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Zuckermann, Ghil'ad 2008. ‘“Realistic Prescriptivism”: The Academy of the Hebrew Language, its Campaign of “Good Grammar” and Lexpionage, and the Native Israeli Speakers' Israel Studies in Language and Society 1.1: 135-154.
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      Language revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyEnglish as the World's Language
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the direct causal links that exist between the revalorization of the Haitian Creole language and culture, particularly the written code of this language, and the success of any serious project... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyHaitiPidgins & CreolesCreole languages and education
Dell'attività dedicata al volgare nell'Accademia degli Alterati di Firenze (1569-1634) rimane una trattazione ragionata intorno al lessico, ovvero alla struttura e alla formazione delle parole antiche e moderne in toscano, fittamente... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyCultural StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Thorough study on the editions of Antonio Bruni da Manduria, the relation between painters, publishers and authors (ut pictura poesis) in early Baroque Rome and Naples, within the academies of the Oziosi and te Humoristi. Full set of... more
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      PrintsBaroque Art and LiteraturePrinting HistoryEarly baroque painting
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      Hebrew LanguageIsraeli HebrewIsraeliEliezer Ben-Yehuda