonnetsTranslation of Poetry
It's nonsense, but within that, Lewis Carroll's logic in this example strictly follows the logic of Edward Lear's nonsense. This is about the "Banker's" face after his encounter with the Bandersnatch in the chapter "The Banker's Fate" in... more
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      Visual StudiesEnglish LiteratureChildren's LiteratureChildren's reading
CALL FOR PAPERS [French and German Version: see PDF] Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation International Conference, Paris, November 17-19, 2016 Organizers: Vincent Broqua (University of Paris at Saint-Denis) and Dirk Weissmann... more
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      American LiteratureGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
La glorïosa fama di Davitti che Minerva cantò con dolci versi, sendo gli Ebrei spiriti perversi dal malvagio Fiton morsi e trafitti. 4 E perché e granchi son miglior rifritti, pietà mi venne e sì gli ricopersi in Galilëa ubi Petro spersi... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureBurchielloLiterature of nonsense
This paper offers a Bakhtinian analysis of Edward Lear’s limericks to reveal how from a dialogic perspective, the polyphony within the limericks draws readers’ attention to the ways language is used to construct, convey, and deconstruct... more
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's Literature & CultureNonsenseChildren's and Young Adult Literature
This is my assumption: In Lewis Carroll's and Henry Holiday's "The Hunting of the Snark", the "Baker" is an allusion to (among others) Thomas Cranmer. And his forgotten forty-two boxes are an allusion to Thomas Cranmers Forty-Two... more
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      English LiteratureVictorian StudiesVisual CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
A small tribute to Edward Lear, the other master of nonsense verse
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      PoetryLiterature of nonsenseEdward Lear
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness?  If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
Instituto de Estudios Criticos en Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario y de CONICET
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      NarrativeNonsenseLiterature of nonsenseTeoría Literaria
There are obvious problems with the idea of translating nonsense or, for that matter, with paraphrasing it. Whatever may be the case with literary nonsense, they have been largely ignored with respect to (supposed) philosophical... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTranslation StudiesNonsenseTheories of Meaning
A review of Alec Guinness' reading of Lewis Carroll's classic poem.
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      Lewis CarrollLiterature of nonsenseNonsense Verse
Ultimo aggiornamento venerdì 28 novembre 2008
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesRomance philologyLiterary Criticism
A court trial sceene by Henry Holiday in an illustration to Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark". Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) did not want Henry Holiday to depict the Snark in the illustrations. But Dodgson accepted... more
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      Visual StudiesEnglish LiteratureChildren's LiteratureChildren's reading
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseEdward LearNonsense Literature
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesContemporary ArtNonsense
Die geplante Tagung möchte den vielfältigen literarischen und philosophischen Debatten um die Kategorie des ›Sinns‹ nachgehen, insofern sie das Selbstverständnis der Literatur, der Philosophie und der Literaturwissenschaft in ihrem Kern... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyLiteraturePoststructuralism
La crítica e investigadora rosarina plantea que el lugar común que identifica a la literatura de Ocampo como fantástica resulta un pretexto tranquilizador: "Los relatos de Ocampo se definen menos por los tópicos y procedimientos que... more
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseLiteratura argentinaTeoría Literaria
The animation is visible - in (small) - in (large) - and in the downloaded file only (not in the preview). It shows... more
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      Visual StudiesEnglish LiteratureLiteratureChildren's Literature
In this essay I examine how Raymond Roussel and Fernando Pessoa extract a poetics of nonsense from the limitations of language’s signifying potential. From the peculiar self-reflexive rhythm(s) of their work I draw the speculation that... more
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      Literature and MusicPoeticsLiterary TheoryFernando Pessoa
This paper offers a Bakhtinian analysis of Edward Lear’s limericks to reveal how from a dialogic perspective, the polyphony within the limericks draws readers’ attention to the ways language is used to construct, convey, and deconstruct... more
