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A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesGender StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Symposium Contents 1、宗族程式:16世纪的礼仪革命与帝制晚期中国的国家 “La Solution Lignagère: La Revolution Rituelle du XVIe Siècle et l’État Impérial Chinois,” Annales: Histoire, Sciences, Sociales 61:6 (2006), pp. 1291-1316. 2、人类学与中国近代社会史:影响与前景 Original... more
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      Historical AnthropologyRitualMing DynastySocial History
Edition of the 17th-Century genealogical narration of the history of the noble family of Pinós.
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      Catalan StudiesEarly Modern HistoryGenealogySocial Identity
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      SpiritualitySupernatural BeingsSacred kingshipLineage
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      Roman HistoryIdeologyPolitical IdeologyRoman Empire
RESUMO O presente trabalho investiga estratégias sociais de um grupo familiar que se mostrou proeminente no Rio Grande do Sul no final do século XVIII e que foi capaz de se manter no topo da hierarquia social por certo tempo, a julgar... more
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      HistorySocial HistoryFamily historyHistória do Brasil
RESUMO: Durante a Idade Média, houve diversas narrativas que eram transmitidas oralmente, e que tinham como herança uma mitologia prévia foram transcritas para o papel, e modificada junto ao contexto ocidental cristão. A produção que se... more
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      Medieval FrancePortugal (History)Lineage
The Lineage (silsilah) of the NUR-Fāṭimīya Sufi Order
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      LineageFatimiya Sufi Order
In the days of the epic poem Beowulf, a king’s strength was determined by his will, competence, wealth, and power. He had to rule over entire tribes of people and had to be willing to put down any rebellion. But he was human, for he... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityLiterary CriticismPower and Authority in the Middle AgesBeowulf
This essay examines Nader Shah Afshar's attempts to legitimize his rule by dint of his Turkic background. Over the course of his rise to power and reign, Nader consistently argued that his Afshar and Turkman affiliations granted him the... more
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      TurkmenIranian StudiesEighteenth Century HistoryHistory of Iran
...According to the traditional analysis of Macbeth, the central topic and the reason behind Macbeth’s fatal ending is his ambition. In the Thrift Study Edition of Macbeth (2012:135), it is pointed out that ‘Macbeth’s road to ruin is... more
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      English LiteratureShakespeareMacbethTragedy
critical historical review of descent or lineage theory in anthropology
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      Anthropology of KinshipLineage
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Introduction to a genealogy of the noble family of Pinós. The text was written in the 17th Century and continued in the following one by probably two members of the Pinós lineage.
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      Catalan StudiesEarly Modern HistoryGenealogySocial Identity
Abstract Every culture has its own philosophical explanation about the afterlife or about death. All such explanations express death as meaningful and need to be expressive. Grief and other concepts in these expressions can be read... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyColonialismBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
has ramifications for discussions of pedagogy. Using the lineal tradition of pianist Lennie Tristano and saxophonist Lee Konitz as a case study, this paper considers these issues as well as how lineal traditions may fit with the current... more
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      ImprovisationPedagogyLineageLee Konitz & Lennie Tristano
La presente monografía aporta una nueva perspectiva a los estudios sobre las familias de las ciudades europeas medievales. Se ha afirmado que las familias eran instituciones básicas de producción y reproducción de las sociedades... more
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      Urban HistoryMedieval urban historyMedieval EuropeSocial History
Geleneksel kültürlerin kendilerine özgü yapıları içinde atasözleri ve akrabalık sistemleri, bu toplumlara dair anlam üretiminde ayrı ayrı önemlere sahiptir. Atasözleri üzerine oluşmuş olan literatürün üzerinde uzlaştığı hususlardan... more
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      FolkloreProverbsKinshipTurkish Folklore
An unfinished genealogical work relating to the canons of Mons (Hainault) Bibliothèque des Bollandistes, MS. 223 (circa 1755-1760)
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      ReligionModern HistorySociology of FamiliesGenealogy
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      Maritime HistoryChinaBritish EmpireOpium Trade in China
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The nineteenth ,and last, draft paper on the postwar Italian Army series. Aviazione (the Army Aviation) units' lineage to 2004
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      Military HistoryItalyPostwar EuropeLineage
Dialect, region, and lineage—these were the markers of belonging around which both Chinese emigrant communities and the qiaopi trade were organized. However, these local bases of identification could exist in tension with nationalist... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesChinese StudiesBusiness HistoryIdentity (Culture)
Over the past twenty years, two approaches to the history of late imperial China have made especially notable contributions to the field and its general trends: the so-called “South China school” and “New Qing History.” In the academic... more
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      BuddhismEarly Modern HistoryBorder StudiesChinese Buddhism
The appearance and disappearance of Late Neolithic mega-sites in Central Anatolia are poorly understood. These huge agricultural settlements are all the more puzzling that they seem to be unknown from Southeast Anatolia, the area where... more
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      GeographyEthnoarchaeologyArchaeology of Kinship and the FamilyNeolithisation
Throughout Roman history, members of the imperial family featured regularly in central coinage, on reliefs and statues, and in inscriptions – both in Rome and the provinces. Roman emperorship was a de facto dynastic system, which explains... more
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      Roman Imperial IdeologyTetrarchyRoman EmperorsLineage
