Kings and kingship in 1st Millennium
Recent papers in Kings and kingship in 1st Millennium
Widukindi Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres 229 Liutprandi Operae 230 Ruotgeri Vita Brunonis 231 Adelberti Continuatio Reginonis 232 Rosvitae Gesta Ottonis 233 Vita Mathildis reginae antiquior 234 BIBLIOGRAFIA 235 Fonti 235 Studi 239... more
A survey of evidence for the divinization of the Hittite king during his lifetime or only after his death.
Armenia from the late-ninth to the mid-eleventh century 1 Very few early medieval monarchs have left us evidence that gives us a personal impression of them. Four that have are near-contemporaries. They are Emperor Leo VI of Byzantium... more
Proposals welcomed for a proposed comprehensive history of monarchy aimed for Routledge's 'Histories' series. See attachment for details, proposals due by 1 December 2015.
This is Chapter Four from my 1999 Yale dissertation. Several people have asked me to upload this and Chapter Three from the dissertation, as well. Together, they represent an effort to define "kingship" in a comparative manner. Intending... more
From the dawn of the Neolithic through Byzantine sculpture, this free two-day workshop aims to investigate the materiality of identity and the deployment of the human image in Anatolia, using archaeological, art historical and... more
Relationships between kings and monasteries or convents were governed by three privileges: free election, immunity, and royal protection. While the first two privileges have been extensively investigated, royal protection has attracted... more
In 1 Sam 8:10-18, the judge Samuel warns the people who demand a king to rule over them that, among other things, he will conscript their sons into his armies, compel them to work on his plantations and reap his harvests, take their... more
Please see the attached call for papers for Kings & Queens 5, which will be held at Clemson University (USA) 8-9 April 2016. Please note that proposals are due by 1 Sept 2015.
"The significance of Achaemenid imperial hegemony for the political thought and aspirations of subject and successor societies is evaluated in starkly different terms in the various disciplines studying the ancient Near East. While... more