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Este trabajo presenta una lectura de los ensayos de Sergio Cueto sobre el nonsense a partir del modo en que se configura en ellos el movimiento de la resistencia a/de la teoría (de Man 1990). Se propone la hipótesis de que estos ensayos... more
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseTeoría LiterariaPaul de Man
The "Billiard-marker" in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark"
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      IllustrationsChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureIllustrationVictorian Literature
Il 16 dicembre 2014 si è celebrato presso l’Accademia Nazionale di San Luca il centenario della nascita di Toti Scialoja (1914-1998), pittore, poeta, scenografo e critico d’arte. La sua lunga carriera pittorica – dispiegatasi lungo un... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyVisual StudiesArt History
I consider the dispute, not with a view to reaching a final verdict, but for the light it sheds on the notion of philosophical nonsense.  How does it look to a sceptic about philosophical nonsense?  It is generally agreed that the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMetaphilosophyEmpiricismHobbes
Archive: (247 MiB) is a collection for off-line reading of my assumptions (PDF articles) on Henry Holiday's allusions in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark". The 7z archive contains the PDFs... more
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      English LiteratureVictorian StudiesChildren's LiteraturePoetry
Artykuł stanowi próbę zdefiniowania pojęć tragizmu, absurdu i paradoksu, terminów kluczowych według niemieckiego eseisty Waltera Hilsbechera. Jest to zadanie trudne i ciekawe zarazem, głównie z uwagi na fakt, że pojęcia będące przed... more
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      PhilosophyNonsenseTragedy (Philosophy)Albert Camus
This article focuses on some typically Polish literary contexts fundamental for the intertextual humour of Zielona Gęś (The Green Goose, also known as The Smallest Theater in the World) by K.I. Gałczyński, a writer who helped create a new... more
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      Contemporary Polish LiteratureHumour StudiesLiterature of nonsenseHumour
An exploration of Anushka Ravishankar's early body of nonsense literature.
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      Indian LiteratureLiterature of nonsenseLiterary Nonsense
In Humoresques 36 (Automne 2012) : 99-110.
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      Translation StudiesNonsenseLewis CarrollTraductologie
In Henry Holiday's illustrations to Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" you can find a Bellman, a Baker, a Barrister, a Billiard-marker, a Banker, a maker of Bonnets and Hoods, a Broker, a Butcher and a Beaver. Carroll also... more
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      British LiteratureNonsenseVictorian LiteratureVictorian Children's Literature
Two details: [left]: Depiction of "the Butcher" in an illustration by Henry Holiday to the 5th fit in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark (1876). [right]: "The Boyhood of Raleigh" by J. E. Millais (1869). --- The comparison is based... more
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      Visual StudiesChildren's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureIllustration
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseEdward LearNonsense Literature
Un libro de poemas que se hacen solos. Con esa fórmula seductora definió César Aira, en su ensayo sobre Edward Lear (2004), al procedimiento semi-mecánico de creación de los limericks, una forma poética con límites bien claros, cuyas... more
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      NonsenseLiterature of nonsenseLiteratura argentinaEdward Lear
I consider the dispute, not with a view to reaching a final verdict, but for the light it sheds on the notion of philosophical nonsense.  How does it look to a sceptic about philosophical nonsense?  It is generally agreed that the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
IncidentalSnarkhunter.pdf was about how I got into Snark hunting. It was a PDF file made from But as that file is not so important (and the hyperlinks did not work), I removed it from... more
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      Digital CurationChildren's LiteratureVisual perceptionVictorian Children's Literature
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      Samuel BeckettTheatre of the AbsurdLiterature of nonsenseEndgame
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      Translation StudiesNarratologyWalter BenjaminPostmodernism (Literature)
This essay attempts to understand Tagore’s Shey, published in Bengali in 1937, by unravelling the ideology, the language and the design that fashion the text, and the larger cultural purpose embedded in its specific aesthetics.
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      Genre studiesChildren's Literature & CultureAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodFantasy Literature