The appearance and disappearance of Late Neolithic mega-sites in Central Anatolia are poorly understood. These huge agricultural settlements are all the more puzzling that they seem to be unknown from Southeast Anatolia, the area where... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyArchaeology of Kinship and the FamilyNeolithisationSocial Structure
TAVARES, Luís de Barreiros, "Manoel Tavares Rodrigues-Leal evocando e ecoando Fernando Pessoa" de Fernando Pessoa" (2020). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 17, Spring, pp. 350-470. Brown Digital Repository. Brown... more
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      PhilosophyInfluencePoetryFernando Pessoa
While working on Harlech castle and then the Aberconwy Register I suddenly realised that although Llywelyn ab Iorwerth is commonly called the Great these days I have never seen the term used by a contemporary. The result was some... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesWelsh History
Qianhai, the early-Qing order that forced people in southeast coast to evacuate the coast to a distance of ten to eighteen miles inland in order to eliminate anti-Qing activities, is an excellent topic through which to examine the... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBorder StudiesMaritime History
This paper deconstructs the royal genealogy (vaṃśāvalī) of Chambā, a western himalayan kingdom in present-day himachal Pradesh, and compares it with other such attempts to recast and/or reassert the dynastic lineage in the contemporary... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asian History
Located in Southern Ethiopia, the Maale traditionalists act for the preservation of a particular form of ancestor worship. Their society, highly hierarchized, is based on a complex patrilineal organization. Several researchers have shed... more
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      MusicGender StudiesAnthropology of MusicDance Studies
The Italian Signals(trasmissioni), Support (sostegno) and Transport (trasporti) units Postwar Lineage
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      Military HistoryItalyPostwar EuropeLineage
The author studies variables that are usually regarded as the main causes of the decline of unilineal descent organization (statehood, class stratification and commercialization), along with a variable that has never been regarded as such... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityDemocratic TheoryPolitical Anthropology
The Italian Paratroopers (Paracadutisti) and Amphibian troops (Lagunari) Postwar Lineage
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      ItalyPostwar EuropeLineageItalian Army
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      Islamic StudiesIslamIllegitimate childrenLineage
Our cross-cultural tests have made it possible to detect the following factors whose operation appears to lead to a relatively low correlation between unilocal residence and the presence of unilineal descent groups: (1) the presence of... more
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      EthnographyKinship (Anthropology)Social and Cultural AnthropologyFamily
The Tang clan is said to have originated from Dengzhou City, Henan Province, China; members of the Tang clan began their migratory trek 5,000 years ago, and now they claim that there are 7 millions descendents all over the world. Since... more
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      Cultural HeritageChinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Chinese PoliticsContemporary China
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la dinámica que adquieren las relaciones de dominio señorial al interior del señorío de la Casa de los Velasco, Condestables hereditarios del reino de Castilla, partiendo de la forma que... more
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      VillageSeñoríosLineageEuropean manor houses
During the middle Ages, the role and powers of women as queens suggested not only ambiguity and limitation, but also a permanent flux of transformations. For queens of the eleventh and twelfth-century like Emma of Normandy (Emma Ælgifu),... more
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      Gender HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesPortuguese Medieval HistoryMedieval Iberian History
The Italian Alpini postwar lineage.
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      ItalyPostwar EuropeLineageItalian Army
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del conjunto familiar agrupado bajo el antropónimo Bannīgaš. A través de la revisión de las fuentes documentales y cronísticas ya conocidas, se ofrece una reformulación de las noticias relativas a las... more
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      Political Power15th CenturyLineageThe Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
El palacio de Lazcano fue construido por María de Lazcano y Sarría (1593-1664), una de las nobles más poderosas y ricas de su época en Guipúzcoa. Se trata de un brillante ejemplo del Barroco clasicista en el País Vasco, y una de las obras... more
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      Patronage and collecting17th CenturyFemale PatronagePatronage
China has undergone a rapid process of modernization since 1949. The modernization process has accelerated with the development of the market economy and rural-to-urban migration after the 1980s. Nevertheless, Chinese regions still... more
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyCross-Cultural StudiesIndividualismChinese history (History)
Ca'Foscari University of Venice, October 25th, 2018. On exile, soul-summoning, and the retention of embodied teachings. Accounts of the mid-thirteenth century exile of monks from Kōyasan paint a bleak picture of political violence,... more
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      Japanese ReligionsJapanese BuddhismChinese Language and CultureExile
The notions «tribe» and «tribal association» have been used by the archaeologists, including the author, for a long time to define the ethno-territorial communities (the Slavic ones of «antiquity» and Middle Ages as well), correlating... more
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A partir d’une enquête ethnographique en cours dans un ancien village aujourd’hui absorbé dans la ville de Shenzhen, j’examinerai comment s’articulent, à plusieurs échelles temporelles, les rapports entre la communauté lignagère locale,... more
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      HistoryGlobalizationMarxismEconomic Anthropology
The Zhou family is a family of musicians from Lingbi in Anhui Province, China. They are best known for their suona and percussion playing. The Zhou family traces its suona lineage back for seven generations and it likely goes back way... more
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      EthnomusicologyOral TraditionsChina studiesMusical Instruments
The Italian Engineer and NBC Degfence units Postwar Lineage
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      Military HistoryItalyPostwar EuropeLineage