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      Literary TheoryLandscape Theory
In landscape architecture, sites are commonly portrayed as being the inspiration behind practitioners' ideas; lending a sense of legitimacy to projects seeking to connect people and place, and strengthening local identity by 'coming from... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape TheoryUrban DesignLandscape Design
Since the advent of modern methods and new constructional approaches in architecture and landscape architecture, traditional architecture techniques which were based on utilizing natural energies have been completely set aside. In this... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesGardens
Mathieu Capel ÉVASION DU JAPON CINÉMA JAPONAIS DES ANNÉES 1960 La décennie 1960 est une période d’intenses bouleversements dans l’histoire du cinéma japonais. L’heure est à la libération sexuelle, à la contestation politique, aux... more
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      Japanese StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm TheoryLandscape Theory
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      Landscape ArchitecturePublic ArtCultural LandscapesEnvironmental Ethics
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      Japanese StudiesPhotographyLandscape TheoryHistory of Japanese Photography
During the South Indian Neolithic period (3000-1200 BC), the agro-pastoral inhabitants of the South Deccan/North Dharwar region constructed large mounded features by heaping and burning accumulations of cattle dung. These Ôash-moundÕ... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape Theory
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape Theory
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      PhotographyLandscape TheoryHistory of Japanese PhotographyLandscape
"By Mark DeKay. Edited Susanne Bennett "This book offers practical and theoretical tools for more effective sustainable design solutions and for communicating sustainable design ideas to today's diverse stakeholders. It uses... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesAestheticsArt
"Charles Moore is central to understanding the continuum extant between Modern and Postmodern architecture. This is not simply because he practiced architecture from the mid-1950s through 1993, spanning the time period between these two... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureHistoric PreservationUrban Planning
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      Landscape TheoryGarden History
va lo r i z z a r e i l pa e s ag g i o L'insieme dei testi qui raccolti intende affrontare il tema del paesaggio secondo il taglio della valorizzazione, termine piuttosto recente nella nostra lingua, dove assume più d'una sfumatura di... more
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      Aesthetics Of NatureLandscape Theory
Edited by Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim, Is Landscape . . . ? surveys multiple and myriad identities of landscape. Rather than seeking a singular or essential understanding of the term, the collection postulates that landscape might... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureLandscape HistoryLandscape Photography
Der Schweizer Dieter Kienast (1945–1998) ist eine Schlüsselfigur der europäischen Landschaftsarchitektur. An einer markanten Wende im gesellschaftlichen Verständnis von Natur suchte er nach einer Synthese zwischen Gestaltung und Ökologie,... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryLandscape Theory
In the Leaves of the World - Japanese Filmmakers and the High Growth Era The years 1960s stand as a time of upheaval in the history of Japanese cinema. A new generation of filmmakers arises, marking its difference from the so-called... more
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      Film TheoryJapanese CinemaLandscape TheoryPostwar Japanese History
An ecofeminist study of two Gothic classics. Stories' movement from picturesque to sublime landscapes interpreted as a metaphor for the feminine sublime's liberation from oppression.
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      RomanticismLiterary TheoryGothic LiteratureEcofeminism
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingLandscape Architecture
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Material Culture StudiesLandscape TheoryGregory BatesonGeorg Simmel
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyPublic Art
The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryLandscape EcologyPalaeogeography
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      Public ArtCultural LandscapesEnvironmental EthicsLandscape Theory
The "stone mound problem" noted in 1960 by archaeologist James Kellar still persists, with these features often ignored, misrepresented, or misunderstood by the professionals who should be responsible for their study and protection. As... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape TheoryWest VirginiaStacked Rock Features
This essay analyzes the text of Giorgio Vasari’s Lives of the Artists across both editions in order to reconstruct the history of landscape painting in Italy as Vasari tells it. First, the advancements made in landscape within each of... more
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      Landscape TheoryItalian Renaissance ArtGiorgio Vasari
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      Landscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesLandscape TheoryGarden History
Introduction to the themed issue edited by Eray Çaylı.
