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Leonardo Savioli taught to the generation of Radical Architects by the end of the 1960s, succeeding, at that particular period, to accept their experimental ideas in a mutual and fruitful exchange. Thanks to his curiosity, ability to... more
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      History of architectureLeonardo SavioliStoria Dell'Architettura ContemporaneaItalian Radical Architecture
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      Megastructures (Architectural History)Leonardo SavioliPesciaMarco Dezzi Bardeschi
Il 6 marzo del 1965 si inaugura in Palazzo Strozzi a Firenze l’esposizione di architettura La Casa abitata, promossa da un comitato nazionale sotto la direzione di Giovanni Michelucci, affiancato da Tommaso Ferraris, allora segretario... more
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      DesignArchitectureContemporary ArtInterior Design
The meeting of Leonardo Savioli with Le Corbusier is undoubt- edly one of those that the Florentine architect defines as fatal, in other words decisive, illuminating, necessary.
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      Modern ArtCharles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)Arte ContemporaneaLe Corbusier
The images of the Città ideale and the new urban plan for Firenze prefigured by Leonardo Savioli during the war overlap utopia and reality. They show that the heuristic value of the utopian design is able to overcome the drama of... more
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      Utopian StudiesModern ArchitectureHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureUtopia
Short Abstract (Eng) This peer reviewed essay is dedicated to a reflection on the possibility of the employment of the aesthetic and compositional principle of the assemblage as a design tool for contemporary architecture. Built as a... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsHistory of Art20th century Avant-Garde
Reminiscenze manieriste e ricerca sull’informale caratterizzano l’evoluzione iconografica delle Crocifissioni dipinte da Leonardo Savioli nel 1962. Attraverso la rappresentazione della Passione di Cristo Savioli racconta la condizione... more
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      IconographyArtArt TheoryContemporary Art
La segunda mitad de los años 60, ese convulso periodo generador de experiencias largamente revisitadas, es testigo también de un curioso fenómeno en Italia que, vinculado al auge de los locales nocturnos en Estados Unidos y a un intenso... more
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      Marshall McLuhanCountercultureAndy WarholCedric Price
The essay offers a new interpretation of some architectural works and graphic paintings by Leonardo Savioli dated between the 50s and the early 60s. The hypothesis of reading is that some expressions of the mature work of the Tuscan... more
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      Cultural HeritageModern ArchitectureMannerismLeonardo Savioli
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    • Leonardo Savioli
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      Marshall McLuhanCountercultureAndy WarholCedric Price
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      Leonardo SavioliOttone Rosai
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      Marshall McLuhanCountercultureAndy WarholCedric Price
Between 1966 and 1967 a small group of young architects recently graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Florence staged in two acts planned in the cities of Pistoia and Modena the Superarchitettura exhibition, and unknowingly they... more
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      PoliticsOperaismoRadical ArchitectureLeonardo Savioli
Reminiscenze manieriste e ricerca sull’informale caratterizzano l’evoluzione iconografica delle Crocifissioni dipinte da Leonardo Savioli nel 1962. Attraverso la rappresentazione della Passione di Cristo Savioli racconta la condizione... more
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      IconographyArt TheoryContemporary ArtIconografia