Recent papers in CLIL
To cite this article: Robert O’Dowd (2018): Innovations and Challenges in Using Online Communication Technologies in CLIL, Theory Into Practice, DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2018.1484039 In content and language integrated learning (CLIL)... more
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a rapidly growing area of both research and practice in all parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. As a young discipline, CLIL has a good potential of distinguishing itself... more
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more
DRAFT PAPER (UNPUBLISHED) A comparison between the CLIL teacher training in the Spanish education system and other European countries 2 ABSTRACT Teacher training is an essential factor to contribute to the CLIL programme success. The... more
This essay reports the results of a study concerning the application of CLIL model to dyslexia in order to propose methodological strategies able to help people with this disorder to learn languages. The work was addressed to some... more
A list of guiding questions in relation to planning and implementing meaningful CLIL classes in primary
We report on a small-scale study carried out in the University of Cantabria, Spain, which investigated teaching strategies and methodology for CLIL at the tertiary level. The study was carried out in two stages: in the first one we... more
Nel panorama delle esperienze CLIL in atto in diverse province italiane e con diverse modalità organizzative, pare utile riferire di un'esperienza incominciata 15 anni fa in alcune scuole in lingua italiana della provincia di Bolzano. A... more
Wei, R. & Xiong, J. (2010) Ouzhou shuangyu jiaoxue xinjinzhan jiqi kebixing fenxi [New progress in bilingual education in Europe and its comparability with bilingual education in China]. Shijie Jiaoyu Xinxi [World Education Information].... more
Are you looking for a new way to teach?
ABSTRACT This paper aims to introduce pre-CLIL through the CLSL (content & languages [L1/L2] shared learning) model, which operates as a bridge for a full CLIL immersion. It analyses the characteristics of this new learning model that... more
CLIL and inclusion is an innovative match. This-presentation was part of a contribution to the V Symposium at Tunis Unviersity, Department of Foreign Languages, in Tunis, November 2016.
In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts, students are expected to express disciplinary knowledge in a second/foreign language. One construct that has proven useful for the identification and realization of language... more
Un percorso di fisica (fenomeni elettrici e magnetici) per le classi V - CLIL-like activity.
Il lavoro propone un esempio di unità formativa multidisciplinare CLIL da attivare attraverso l'uso di tecnologie strumentali di supporto, corredata da testi, schede di valutazione e autovalutazione per gli studenti.
Fare CLIL significa "apprendere contenuti nuovi e potenzialmente complessi attraverso una lingua straniera": pazzia! Or maybe not! Se gli studenti trovano già tanta difficoltà a comprendere contenuti in italiano da insegnanti fluenti in... more
Zappa-Hollman, S., & Duff, P. (2017). In M.A. Snow & D. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and content (2nd ed.) (pp. 309-321). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
TEACHING PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS ENEMIES is a distribution of my original doctoral dissertation "Language Tangle : Predicting and Facilitating Outcomes in Language Education" ( ) with a new title better... more
This case study re-envisions the objectives of an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program as taught by expatriate staff in a Japanese university. EAP courses in Japan often assume students will study in English speaking countries and... more
This article, based on an action research study performed at a Colombian middle-sized private university, proposes specific strategies to provide feedback to English as a foreign language learners and uses a Web 2.0 tool... more
Argentina seems to favour CLIL (content and language integrated learning) as a language-driven approach in secondary and higher education. In this paper, I investigate curriculum development and lesson planning based on trainees’... more
Case study about CLIL implementation in Pre-Primary clases.
Provides an overview of questioning strategies that are relevant for teachers in CLIL.
This volume contains a selection of thè papers, seminars and workshops presented in thè First International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning (ICELTLi), held at thè University of Santiago, Spain, in September 2008, as... more
In China, as in much of the EFL world, English-medium instruction (EMI) at tertiary level has received increasing scholarly attention. Although EMI in the Chinese context has been examined from different perspectives, most studies... more
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and the concept of teaching non-linguistic subjects in a foreign language was quickly picked up by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the 1990s as an innovative solution to... more
La letteratura recente sul clil mette in risalto le relazioni esistenti tra l’insegnamento veicolare e lo sviluppo della capacità di autonomia del discente nel processo di apprendimento. Entrambi, il clil e l’autonomia di apprendimento,... more
"In her groundbreaking and innovative study, the author takes us on a fascinating journey through some of Madrid's multilingual and multicultural schools and reveals the role played by linguistic practices in the construction of... more
"Language and culture are two elements that are directly related, in the sense that language cannot be taught or used without reference to culture of some kind. Nevertheless, connecting culture and language is not always an easy task for... more
Die Bildungspolitik der Europäischen Union bemüht sich auf der einen Seite, ihre künftigen Bürger auf eine Wissensgesellschaft vorzubereiten, die in einem globalisierten Arbeitsmarkt über höhere sprachliche und berufliche Kompetenzen... more
Nonostante non ci sia una regolamentazione esplicita sulla collaborazione tra i docenti implicati in un curricolo di insegnamento veicolare, non c’è nessun dubbio che l’integrazione tra le competenze del docente di disciplina non... more