For further information, see
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      Cultural StudiesTestimonyArt HistoryVisual Anthropology
So sehr auch der Begriff der Landschaft geläufig ist und in verschiedensten Kontexten verwendet wird, bereitet seine genauere Bestimmung dennoch größere Probleme. Landschaft ist nicht unabhängig von unserer Wahrnehmung gegeben, sondern... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheLandscape TheoryLandscape19th C. Landscape Painting
El presente libro aspira a convertirse en una guía útil para estudiosos y profesionales que en el futuro hayan de dedicarse con creciente intensidad a las tareas de protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje, puesto que España ha... more
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      Landscape TheoryLandscape and Land-use-history
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesArt HistoryCultural Heritage
Topology in Landscape Architecture is a theoretical framework and tools to recast the potentials of landscape architecture. Landscape architecture is understood as an integrative discipline with a deeply rooted tradition in shaping and... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape TheoryTopologyPhenomenology of Space and Place
John Dewey’s instrumental theory of knowledge offers a starting point for the exploration of new territory in landscape architecture, specifically the gap between intention and reality. This space is always at issue in landscape... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape TheoryPragmatism (Philosophy)Representation Theory
This article is a critical review of some aspects of theories of landscape appreciation in the light of the findings of neuroscience. Four propositions that have been employed in appraisal theory, and which can potentially be informed by... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionNeuroaestheticsLandscape Theory
This paper explores and conceptualises the texture and values of rural heritage, by drawing on empirical evidence from Naxos island in Greece. Informed by landscape theory, it critically examines the character and significance of this... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape Theory
The primary motivation in this essay stems from the problematic consciousness in the field of contemporary Chinese landscape architecture. In the last decades, the relationship has tended to be ambiguous and confusing between landscape... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape TheoryLandscape Design
w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m the notion of landscape as it is articulated across current w w w . a s h g a t e . c o... more
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      ArchitecturePhotographyLandscape ArchitectureUrban Studies
The number of cultural parks has been steadily increasing in recent years throughout the world. But what is a cultural park? This book provides a detailed answer to this question and sets out the basis for an academic debate that moves... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementCultural HeritageTourism Planning and Policy
The "stone mound problem" noted in 1960 by archaeologist James Kellar still persists, with these features still often ignored, misrepresented, or misunderstood by the professionals who should be responsible for their study and... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape TheoryWest VirginiaStacked Rock Features
La crisi che attraversiamo, la mancanza di punti di riferimento disciplinari certi e il senso di inadeguatezza che ispirano i tradizionali strumenti di indagine e di governo del territorio ci spingono a tornare sul campo, ad osservare il... more
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      Landscape TheoryLandscape
My aim is to give an account of what Diarmuid Costello (2005) in ‘Aura, Face, Photography : re-reading Benjamin today’, describes as Benjamin’s ‘mature conception of aura’ (Costello 2005, p. 166). In Part One I discuss aura in regards to... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyWalter BenjaminPhotography Theory
"As an artist for whom both magic and landscape are major influences, the notion of the ‘genius loci’ or indwelling spirit of a place has always been a particularly appealing one. Yet it seems that with regard to the magical practices of... more
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      Sonic ArtPsychogeographyAlchemyLandscape History
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      Cultural HistoryLandscape EcologyArt HistoryArt Theory
In this paper we reject the nature-culture dichotomy by means of the idea of affordance or possibility for action, which has important implications for landscape theory. Our hypothesis is that, just as the idea of affordance can serve to... more
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      Landscape EcologyEvolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)
Estratto da La Val de Sambre et ses friches. Un’indagine progettuale su un territorio produttivo europeo. Tesi di LM in Architettura Costruzione Città, Politecnico di Torino, 26 settembre 2018... more
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      CultureUrbanismLandscape TheoryCritique
ATMOSPHERE 10 explores Fabrications. Fabrications implicate diverse artifacts and modes of making, together with the places, practices, contingencies and intentions that enable and contextualize making. In other words, this symposium will... more
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      Creative WritingIndigenous StudiesDesignArchitecture
This paper considers audio-visual representations of Japan's March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters in exploring the degree to which citizen reportage leveraged by mobile technology and social media give voice to those... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryPhotographyJapanese Language And Culture
La toile twomblienne est difficile à décrire : entre gribouillis et signes de graffiti, écritures calligraphiques et formes géométriques, éclaboussures de couleur, palimpsestes et grattages, effacements de couleur blanche. Son œuvre... more
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      Abstract ArtLandscape TheoryLandscape paintingsPaysage
38 Y(lU ARE T]lE MATERıAI, AIYPo[0GY 0tARTısTs' UsE 0t ]vlAss PARTı0ıPATı0N STRATEGIES tUls SARMENT0 FERREıRA, cRısTı},lA sA 48 0RG0s0t0 MURAts. Aı.l ARTıSTI0 E)(PERıE}'|CE BETWEE},I L0cAt SELF-DETERMıı'ıATl0İ'ı Aı'ıD THt c0ı'lsTRUcTı0N... more
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      Art HistoryLandscape ArchitectureLandscape HistoryLandscape Theory
Now a day most work of the landscape architects are not often seen or are merely visible to the people. As for that, sometimes it prevents the appreciation of the work as an artful work. And also sometimes the work lost their functional... more
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      Cultural LandscapesLandscape Theory