Lila Abu Lughod
Recent papers in Lila Abu Lughod
in Cefai D., Gardella E., Gayet-Viaud C., et al. (dir.), L'engagement ethnographique, Editions de l'ehess, « Temps et Lieux », 2010. CHAPITRE 7 LA CRITIQUE DU CONCEPT DE CULTURE ETHNOGRAPHIES FÉMINISTES ET SUBALTERNES
Veiled Sentiments is the result of fieldwork undertaken by Abu-Lughod in the Western deserts of Egypt between 1978-1980 in which she lived amongst the Awlad Ali Bedouin tribes. The ethnography demonstrates the complexity of Bedouin... more
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
El matrimonio del feminismo y el islamismo en Egipto: el repudio selectivo como dinámica de la política cultural postcolonial* LILA ABU-LUGHOD En el contexto de su análisis de la dialéctica Oriente/Occidente que ha afirmado el velo como... more
This paper is an end semester submission for the course Theory and Methods in Religion.
It's looks into the question of 'voice' of Muslim women, problems of homogenizing and the myth of secular liberal freedom
It's looks into the question of 'voice' of Muslim women, problems of homogenizing and the myth of secular liberal freedom
Special Issue: Gendered Food Practices from Seed to Waste
In this column I argue that one of the most important meeting points between theoretical positions is that between postcolonial studies and feminism. I explore the productive overlap that exists between the two disciplines, as well as... more
Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um die aktualisierte und erweiterte Version meiner Magisterarbeit, die ich unter dem Titel Einheimische Ethnologie. Über Machtthematisierungen zu einer emanzipativen Disziplin im Fach Ethnologie... more
TO READ THE WHOLE BOOK -- PLEASE GO TO THE "CHAPTER" SECTION FOR POETICS WHERE EACH CHAPTER HAS ITS OWN PDF. It has been published in 1990 and is also available for free download from the University of California Press. The romantic,... more
Do Muslim Women Need Saving? é a questão que dá nome à reflexão de Lila Abu-Lughod, antropóloga com um extenso trabalho etnográfico em comunidades no Egito, e que estabelece o mote para a extensa e fundamentada resposta da autora,... more
Pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1986, Sentimenti velati di Lila Abu-Lughod è oggi considerata un’etnografia classica nell’ambito dell’antropologia. Tra la fine degli anni Settanta e l’inizio degli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso,... more
تسعى هذه الورقة لاستكشاف استثمار الأنثروبولوجية ليلى أبو لغد لأدوات الأنثروبولوجيا والأدوات النقدية في تفكيكها للخطاب المهيمن المتعلق بالمرأة في الشرق الأوسط وفهم تحيزاته وعلاقته بالخطاب الاستشراقي والحداثة وخطابات التحديث والتحرير... more
Recension de l'ouvrage Do Muslim Women Need Saving ? De Lila Abu-Lughod
S'il est passé aujourd'hui dans le langage courant, le concept de "culture" joue cependant encore un rôle stratégique qui dépasse le seul débat académique. Je voudrais l'examiner non seulement sous son aspect idéel mais aussi en tant... more